
Catfish that feed on "poop" cannot be eaten? Take off the colored glasses, they are also delicious catfish that eat "poop", can not eat? "Poop" fish farming is very common to take off colored glasses, they are also delicious pond catfish, catfish how to distinguish

author:Seven days of fishing

The impression of catfish in the eyes of the Chinese people, in addition to gluttony and tenacious vitality, is a word "dirty"!

On the Internet, many people call it "garbage fish", it seems to label them as "can not eat", and many people talk about "catfish" discoloration.

Catfish that feed on "poop" cannot be eaten? Take off the colored glasses, they are also delicious catfish that eat "poop", can not eat? "Poop" fish farming is very common to take off colored glasses, they are also delicious pond catfish, catfish how to distinguish

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > catfish that feed on "poop", can not eat? </h1>

A more embarrassing thing that happened some time ago seems to confirm the identity of catfish as a "garbage fish". That is, when a lady was going to the toilet outside, she suddenly found a group of catfish under the pit, seemingly waiting to eat the "poop" that fell from above!

Catfish that feed on "poop" cannot be eaten? Take off the colored glasses, they are also delicious catfish that eat "poop", can not eat? "Poop" fish farming is very common to take off colored glasses, they are also delicious pond catfish, catfish how to distinguish

This surprised many children who grew up in the city, and it turned out that catfish grew up eating "Yoneda Gong" (another term for "dung"), which was also rewarded! After someone watched it, they said on the spot: It's too disgusting, and I will never eat catfish again!

Netizen "Meng Tianjun" said: Just ordered a "signature catfish" the other day, after seeing this picture, the shadow is a little big...

So, can catfish that feed on "poop" still eat it?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "poop" fish farming is common</h1>

Many netizens who grew up in the countryside feel that there is no fuss about fish eating "poop".

Netizen "cool and comfortable" said: When I was a child, this kind of thing of building toilets on fish ponds was very common... Someone goes to the toilet, there are fish below to grab food, and the fish are fat and sell very well...

Catfish that feed on "poop" cannot be eaten? Take off the colored glasses, they are also delicious catfish that eat "poop", can not eat? "Poop" fish farming is very common to take off colored glasses, they are also delicious pond catfish, catfish how to distinguish

This kind of fish, but with the 70-80s grew up, after all, in that era, the cheapest and most effective feed used for fish farming is probably "Yoneda Gong"!

It sounds uncomfortable, but that's the way it really is. Up to now, raising fish with pig manure and chicken manure is still a very common thing.

Could it be that these fish eat "poop" and are all "garbage fish"? Of course, it is not possible to generalize.

Catfish that feed on "poop" cannot be eaten? Take off the colored glasses, they are also delicious catfish that eat "poop", can not eat? "Poop" fish farming is very common to take off colored glasses, they are also delicious pond catfish, catfish how to distinguish

But for catfish, people seem to have become accustomed to looking at them with "colored glasses" for no more than two reasons:

One is that they eat scavengers, no matter what kind of animal's dead bodies they eat.

Second, their vitality is too tenacious, sewers, garbage pits can survive...

Catfish that feed on "poop" cannot be eaten? Take off the colored glasses, they are also delicious catfish that eat "poop", can not eat? "Poop" fish farming is very common to take off colored glasses, they are also delicious pond catfish, catfish how to distinguish

Over time, the labels attached to them seem to be impossible to remove.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > take off the colored glasses, they are also delicious</h1>

Can catfish that feed on "Yoneda Gong" really not be eaten? If you take off the colored glasses to see, they are also delicious!

As a carnivorous fish, catfish is delicate, less thorny, rich in protein and fat, especially suitable for people with weak and malnutrition!

Catfish that feed on "poop" cannot be eaten? Take off the colored glasses, they are also delicious catfish that eat "poop", can not eat? "Poop" fish farming is very common to take off colored glasses, they are also delicious pond catfish, catfish how to distinguish

And the real native catfish, it does not eat everything like the legend.

Usually, they feed on small fish and shrimp in the water, and sometimes they also eat water birds on the surface of the water. The legendary Indian "man-eating catfish" will even sneak up on large animals such as cattle and sheep.

The "garbage fish" that is widely praised by people is actually another kind of omnivorous "leather-bearded catfish", also known as eight-whisker catfish and Egyptian pond catfish, which is a completely exotic species native to the Nile River Basin in Africa, and cannot be compared with native catfish.

Catfish that feed on "poop" cannot be eaten? Take off the colored glasses, they are also delicious catfish that eat "poop", can not eat? "Poop" fish farming is very common to take off colored glasses, they are also delicious pond catfish, catfish how to distinguish

But many people do not distinguish between these two fish that look very similar, and have been mistaking "pond catfish" for catfish! It can be said that the local catfish are mostly carrying the pot for the "pond mackerel".

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > how pond catfish and catfish are distinguished</h1>

Since catfish are not the same as "pond catfish", how can we distinguish them correctly? It's actually very simple, there are two very obvious characteristics, you can quickly distinguish them.

The first is the number of beards, the Egyptian pond catfish has eight whiskers, while the native catfish generally have two long whiskers on their heads, and the two whiskers on the lower jaw are shorter, and the number is significantly less than that of the pond catfish.

Catfish that feed on "poop" cannot be eaten? Take off the colored glasses, they are also delicious catfish that eat "poop", can not eat? "Poop" fish farming is very common to take off colored glasses, they are also delicious pond catfish, catfish how to distinguish

The second is the shape of the dorsal fin, the Egyptian pond mackerel has a long string of fins behind it, and the back of the native catfish is bare and slippery, without this fin.

After recognizing the difference between these two kinds of fish, for the native catfish, foodies should not use false rumors anymore, and please take off your colored glasses and look at them more objectively!

Edit: Old Fish.

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