
The ten largest living reptiles in the world

author:Keen Aoyama VLG

Do you know who the biggest reptile in the world is? Have you ever seen a large python over ten meters long? In our mind, reptiles seem to be creatures that sound very scary. Indeed, because a long time ago, dinosaurs that ruled the earth for more than 100 million years were a kind of reptile, and now after the extinction of dinosaurs, the existing reptiles on the earth are still very terrifying. Since most of the larger ones are crocodiles, this video blackhead has found the best of many different types of reptiles, that is, snakes, lizards, turtles and other different species of creatures. Hello everyone, I'm Aoyama, the leader who likes this kind of popular science article bothers you to help like and support, remember to long press like for three seconds to give Kurotsuchi a domineering encouragement, thank you.

The ten largest living reptiles in the world
The ten largest living reptiles in the world

The tenth Komodo dragon, it is the largest lizard known to the world, the average length of this lizard is two to three meters, the longest can reach more than three meters, and the maximum weight can reach more than 300 pounds. They live on the Indonesian island of Komodo and usually prefer to be active in some hot and dry places. Within their area of activity, Komodo is known.

is a top predator. This big guy can prey on almost any animal in its habitat, such as wild boars, monkeys, snakes, and even his own kind, and they will hunt them, including humans. It is a carnivorous lizard that is not picky eater, and whether it is fresh prey or rotting animal carcasses, it is the same for Komodo dragons. In addition, it has a very terrible hobby, that is, it likes to dig human graves in order to eat the corpses buried underground. The mayor of Komundo has hard claws, they have the ability to dig through the soil, and when food is scarce, they look around for animal carcasses to eat. During this time, if some human graves were found by it, they would sometimes dig up the soil and eat it, even the rotting flesh was acceptable, which was terrible. By the way, there is this giant lizard or a species that carries giant poison, their mouths are full of many deadly bacteria, in the wild if one is accidentally bitten by it, it is enough to threaten our lives.

The ten largest living reptiles in the world
The ten largest living reptiles in the world

The ninth reticulated python, it is the world's longest living python, and it is also the world's strongest strangled snake. Reticulated python is also called overlord python, and most of this large python is distributed in various environments in Southeast Asia, such as

They can appear in tropical rainforests, grasslands, and even some rivers and lakes. This large python is huge, with a length of more than 12 meters and a weight of more than 300 pounds. Most of the big pythons that some old people often said before that they can eat people may be this reticulated python, because this big guy is fully capable of eating an adult human. In Indonesia, there have been many incidents of cannibalism by pythons, among which this reticulated python is one of the few pythons that can eat people. In addition, although the reticulated python is huge, it does not carry toxins, it is a non-poisonous python, when hunting prey, they will entangle the prey, through contraction to produce great pressure, strangle the prey to death, and then swallow it whole, very terrifying.

The ten largest living reptiles in the world
The ten largest living reptiles in the world

The eighth green anaconda is actually a forest cockroach living in the Amazon rainforest, it is the largest python in the world, this snake can reach more than eight meters in length, the weight can reach more than 400 pounds, the length of the monk is not as long as the Southeast Asian reticulated python, but the body size is much thicker than the reticulated python, it is the same as other pythons, is also a huge non-venomous snake. They mainly.

It is found in the Amazon basin of South America, where he is a top predator. In addition, the forest cockroach is a snake that washes water, and it spends most of its time in water. In the water, it can hunt almost all animals, including the black caiman that lives with him in the Amazon basin. Not only that, even if you land and enter the forest, there are few animals that are such a rival. Even the most powerful cat eastern jaguars are sometimes hunted by large forest grasshoppers. That is, whether in the Amazon River or the Amazon rainforest, this forest cockroach stands at the very top of the food chain, and they have no natural predators except humans.

The ten largest living reptiles in the world
The ten largest living reptiles in the world

The seventh Cantor giant turtle It is the largest existing freshwater turtle on the earth, the Cantor giant turtle in our country called Yuanyuan, is the largest of the turtles, its body length is close to two meters, weight can reach more than 200 pounds, this large turtle is mainly distributed in Asia, in our country's Yangtze River basin and the south of the Yangtze River are distributed, they are mainly active in inland areas, usually like to inhabit some slow-flowing freshwater rivers, and some amber species are an ambush, Predators are also extremely fierce, it is the same as the vast majority of turtles, once biting our fingers easily will not let go of the mouth is very scary, it is a carnivore, in the water mainly some mollusks and fish, most of the time they are lurking underwater, rarely appear, so the chance of wanting to see them with their own eyes is extremely small, the main reason is actually their number, because the turtle animal has been used as a food mixture for a long time, so they have been hunted by humans for a long time Nowadays, with the continuous deterioration of the living environment, coupled with the pollution and destruction of some rivers and lakes, resulting in a sharp decline in their numbers, almost endangered, in our country, this large old turtle belongs to the first-class protected animals, which is very rare.

The ten largest living reptiles in the world
The ten largest living reptiles in the world

The sixth North American snapping turtle, the North American snapping turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in the snapping turtle family, it is also the largest freshwater turtle in North America, adult North American snapping turtle shell length and up to 80 cm, weight up to 400 pounds, this turtle is mainly distributed in the southeastern United States freshwater, it is a very fierce turtle, the reason why it is called a snapping turtle, because its jaw is extremely powerful, and the surface of the turtle shell looks closer to the skin of the crocodile, And this guy is almost a completely carnivorous regular, in the wild they will eat almost any prey they can catch, you know? This guy's bite force is even higher than the lions and tigers such as large beasts, snapping turtles attack extremely fast, its bite down force can reach more than 800 pounds, this strength is enough to bite off our fingers, in the wild like some waterfowl, snakes and other small animals, sometimes even small crocodiles, North American snapping turtles have the ability to kill them, when hunting prey they often use their tongues to attract fish and other animals, Because the tongue of the North American snapping turtle looks like a small pink bug, and it can also make its tongue imitate the action of the worm to attract other fish close to the entire tongue, similar to a fishing bait, when the prey is close to them, it will attack the prey with amazing speed and strength, usually one bite is enough to cut off the body of some small fish, very fierce.

The ten largest living reptiles in the world
The ten largest living reptiles in the world

The fifth Galapagos tortoise, the largest surviving tortoise in the world, this giant tortoise is native to the Galapagos Islands, Its tortoise shell length can reach up to 1.87 meters, the maximum weight can reach more than 800 pounds, the life span is estimated to be up to 200 years, this tortoise is only in the Galapagos Islands in South America, they have a total of 14 different Asian are distributed on 14 islands, due to the obvious differences in the ecological environment on different islands, so the form of the Galapagos tortoise in different Asias will also be different. This large tortoise is a herbivore, in the wild their main food is cacti, moss, leaves and some berries for food, because these plants are rich in water, so the Galapagos tortoise can survive even if it does not drink water for a long time.

Not only that, even without food and water, they can survive for up to 18 months, are very resistant to hunger, and when humans did not set foot on this island, there were more than 250,000 giant tortoises living here, and later because some pirates and whalers often came here to catch these tortoises for food, once for a time, pirates even directly used the Galapagos Islands as a supply base, hunting turtles on the island in large quantities. By 1995 there were only about 15,000 tortoises left here, and the tortoises on at least three islands had become extinct due to human invasion, and when it became aware that the giant turtle population was drastically declining, they were in turn reared in captivity and various protections, and their population has now recovered to about 19,000.

The ten largest living reptiles in the world
The ten largest living reptiles in the world

The fourth rhinoceros turtle, also called the loggerhead turtle, is a species of turtle that lives in oceans around the world, and the loggerhead turtle can reach a body length of more than two meters and weigh up to 900 pounds. However, in general, the weight of adult loggerhead turtles is more than 300 pounds, more than 900 pounds are relatively rare, the shell of this turtle is usually reddish brown, it is an omnivore, in the water mainly feed on some invertebrates, in the world of all the hard-shell turtles this red turtle size is the largest.

In addition, the head of this red turtle is large, its jaw strength is very strong, a bite down can easily crush the shell of this hard-shelled animal of the conch, this guy's lifespan is also very long, they need more than 30 years to reach sexual maturity, in the wild their lifespan can reach more than 70 years old, or even longer, not only that, you know? There are also more than 100 small animal and plant communities living on their shells, and their shells are like a floating land for these small creatures.

The ten largest living reptiles in the world
The ten largest living reptiles in the world

The third leatherback turtle is the largest in the order of turtles, with a large head, a short neck and tail, paddle-like limbs, no claws, and particularly developed forelimbs, its main food is jellyfish, and it also eats some tunics and molluscs. They are full of big stomachs and can consume the equivalent of 70% of their body weight every day.

The ten largest living reptiles in the world

We know that turtles are toothless, and they rely on the cut of the upper and lower jaws in their mouths to cut off and swallow food. However, the leatherback turtle's mouth is covered with many jagged stalactite-like "teeth". This sharp "tooth" can make the jellyfish in the mouth not slip, which also means that for a variety of jellyfish of different sizes, leatherback turtles can come and eat them all. In addition, leatherback turtles have a very long esophagus, extending through the stomach to the tail and then to the stomach. So the entire esophagus acts like a conveyor belt, constantly transporting, storing, and digesting food.

A huge body that stands out from the rest

Leatherback turtles are unique in classification and are a single species of a single family and genus. Compared to other turtles and turtles, leatherback turtles are very different in body structure. Its carapace is not a bony plate and shield structure, but is replaced by a specialized leathery skin structure. In addition, this leathery skin is not as smooth as other turtle shells, but has 7 distinct longitudinal ridges, which is the origin of the name "leatherback turtle".

Leatherback turtles have the most hydrodynamic body of all marine turtles, with a bluish-black body and gray-white spots. Females have a pink hue on the top of their heads and throats, and are larger than males. Their limbs are flat like oars, with only one trace of a vestigated toe. Leatherback turtles have the largest ratio of forelimbs to body of any turtle, which provides a powerful tool for paddling and swimming. Turtles are known for their slow speed, but leatherback turtles swim very nimble and fast in the water, as if "flying", and can reach speeds of up to 35 kilometers per hour!

The secret to breathing in water

Turtles are reptiles that breathe with their lungs, but about 70% of living turtle species live aquatically, and leatherback turtles are a highly aquatic turtle species. They spend almost all of their lives in the sea, with only females needing to go ashore when laying eggs. Leatherback turtles live in the ocean for a long time, what other breathing methods do they have besides breathing with their lungs?

Obviously, for highly aquatic turtles such as leatherback turtles, the lungs are not their only respiratory organs. The mucosa of the lining of the oropharyngeal cavity has a microvascular system that can exchange gases, and the thin-walled sac in the cloaca can also breathe. Even in low-oxygen seawater, leatherback turtles are not suffocated, sinking at the bottom of the sea for 20 hours. In addition, leatherback turtles have a special countercurrent heat exchange blood supply system on their shoulders, coupled with the barrier of the fat layer, which allows them to dive to a depth of 1,000 meters. This depth exceeds the physiological limits of all other reptiles. Like diving mammals such as sperm whales, leatherback turtles have adapted to the low temperatures and intense pressure in the diving area.

The ten largest living reptiles in the world
The ten largest living reptiles in the world

The second Nile crocodile, the largest crocodile and the largest reptile in Africa, is the most studied crocodile of all crocodile species. They are mainly found in the Nile River Basin and southeastern Africa. It is also found on the island of Madagascar. They prey on antelope , zebra , buffalo , young hippos and elephants , fish and birds. Sometimes it attacks humans. The lifespan is 70-100 years. This huge crocodile is often hunted by humans to make leather from its skin, which is not available in China

The ten largest living reptiles in the world
The ten largest living reptiles in the world

The first harbor crocodile is a crocodile in the family Crocodylidae, the Crocodylidae. The Gulf Crocodile is the largest of the 23 crocodile species and the largest reptile in the world. Male bay crocodiles generally do not exceed 5 meters in length when they reach adulthood, and in some cases can reach 7 meters. The maximum length of females is 2.5-3 meters. Adult male crocodiles can weigh up to 600-1000 kg. The larvae are pale brown with black stripes on the body and tail. Adults are darker , with a yellowish or white belly and a grey end at the bottom of the tail. Records show that the world's largest bay crocodile is 7 meters long. The bay crocodile has 16-19 teeth on each side of the upper jaw and 14-15 on each side of the lower jaw. Bay crocodiles live by the water and make their home in mud nests near lakes or rivers. The bay crocodile is a tropical and subtropical species. The larvae mainly prey on insects , amphibians , crustaceans , small reptiles and fish , adults will prey on larger animals , but mainly mud crabs , turtles , monitor lizards and water birds , and some larger adults will even prey on buffalo , livestock , wild boar and monkeys , as well as sharks. Native to Thailand, Malaysia and other Southeast Asian regions, it is also found in India, mainly distributed along the coast of Southeast Asia to northern Australia and Papua New Guinea.

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