
Lamp moths put out fires and kill themselves - the lustful people in the Chronicle of History

author:Aspen trees

The Chronicle of History contains many stories of lustful people. Lustful people, both men and women. Men who are bold and bold, and plague the world; enchanting women, lascivious, and provoke great disasters. If both men and women are, they come together and do even more harm. Of course, none of them ended up well. There is a saying after the break, "The lamp moth puts out the fire - self-destruction", the lamp moth throws itself on the fire, and dies on fire, and the same is true of the lustful people, who often find their own death and throw themselves into the net.

Let's start with a few well-known examples. The first is to love Li Ji. In 672 BC, the Jin Dynasty Emperor Li Rong (present-day Lintong, Shaanxi), Li Ji, was extremely beautiful and deeply favored by the Gong Gong. Li Ji was scheming, she wanted to make her son Xi Qi the crown prince, but she saw that Shen Sheng and Zhong'er, Yiwu and other princes not only had virtuous virtue, but also had great power, and if they changed the prince without reason, it would be self-defeating and difficult to succeed, so she carefully planned a whole set of political plots to get rid of the princes Shen Sheng and Zhong'er, Yiwu and other princes, and created a li ji chaotic incident that shocked the Jin dynasty and the princes of the nations. These are all recorded in detail in the "Jin Shijia", about her sinister cunning, here is only a short passage to see: the dedication of the public and private li Ji Yue: "I want to abolish the prince, and replace it with Xi Qi." Li Ji wept: "The establishment of the prince is known to all the princes, and the number of generals and the people are attached to it, so why abolish the establishment of concubines for the sake of concubines?" The king will do it, and the concubine will commit suicide. "Li Ji praised the prince in detail, and the yin people slandered the prince and wanted to establish his son." She ostensibly praised Prince Shensheng, but secretly let people slander him, and eventually forced the former prince Shensheng to commit suicide, and the heavy ear and Yiwu fled, and the means could be described as poisonous. She wept bitterly in front of the offering, claiming to commit suicide, and that the rather reasonable remarks were all hypocrisy, in order to flatter and take pity, in order to win the sympathy and love of the devotee. The consequences of Li Ji's chaotic government were very serious: after the death of Gong Xiangong, the princes attacked and killed each other in order to compete for the throne, and the political situation was chaotic, which dampened the vitality of the Jin state and interrupted the momentum of development since Wu Gong and Xiangong.

Secondly, the emperor is and well known. The Yin Benji says: "The emperor is good at wine and lascivious, and he is inferior to women." Love yourself, and follow your own words. "In order to please himself, the King of Shang Sent People to Collect The World's Rare Treasures, Rare Birds and Strange Beasts, placed them in Lutai and Deer Garden, drank and had fun every time, stayed up all night, and finally led to the death of the country.

Also, King Zhou You's lustfulness also led to the demise of the country. "Zhou Benji" contains: Youwang Xiao loves to praise her. The concubine is not funny, and the king of the ghosts wants to laugh in every way, so he does not laugh. The King of You is a big drum, and if there is a Kouzhi, he holds a beacon. When the princes heard this, they laughed. The King of Shadows said, counting the flames. After that, the unbelief, neither did the interests of the princes. For Bo to praise and smile, King Zhou You," the "Princes of Beacon Theatre", but since then he has lost his faith in the world. Later, When Xiyi Attacked the Zhou Dynasty, King Youwang of Zhou lit the beacon again, but the princes did not come to the rescue, and Western Zhou perished.

As I will say below, I am afraid that not many people know.

The "Chen QiShijia" records the death of Chen Linggong's adultery. In the fifteenth year of Chen Linggong (599 BC), Linggong and his second son drank from the Xia clan. The second son of the gongju said: "Zhengshu is like Ru." The second son said, "It is also like a gong." "Signs of anger. Linggong came out of the wine, and Zheng Shufu shot Linggong at the crossbow stables. The Xia clan in the text is Xia Ji, who is one of the four beauties of the Spring and Autumn Period, and committed adultery with many princes and doctors, leading to a series of historical events. Shi Zai became queen three times, married someone else as a wife seven times, and a total of nine men died because of her, known as "killing three husbands, one king and one son, and killing one country and two secretaries". She was a troublemaker. However, we are mainly talking about Chen Linggong here. Xia Ji first married Uncle Xia Yu, the grand master of Chen Guo, and gave birth to a son named Xia Zhengshu. Later, In her prime, Uncle Xia Died of Illness, and Xia Ji became a widow. Chen Guo's doctor Kong Ning and Yi Xing's father (referred to as the "second son" in the text) both had an affair with her. Subsequently, Chen Linggong, the frivolous and drunken monarch, also committed adultery with her. It is rare for a monarch to commit adultery with a woman at the same time. On this day, the three of them were drinking and having fun at Xia Ji's house, and Chen Linggong joked with Kong Ning and Yi Xing's father: "Xia Zhengshu looks like you two." The two said, "He looks like you." This was just for Xia Zhengshu to hear, he was the son of Xia Ji, for him, this was a great shame, determined to take revenge, in order to maintain his mother and his dignity. When Chen Linggong finished drinking and came out, he walked to the door of the horse shed, and he shot Linggong with an arrow. Kong Ning and Yi Xing's father fled away and fled to the Chu state, and the linggong prince Wu also fled to the Jin state. After Xia Zhengshu killed Chen Linggong, he established himself as the Marquis of Chen.

The Jin Shijia records a story that sparked a war over women. This woman, or this Xia Ji. The original text is: Chu Shen Gong Wuchen stole Xia Ji to Ben Jin, jin took Wu Chen as Xing Dafu... In the sixteenth year of the Jin Dynasty, the Chu general zi rebelled against the wuchen and exterminated his clan. Wu Chen was angry, and the widow retorted: "I will order the son to stop running for his life!" "But please make Wu, make his son a Wu pedestrian, and teach Wu to ride a car and use soldiers." Wu Jin Shi Tong, about Fa Chu.

After Chen Linggong was killed, Chen was in civil unrest, and in 598 BC, the Chu state intervened, quelled the civil unrest, and captured the beautiful woman Xia Ji. This Xia Ji was indeed charming and beautiful, and when Chu Saw it, he wanted to take it for himself. Shen Gong Wuchen was a nobleman of the Chu State, and he stood up and said "no", because Xia Ji was an ominous person, besides, there were many beautiful women in the world, so why should he look for her? Shen Gong Wuchen gave a great truth, "The son is the opposite." However, what he did not expect was that later, Shen Gongwuchen secretly abducted Na Xia Ji and fled to the Jin Kingdom. Zi was furious and provoked the King of Chu to kill many members of the Shen Gong Wuchen family and divide up their family property and territory. Shen Gong Wuchen hated Zi Rebellion and vowed to take revenge. However, it was difficult to fulfill his wish on his own, and the only way was to borrow the strength of others, so he asked himself to send an envoy to the State of Wu on behalf of the Jin Dynasty. Shen Gong wuchen had a certain political talent, and after arriving in the Jin dynasty, he was quickly reused by the Jin Jing gong, who took the opportunity to suggest "linking wu tired chu", and then personally went south, bringing to the state of Wu advanced culture in the central plains, and also brought advanced tactics such as car warfare, and the state of Wu became strong. Shen Gongwuchen also made his son a diplomat for the state of Wu and contacted the central plains states to join forces to fight Chu. After that, the two states of Jin and Wu repeatedly challenged the State of Chu, leaving the State of Chu in a dilemma of two-front combat.

Shen Gong Wuchen prevented others from marrying Xia Ji and successfully kept the opportunity to himself, which moved a lot of thoughts. This shows his cunning and hypocrisy.

Because of his lust for Xia Ji's beauty, Chen Linggong lost his life, and Shen Gong's witches also paid a heavy price for extermination.

The "Family of Qi Taigong" records the absurd things done by Qi Yigong (the son of Qi Huangong). This man was absurd and lustful, and when he was a prince, he hunted with the father of Ying Rong, and won the victory, and took the throne, and broke the feet of The father of Ying Rong, and made Ying Rong a servant. The wife of the mediocre is good, and the palace of the public makes the mediocre multiply. In May, Yi Gong traveled to Shen Pond, bathed for two people, and played. Job: "Broken foot! Rong Yue: "Wife snatcher! "The two of them are sick and this is a complaint. Plotting with the public tour of Bamboo, the two killed the bus, abandoned Bamboo and died. At that time, when Yi Gong was still a prince, he went out hunting with Bing Rong's father, during which the two competed for prey, and Yi Gong did not fight, and he was very unhappy. After Yi Gong ascended the throne, in order to vent the resentment in his heart, he asked someone to cut off the feet of BingRong's father, but asked Bingrong to drive himself. Yong zhi's wife was very beautiful, and Yi Gong rushed into the palace to take it for himself, but let Yong Gong accompany him to the right side of the car, thinking that he was protecting him. In May of that year, Yi Gong went to Shenchi to play, and Bing Rong and Yong Zhi also bathed in the pool, and the two joked with each other, Yong Zhi said that Bing Rong was "the son of a man who cut off his feet", and Bing Rong said that Yong Gong was a "man who was robbed of his wife". Both felt ashamed of this and both resented Yi Gong. They secretly plotted to invite Yigong to play in the bamboo forest, and on the way there, the two killed Yigong in the car, went to the bamboo forest, and left his body behind.

This Duke Of Qi Yi was a lustful and lustful monarch who took the wives of his courtiers and let him do rides every day, which shows that he is not only shameless, but also very stupid. He paid a heavy price for his actions, Yi Ya.

"The Family of Qi Taigong" also records the fact that Qi Zhuanggong lost his life because of stealing love. Tang Gong's wife is good, Tang Gong dies, and Cui Zhu takes it. Zhuang Gong Tongzhi, numbered like the Cui clan, was given the crown of Cui Zhu. Waiter: "No." Cui Zhu was furious, because he was cutting down Jin and wanted to conspire with Jin to attack Qi. Zhuang Gong tasted the eunuch Jia Ju, Jia Ju fu shi, and complained for Cui Zhu to repay the public. In May, Juzi went to Qi, and Qi used jia to feed him. Cui Zhu said that the illness did not look at things. Yi Hai, the public asked Cui Zhu about his illness, so he took Cui Zhu's wife. Cui Zhu's wife entered the house, and Cui Zhu did not come out of the house, and the public supported the pillar and sang. The eunuch Jia Ju covered the official and entered the door behind closed doors, and Cui Zhu's disciples raised their troops from the middle. The public takes the stage and asks for explanation, no, no, no, They all know: "The king's subject is ill and cannot obey orders." Close to the Gonggong Palace. Those who quarrel with the courtiers and have adultery do not know their lives. "The public over the wall, the shot of the public stock, the public fell back, and the public killed it." The wife of Qi Guo Tangyi was very beautiful, and after Tang Yi's death, Cui Zhu, who was then Qi Xiang, married her. However, Zhuang Gong also took a fancy to her, went to Cui's house many times to have an affair with her, and also brought Cui Zhu's hat out to give away. Cui Zhu suffered this great humiliation, and his heart was very hateful, determined to find an opportunity to take revenge. Duke Zhuang once whipped the eunuch Jia Ju, and after beating him, he also asked him to serve himself. Jia Ju really hated Zhuang Gong, but he didn't dare to reveal it in his heart. One day, Qi Zhuang set up a banquet to entertain foreign guests, and Cui Zhu said that he was ill and would not participate. The next day, Zhuang Gong went to visit Cui Zhu's condition and wanted to take the opportunity to secretly have an affair with Cui Zhu's wife. Zhuang Gong came, but Cui Zhu and his wife closed the door and did not come out, and Zhuang Gong held the court pillar and sang there. The eunuch Jia Ju also took the opportunity to take revenge, so he stopped Zhuang Gong's entourage outside the gate and closed the gate. Cui Zhu's party members had ambushed them beforehand, and now they were all rushing out with weapons to clean up Zhuang Gong. The retinue outside the door was in a hurry. Zhuang Gong ascended to the high platform and asked for reconciliation, but it was not allowed; he asked for a covenant, but he was still not allowed; he asked to return to the ancestral temple to commit suicide (if he really wanted to delay time and wait for reinforcements), or not. Cui Zhu's party members said: "Cui Zhu, the minister of the monarch, is seriously ill and cannot come to accept orders. Cui Zhu's residence was close to the monarch's palace. The attendant only knows to carry out Cui Zhu's orders and warns of lustful people, and does not know his fate. Zhuang Gong escaped over the wall, was shot in the thigh, fell under the wall, and was killed.

This Zhuang Gong is really dead. As the king of a country, the harem has a lot of beautiful women, but he still eats in the bowl and looks at the pot, too greedy; besides, this Tang Jiang is the wife of his subordinate minister, how can he get his hands on it? Insulting a courtier, how can he be a king? As for him, he not only did he do it, but he also brazenly flaunted it everywhere, lest others not know, was this not the life of a courtier? Isn't asking for someone else's life the same as asking for your own life? That Cui Zhu, who had both the hatred of taking his wife and the hatred of humiliation, how could he swallow his anger? Designing to kill them is also inevitable.

Lustful, sometimes comes at an unexpectedly high price. The Guan Cai Shijia records that Marquis Cai had married Marquis Chen's daughter as his wife a few years earlier, and in this year (684 BC), Marquis Xi also married a lady from Chen Guo. When Lady Xi got married, she had to pass through Cai Guo, "Cai Hou was disrespectful. In anger, he asked King Wen of Chu: 'Come and cut me down, I will ask for help from Cai, Cai will come, Chu will strike at it, and he can have merit.' Lady Xi was very beautiful, and Cai Aihou, who was originally a relative, was very rude to her and had frivolous behavior. When Hou Hou found out, he was furious and asked King Wen of Chu: "You bring troops to conquer our country, I ask Cai Guo for help, Cai Bing will come to the rescue, and Chu Guo will take the opportunity to attack Cai Guo, and will win victory." King Wen of Chu followed the plan and captured Marquis Cai and brought him back to the Chu state. The Marquis of Ai was detained in Chu for nine years and died in the Chu state. This price is really big enough, but it is also self-inflicted, and no one else can blame it.

The Song Weizi Family records the story of a man who snatched a wife and killed her husband: "The Great Sima Kong Father Jia's wife is good, out, the Dao meets the Dazai Huadu, the governor says, and looks at it." This means that one day in 711 B.C., the wife of The Great Sima Kong's father Jia (the ancestor of Confucius) went out and met Dazai (equivalent to the future minister) Hua Tuo, who was fascinated by Lady Kong's beauty and stared at her intently for a long time. Hua Du coveted the beauty of Kong Father Jia's wife and wanted to take it for himself, so he sent people to spread rumors in the capital, saying: "In the ten years that the Duke of Wugong was on the throne, he fought eleven major battles, and the people were miserable, this is all the sin of Kong Father Jia, and I will kill him to stabilize the people." The following year, "Hua Tuo attacked and killed Kong's father and took his wife", and Hua Du did kill Kong Father Jia and take his wife. Hua Du was a traitorous vassal of the Song Dynasty, and the official was dazai, but he left his name in history not because of any political achievements, but because of this scandal of robbing people's wives.

The Chronicle of History also writes about several great scandals: the adultery of the king and his daughter-in-law. The Guan Cai Shijia says: "In the forty-ninth year, Jinghou married a woman like a prince to Yu Chu, and Jinghou Tongyan. The crown prince stood on his own feet for the Sake of the Linghou. In 543 BC, Marquis Jinghou of Cai married a daughter-in-law from the State of Chu like a prince, and as a result, Marquis Jinghou committed adultery with his daughter-in-law. Enraged by a prince whose father wore a green hat, he joined forces with several henchmen to kill Cai Jinghou and then declared himself a "tyrannical pawn". Although killing his father was a great rebellion, the people of the country felt that Cai Jinghou deserved it, and it was not a pity to die. After The death of Jinghou, the crown prince established himself as a prince, which was Cai Linghou. In 531 BC, king Chu Ling, under the pretext of Cai Linghou's killing of his father, lured Cai Linghou to Shendi, ambushed the armored soldiers in advance, and entertained Linghou with wine and feast. Linghou was killed by the Chu people after he got drunk, and the seventy soldiers who followed Linghou were also killed. Later, the state of Cai was destroyed by Chu. Jinghou's adultery with his daughter-in-law triggered a series of incidents, and in the end, not only did he himself die, but his son died, and the country also perished. The cost is heavy and the lessons are profound.

Similarly, the Chu Shijia also records that the King of ChuPing made Fei Wujie like Qin build a wife for the crown prince. The woman is good, come, not yet arrived, and returned first, saying to the King of Ping: "The daughter of Qin is good, but she can marry herself, and she asks for more for the prince." "King Ping listened to it, married a Qin daughter, and gave birth to Xiong Zhen. More prince married. Unscrupulous and unloved by the prince, he often slandered the prince. Founded at the age of fifteen, his mother Cai Nü was also not favored by the king, and the king was slightly alienated from jianye. For six years, he made the prince build a residence in the city and guard the border. Day and night, he slandered the prince to build the king, and the king ordered Sima Fenyang to summon the prince to build it, and wanted to condemn it. The prince heard about it and died in song. In order to unite qin and jin, king of Chuping promoted the marriage of crown prince Xiong Jian and princess Meng Wei of qin, and sent Fei Wujie to the qin state to welcome his relatives. Fei Wuji saw meng ying's beauty, so he persuaded king ChuPing to marry Meng Ying. King Chuping was very lustful, and was overjoyed to hear this suggestion, and took Meng Ying, who was originally a daughter-in-law, to become his concubine. As a result, Fei Wuji gained the favor of King Chu Ping. However, fei Wuji, who was an old traitor, knew in his heart that although he was favored in front of him, once King Chuping died and Crown Prince Jian sat on the throne, if he did not say the future, I was afraid that even his life would be difficult to protect. Therefore, he constantly divided the relationship between King Chuping and Crown Prince Jian, laying the roots for the chaos in the Chu kingdom. Later, Wu Chu lost the battle for hegemony, and the people of the country resented Fei Wujie and exterminated his clan.

In addition, there is also a record in the "Lu Zhou Gong Shijia" that Lu Huigong married a woman of the Song Kingdom as a wife for his son, but "the Song daughter is good, and the Hui Gong takes his wife"; there is also a record in the "Wei Kang Uncle Family" that Wei Xuangong occupied the wife of the prince, "Xuan Gong saw what he wanted to be good for the prince's wife, and took pleasure in himself, and the prince took his daughter even more."

In the end, none of these people ended up well, but some of them were miserable, some were very miserable, and some were extremely miserable. Sima Qian wrote about them, in fact, to show the public, nailing them to the column of shame in history.

Author: Chen Lixian

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