
The four characteristics of a man's kidney are good, come, see if you are weak

author:Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Zhang Hanfang

Hello everyone, I am Dr. Zhang, Chinese medicine says that the kidney is the innate foundation, which is closely related to our growth and development and SZ, so men want to be in good health, it is very important to nourish the kidney, but due to some bad habits and consumption, many people have kidney deficiency performance, then do you know what performance a good kidney will have? Today I will explain to you one by one, come and see how many you occupy!

The four characteristics of a man's kidney are good, come, see if you are weak

If a person has strong ears, full earlobes, and good hearing, it indicates that the person has sufficient kidney qi, because Chinese medicine says that "the kidney opens the ear", in the five elements of wisdom, so it is said that a person can ear and see clearly, good memory, are inseparable from the replenishment of kidney qi. If you have carefully observed your ears, you will find that it will also change with the loss of time, if it is accompanied by tinnitus, from time to time it will roar, and vision has declined, then pay attention to this time to nourish the kidney.

The four characteristics of a man's kidney are good, come, see if you are weak

The second hair is thick and lush people have good kidneys, some people are young and only have a few hair, and some people still have thick hair even at the age of fifty or sixty, in fact, this is more than the adequacy of kidney qi, because Chinese medicine says: kidney storage essence, its hua in the hair, essence can turn blood, and the source of nutrition of hair is blood, so if the kidney qi is sufficient, the hair will be thick, black, shiny, and not easy to fall off. On the contrary, if a person's hair is dry, frizzy, gray, and often shed, it means that the person has insufficient kidney qi, the sperm blood is not full, and the hair is not nourished.

The four characteristics of a man's kidney are good, come, see if you are weak

The third good tooth can also represent a good kidney, we said before that the kidney is long tooth, that is, the kidney is deficient, the tooth will appear long phenomenon, because Chinese medicine says that the main bone of the kidney is pulp, and the tooth is the bone, if you are old but still the teeth are strong, not lost, but also red light, good spirit, which also shows that your kidney qi is sufficient, kidney function is healthy. On the contrary, if your teeth appear yellow, loose, or even fall out at a young age, this should be noted, it may be that your kidney qi is insufficient, the bone marrow is empty, at this time there is not enough sperm blood to nourish the gums, there is a phenomenon of long teeth, and the problem of teeth is also a reminder that you need to replenish kidney essence.

The four characteristics of a man's kidney are good, come, see if you are weak

The fourth waist and knees are strong and not sore, because Chinese medicine says that the waist is the house of the kidney, so the first manifestation of kidney deficiency is some manifestations of backache, waist distress, and bad waist. Above we also said that the main bone of the kidney, so if the kidney qi is sufficient, our bones will be strong, and then the waist and knees will be strong and not sore. If you often have inexplicable bone problems such as sore waist and knees, neck and shoulder pain, and osteoporosis, you need to pay attention to tonifying the kidney.

The four characteristics of a man's kidney are good, come, see if you are weak

Then today's sharing is here, I am Dr. Zhang, escort your health. #头条创作挑战赛 #