
Peanuts are the "fuse" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

author:Dr. Yu Fang talks about health

For diabetes, everyone must be familiar with it, diabetes is called "wealth disease". According to relevant statistics, the number of confirmed diabetes in mainland China has reached more than 100 million, and its incidence rate has reached more than 10%.

The main culprit of diabetes is that the usual diet is unhealthy, irregular and unreasonable. If you do not pay attention to adjusting your eating habits, it will lead to an increase in blood sugar, which in turn will induce diabetes and even cause more serious damage.

Peanuts are the "fuse" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

What are the clinical manifestations of diabetes?

1. Frequent hunger pangs and eating more

Since the sugar in the body is excreted as urine sugar, what is eaten is not enough to maintain the calories the body needs, resulting in hunger pangs in patients.

So people who eat a lot, but still feel hungry, and people who don't usually eat sweets have also begun to eat a lot of sweets. If the above symptoms occur, you need to consider whether you have diabetes and need to go to the hospital in time.

Peanuts are the "fuse" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

2. Polyuria

The typical symptom of polyuria is related to polydipsia, and it is also due to high blood sugar, a large intake of water in the body, under the action of vascular osmotic pressure, excreted through urine.

Although some blood sugar will be filtered once under the action of the glomerulus, if the blood sugar value is too high, there will be a situation where the blood sugar will still exceed the standard after filtering.

In general, the more severe the degree of diabetes, the more urine volume and frequency will be.

Peanuts are the "fuse" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

3. Fungal infections

The feet of diabetic patients will first appear fungal infection, and the recurrence is relatively strong, because the skin resistance of diabetics is reduced, the blood sugar concentration is high, causing athlete's foot, repeated scratching leads to skin damage.

The influence of microangiopathy, peripheral nerve damage, skin damage can not always recover as soon as possible, there will be gradual expansion and erosion phenomenon, severe cases have the risk of local necrosis and amputation.

Peanuts are the "fuse" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

4. Weight loss

Although the amount of diet of diabetic patients has increased, the weight of patients will not increase, but may decline.

This is because the patient has problems such as islet function damage and insulin resistance, and blood sugar has been unable to consume and provide energy normally.

Therefore, in order for the body to function normally, the body can only consume stored fat and glycogen for energy, and over time, the patient's weight will become lighter and lighter.

Peanuts are the "fuse" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

5. Changes in temper

When diabetics find that their temper has become very irritable and often want to lose their temper, this is actually a fluctuation in blood sugar. This may be a symptom of hypoglycemia, patients will have palpitations, hunger and other symptoms when hypoglycemia occurs, there will be related emotional effects, will be more irritable than usual, easy to lose temper.

Therefore, if diabetics find that they inexplicably like tantrums or are easily anxious, they should go to the hospital for blood glucose monitoring in time.

Peanuts are the "fuse" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

Are peanuts the "trigger" for diabetes?

Speaking of peanuts, people may think that they belong to a delicious little nut food, but peanuts contain a lot of oil.

According to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents", it is best not to eat more than 50 grams of nuts per week, otherwise it will not only increase the phenomenon of obesity, but also add some burden to your gastrointestinal tract.

Peanuts are the "fuse" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

Peanuts contain a lot of calories and fat, moderate intake has certain benefits for the human body, can also supplement the lack of fat and calories in the body, help the body in a normal state of operation.

However, if too many peanuts are consumed, it may increase the burden on blood vessels, and will also cause blood vessel blockage and affect blood sugar levels in the body. Therefore, patients with diabetes must eat in moderation and do not overeat.

Peanuts are the "fuse" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

1. Mango

This is a southern fruit, but with the improvement of people's economic level, it is also extremely common in the north. Because it is sweet and delicious, it is loved by people, and it is rich in dietary fiber and nutrients.

The sweetness of fruits is relatively high, diabetics should try to avoid mouth, too much intake will make the blood unstable, affecting health.

Peanuts are the "fuse" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

2. White porridge

White porridge is a very light food, which is why many people will boil white porridge when they don't want to eat in the morning, or choose to boil white porridge at night.

Although white porridge looks very light, the fact is that the daytime glycemic index is very high, because substances such as carb starch will dissolve in water and are more likely to be converted into sugar after entering the human body, resulting in an increase in blood sugar.

Therefore, diabetics must try to avoid white porridge porridge in life, and eat dry food as much as possible in soup foods.

Peanuts are the "fuse" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

3. Durian

Durian smells stinky, and the delicious durian is known as the king of fruits, and people who like to eat it can't wait to eat it every day. People who don't like to eat it can't even smell it, and it is this highly controversial fruit that is not suitable for diabetics.

Durian itself is a nutritious fruit with extremely high nutritional value, and the fat content is not high. But the sugar content reaches 23, so diabetes should stay away from durian, a high-sugar fruit, if you want to protect the health of the islets.

Peanuts are the "fuse" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

4 kinds of foods are more conducive to stabilizing blood sugar, be willing to eat!

1. Oats

Oats are of high nutritional and healthcare value. Oats are rich in B vitamins, niacin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Vitamin E, in particular, is up to 15 mg per 100 grams of oat flour.

In addition, the composition of amino acids contained in it is relatively comprehensive, and the content of 8 kinds of amino acids necessary for the human body ranks first, especially lysine is as high as 0.68 grams. Naked oats are rich in nutrients, it is a low-sugar, low-starch food, and it is beneficial for diabetics.

Peanuts are the "fuse" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

2. Bitter melon

Bitter melon, one of the most common crops on the mainland, contains bitter melon saponins, which promote the secretion of insulin, which lowers blood sugar concentrations.

Therefore, bitter melon is very suitable for diabetics, which is very helpful for stabilizing blood sugar and reducing complications.

Peanuts are the "fuse" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

3. Mung beans

Mung bean is a food very suitable for diabetic patients who are relatively obese, although mung beans contain oligosaccharides, but after entering the human body, it will be difficult to be digested because the body lacks the corresponding hydrolases.

Patients with high fasting blood sugar or high blood sugar after meals can eat mung beans to make the blood sugar in the body well controlled.

Peanuts are the "fuse" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to make the islets strong, avoid 3 foods as soon as possible

4. Fish

Fish can provide high-quality protein and unsaturated fatty acids for the body, try to use boiled or steamed methods to cook, can not grill and fry.

Otherwise, it will increase the salt and oil, destroy the nutritional value of fish, and diabetics should eat fish at least 1~2 times a week.

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