
Huawei's halo can not block the huge loss of Cialis, and the media said: Cialis is a foundry

author:Look left and right

From the perspective of people's livelihood to see the car market/left and right to watch the car, Hainan report on May 1——

Huawei is Huawei's Huawei, not Cialis' Huawei, nor AITO's Huawei. For Cialis and Qianjie, Huawei is just a high-end supplier of auto parts.

However, all car companies that have cooperated with Huawei have their own dazzling halo. Car companies also lose no time in playing the "Huawei card", and it seems that they have put much more effort into marketing than actually building cars.

It can be imagined that Cialis, which relies on the blessing of the halo, once the word "Huawei" is removed, how many highlights does it have? The end seems to be preordained?

Perhaps, the huge loss in 2022 has sounded the alarm for Cialisla.

Huawei's halo can not block the huge loss of Cialis, and the media said: Cialis is a foundry


Cialis is a new high-end pure electric car brand under Xiaokang Co., Ltd., while AITO is a new pure electric car brand cooperated between Cialis and Huawei.

Cialis and AITO have cooperated with Huawei or equipped with "smart products" developed by Huawei.

Huawei's halo can not block the huge loss of Cialis, and the media said: Cialis is a foundry
Huawei's halo can not block the huge loss of Cialis, and the media said: Cialis is a foundry

On April 2 this year, Xu Lin, CTO of Cialis Group, said: "Our cooperation with Huawei, the brand of both parties is called AITO Qianjie, our cooperation model is truly led by Cialis, Huawei highly empowered joint design, joint development, joint quality control and joint marketing, and Huawei car manufacturing is two different things, here I also shout on behalf of Huawei, indeed Huawei did not build cars, is doing joint development with us." (Such a response is actually marketing Cialis under the banner of Huawei - the author's words). ”

Huawei's halo can not block the huge loss of Cialis, and the media said: Cialis is a foundry

Earlier, on March 31, Huawei Ren Zhengfei issued the "Resolution on Huawei Not Building Cars", clarifying the fact that "Huawei does not build cars".

Before that, Cialis had been marketing under the banner of Huawei, for example, in early March this year, Cialis released a poster, and the original slogan "AITO Ask the World" became "HUAWEI Ask the Boundary". This change has led the outside world to speculate that Huawei's car manufacturing is credible. Therefore, there was a resolution signed by Huawei Ren Zhengfei, using "Huawei's statement that it does not build cars" to further dispel the market's speculation, and also let the market understand that all propaganda and momentum under the banner of Huawei car manufacturing are "fox fake tiger power".

Huawei's halo can not block the huge loss of Cialis, and the media said: Cialis is a foundry

In essence, Cialis builds cars, and Huawei only plays the role of supplier. By analogy, AITO is also a car, and Huawei is just a supplier to AITO. According to previous reports, AITO's first M5, a model equipped with the latest Huawei Hongmeng HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit, was officially released on December 23, 2021, once again proving Huawei's role as a supplier.

It should be noted that Huawei is not very interested in the statement that Cialis pulls itself into "Huawei made cars" from time to time. The reason why Cialis is enthusiastic about this is nothing more than to use Huawei's influence to advertise its own cars and drive some traffic to sell cars. However, everything done will be counterproductive, Ren Zhengfei has publicly said more than once that Huawei does not build cars, if Cialis once again "accidentally" stirred Huawei's sensitive nerves, it is estimated that there is no possibility of cooperation, Huawei will be angry about this.

Huawei's halo can not block the huge loss of Cialis, and the media said: Cialis is a foundry


Huawei's blessing, Cialis and AITO will benefit from it, this is a fact, otherwise Cialis would not be keen to play the Huawei card. However, judging from the results, Huawei can't help all of Cialis, and the iron still needs to be hardened by itself, and the product is good to sell the car, that is the real ability. According to the 2022 financial report released by Cialis, the situation of Cialis does not look optimistic.

On April 28 this year, according to the 2022 financial report data released by Cialis, the operating income of Cialis during the reporting period was 34.105 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 104.00%, of which the revenue of new energy vehicles was 24.934 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 482.8%, accounting for 73.1% of the company's operating income. The net loss was 3.822 billion yuan, compared with a net loss of 1.824 billion yuan in the same period. The net loss was 4.296 billion yuan, compared with a net loss of 2.793 billion yuan in the same period.

According to the financial report, the loss after the cooperation between Cialis and Huawei has increased significantly, with a non-net profit of -884 million yuan in 2019, -2.308 billion yuan in 2020, -2.793 billion yuan in 2021, plus -4.296 billion yuan in 2022, Cialis has lost more than 10 billion yuan in four years.

Huawei's halo can not block the huge loss of Cialis, and the media said: Cialis is a foundry

It is not difficult to see that Cialis' losses are gradually amplifying, and if there is no more funds to continue in the future, the difficulty of operation will be imagined.

It should be noted that the financial report released by Cialis is a fusion of data from the two brands of Cialis and AITO.

For the loss in 2022, Cialis said that the significant increase in operating income was mainly due to the comprehensive results of the company's new energy transformation strategy, and AITO's M5 and M7 set a record for the growth of deliveries of new brand models in the year they were launched. Affected by the structural shortage of raw materials such as chips and power batteries, and the continuous high price, the company's production costs are facing greater pressure, squeezing profit space, and affecting the annual profit level, but benefiting from the scale effect brought by the rapid increase in new car sales, the company's gross profit margin continues to rise.

All in all, among many new forces in car manufacturing, the performance of Cialis can only be regarded as dull, even with the blessing of the "Huawei solution", the highlights are only concentrated on Huawei, and it seems that it has nothing to do with Cialis.

For example, AITO will sell 75,000 vehicles in 2022, which gives Cialis a certain amount of voice in the new energy vehicle market, and the media said in comments that the outside world almost all the credit is attributed to Huawei, and Cialis is even considered to be a foundry.

Huawei's halo can not block the huge loss of Cialis, and the media said: Cialis is a foundry


The common problem of new forces in car manufacturing is the lack of quality control, and Cialis is no exception.

Huawei's halo can not block the huge loss of Cialis, and the media said: Cialis is a foundry

On the car complaint platform Qualify, complaints about Cialis have also appeared.

If the owner complains that the Cialis SF5 "tire pressure light flashes, the sensor door and trunk fail". It said, "Normal tire pressure 2.5 instrument lights often dim and bright, induction remote control doors often do not respond at the door, leave often can not close the door, luggage door foot induction is now unresponsive can only be manual." ”

Huawei's halo can not block the huge loss of Cialis, and the media said: Cialis is a foundry

Another car owner complained that "the Cialis SF5 brake failure manufacturer did not reply", saying, "After reporting the problem to the manufacturer, he initially admitted that the problem was detected, and then flatly denied that there was a problem with the vehicle." Refusal to provide inspection reports, refusal to provide real-time data from the vehicle background during the fault. Just say it with your mouth, say it and change it. ”

Huawei's halo can not block the huge loss of Cialis, and the media said: Cialis is a foundry

There is also a Cialis SF5 owner who complains more about the problem, "1. The call machine is relatively slow, and it wakes up automatically when there is no call. 2. The trunk leg sweep is not good to use and often fails. 3. There is no lane centering function in the publicity. 4. The advertised OTA upgrade does not have any intuitive improvements. 5. After high-voltage charging, there are two pile of fault codes 6. Often approach the body handle with the key and do not pop out, and cannot automatically lock the car when leaving. 7. The range is not advertised for 1000 km, and it will not exceed 700 km at most. 8. The self-contained car wifi function advertised when buying a car does not have it. 9. People and keys are on the car, and the car machine automatically locks and closes. Launched in April and discontinued in December, the vehicle depreciation is serious, and the waiting period for replacement parts is long. 11. The charging cover and oil filling cap are often difficult to open. 12. Huawei's smart car machine cannot be upgraded to Hongmeng OS Cialis, and Huawei's listing and sales publicity is inconsistent with the reality. ”

Huawei's halo can not block the huge loss of Cialis, and the media said: Cialis is a foundry

In addition, in March this year, Automotive Quality Platform received a large number of complaints from owners of Cialis Huawei Smart Select SF5 models, mainly focusing on the inability of vehicles to upgrade to the Harmony OS system and the lack of on-board WIFI functions.

Huawei's halo can not block the huge loss of Cialis, and the media said: Cialis is a foundry

According to the owner's complaint, Cialis did not take the complaint seriously, and some problems were reflected or not, which shows that Cialis's after-sales service also needs to be strengthened. Timely solving the problems encountered by consumers is the minimum attitude of car companies, and only in this way can a good reputation be formed among consumers.

(The picture in this article comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted)