
"Water ghost" Cancer

author:Afon movies

As the saying goes, "There are no wonders in the world." On the earth where human beings live, despite human efforts to discover various natural mysteries, there are still many unsolved magical phenomena Now there are more than 400,000 species of plants on the earth discovered by human beings, and as many as 1.5 million species of animals, so colorful animal and plant world, how should human beings protect them to complement each other?

"Water ghost" Cancer

Indonesian scenery

In the middle of summer 2019, two female university students from Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia accidentally encountered deep-sea "water ghosts" while traveling on Sumatra. They tell people with tragic facts: no matter how developed human production is and how abundant life is, they cannot ignore the protection of animals and plants, otherwise they will be ruthlessly punished by the laws of nature! After two trips to the deep sea, scientists discovered the mystery!

Scary round-faced monster

Betty and Lena are currently university students at melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia. During the summer vacation, the two of them came to Indonesia, the country of southeast Asian archipelagos, for sightseeing.

"Water ghost" Cancer

Indonesian beaches

On this day, Betty and Lena came to the famous island of Sumatra, where the two girls visited a castle left by Portuguese colonists in Europe in the sixteenth century and rushed to Mande Bay to swim with great interest. Bordering the Strait of Malacca, Mande Bay is well connected by sea and is a must for boats. Moreover, the coconut groves, sandy beaches and vast sea surfaces are calm and calm, which is indeed the ideal place to relax and enjoy a summer vacation.

The two young men swam in the shallow sea for a while, and Lena, who had been a swimming champion on the college campus, felt that she was not finished, so she rented a wetsuit and oxygen bottle to go into the deep sea area. Her companion Betty was a little worried and persuaded Lena not to take risks, and Lena smiled confidently without concern: "You can rest assured, I have dived and swam many times in the deep waves of the Great Barrier Reef, do you still care about this calm sea?" Besides, you've been in a diving competition before, so you can experience the fun of diving with me!

"Water ghost" Cancer

Dive under the sea

Seeing that Lena insisted on diving, Betty asked other tourists whether there were shark activities in this deep sea area, and the tourists laughed and replied that this area is indeed the haunting place of whale sharks, the largest shark population in the world, but the local government has set up three strong shark nets in the sea to ensure the safety of tourists, so there will never be any whale sharks.

Despite this, Betty looked at the dark deep sea, but still did not have the courage to go down, Lena carried the oxygen bottle alone, and put on a wetsuit and dived down. Betty waited on the shore for a long time, but did not see Lena's figure. Just when she was full of anxiety, suddenly a sharp-eyed tourist pointed to the sea that gradually spread on the beach as the tide rose and shouted, saying that there seemed to be a person rushing up there.

Betty sniffed and hurried over to see that it was Lena lying on the beach. It's just that Lena's body is motionless, and the oxygen cylinder is lost at some point. When Betty saw this, her brain couldn't help but buzz, and a bad thought suddenly arose in her heart: If you dive in the deep sea without an oxygen cylinder, the consequences will be very terrible, is there really something bad happening to Lena!

"Water ghost" Cancer

Oh my God, she's dead

Seeing Betty trembling and afraid to come forward to face the truth, the other well-meaning tourists tried Lena's sniffles for Betty, only to shout in horror: "Oh my God, she is dead!"

Betty heard the bad news and almost collapsed on the ground. She couldn't believe that her companion Lena had so much diving skills and experience, how could she have drowned during the dive?

Betty suppressed her grief and reported the case to the local police at the first time. After a careful examination, the police and the forensic doctor confirmed that Lena had died unexpectedly due to suffocation caused by prolonged lack of oxygen, but during the autopsy, the forensic doctor found that the bones of both of Lena's arms were broken by brush brushes.

Betty still feels incomprehensible about the police's preliminary conclusions. Because she knows deeply that Lena loves diving by nature, she once won the Melbourne City Diving Competition in secondary school.

"Water ghost" Cancer

Dive under the sea with corals

With Lena's diving skills, it shouldn't happen to lose the oxygen cylinder at random. So Betty pays a high price to hire a local indigenous boy named Sando to dive into the seabed, hoping to find the lost oxygen cylinder to find out the cause of the accidental death of her companion Lena.

After Sando dived to the bottom of the sea tens of meters deep in a rubber diving suit, he saw that it was pitch black, so he turned on the waterproof flashlight, and through the hazy beam refracted by the seawater, Sando found a mottled shipwreck. But when he carefully came to the deck of the shipwreck, he was stunned by the scene in front of him: Oh my God, what kind of guy it is, it is so terrible!

Because in the dim light of the flashlight beam, a round human face appeared, although pale, but blinking two eerie glowing eyes, and slowly approaching Sando like a ghost.

Sando had never seen such a situation before, and seeing the monster in front of him, a thought quickly flashed in his mind: No, it was his own actions that disturbed the ghosts of the dead on the shipwreck, and perhaps they would take revenge on themselves!

Sando hurriedly turned around and tried to sneak away, but in the darkness a cold arm came from the side and suddenly wrapped his arms around his left leg. Sando's scalp tingled with horror, and he slammed upwards with all his strength before he was able to break free from the other's arm wrapped around him. At that moment, although Sando did not dare to look back at all, he clearly felt that the sea behind him was getting colder and colder, as if there was an evil cold air about to envelop his body.

In order to reduce the weight of the dive, Sando was forced to throw away the oxygen cylinder in panic. When he was so suffocated that he almost fainted, he finally swam to the safety of the shore until he was rescued by Betty and the other tourists, Sando's eyes were obviously full of fear, and he shook his head to warn the crowd: "In the future, no one should dive to the bottom of that deep sea area, because there is a shipwreck there, and the ghosts on board will devour every living life!"

A haunted ghost

The tourists listened to Sando's detailed account and looked at each other in amazement, so they asked the other natives about the shipwreck.

"Water ghost" Cancer


An informed indigenous person told everyone that due to the large number of ships passing through the Strait of Malacca, it is not uncommon for black and dark people to have collisions at night. Just a few decades ago, a ship carrying rubber products unfortunately had a serious breakdown in this deep sea area. Due to the heavy rain pouring down on the sea that day, the relevant authorities were slow to receive the distress signal.

By the time the news of the ship's accident was heard, the ship had been completely sunk and all the people on board were killed. As a result, some people spread rumors of dissatisfaction that the dead crew, resenting the people for not being able to rescue them in time, turned into underwater ghosts lurking on the sunken ship, waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on the divers who came to disturb them.

By consulting the relevant information at the local archives, Betty confirmed that the officials involved in the malfeasance of the shipwreck that occurred decades ago had been punished by law. However, in the process of recovering the relics, the complete bodies of the deceased were not seen, and only some of the fragmented bones that fell on the ship were left.

Afterwards, the police launched an investigation, but they could not find out the specific truth, and over time it became a bizarre unsolved case.

At this time, Betty heard these rumors, but shook her head in disbelief. After all, as a college student in modern civilized society, she had a good higher education in school, how could she be as ignorant as the local indigenous people? Even if there are many strange stories left in this world, there can be no real ghosts and ghosts! Betty was puzzled that if it wasn't for the ghost on the shipwreck who killed Lena, how to explain the horrors that diver Sando had experienced. Is there really some other terrible mystery hidden in the wreck?

In order to clarify the truth and give an account to her dead companion, Betty asked Professor Smith, an authority on biology at Melbourne Polytechnic, for help. Professor Smith arrived with his assistant Ham.

"Water ghost" Cancer

Shallow fish with divers

Although Smith and Ham also liked to dive, for safety reasons, they did not rush down to the deep sea area where Lena had an accident, but carried out a detailed investigation to be prepared.

By visiting the local Aborigines, Smith quickly learned something incredible. First of all, a fisherman couple provided that one night, when two people went to the beach to fish and collect nets, the wife who was standing in the waist-deep water suddenly felt that her legs were entangled in something, and it was getting tighter and tighter, and it was almost like a stranglehold into the bone marrow.

She cried out to her husband in horror, and his husband could not see what kind of monster was under the water, and in the panic, she could only use her suckling strength to pull her wife to the shore, and finally rescued her wife, but found that one of her rubber water shoes had been taken off by the monster.

Then another young man on crutches told Professor Smith that he was also walking alone on the beach, and without warning, in the sea that was gradually rising with the tide, he suddenly stretched out a long arm and firmly grasped one of his legs. In horror, he couldn't figure out what kind of monster it was, and could only struggle desperately until he kicked off the rubber shoes he was wearing, and then he broke free of the other party's grip, but in a pain that penetrated into the bone marrow, he shouted for help before he ran a few steps and fell on the beach and fainted. When he was taken to the hospital by the people who heard the noise, he found that his leg was severely fractured, and even after treatment, he could only walk on crutches.

Professor Smith and his assistant Ham learned of the above situation and went to the archives to consult the relevant marine materials again, and learned that the deep sea area had not seen any other fierce and aggressive marine animals except for the occasional visit of whale sharks.

"Water ghost" Cancer

Mande Bay Resort

Moreover, since Mande Bay was developed as a tourist resort, the local government has spent a lot of money to set up three impregnable shark nets in the ocean to ensure the safety of tourists, so it is impossible to cause a terrorist accident of whale sharks attacking tourists. And once the whale shark is close to the beach with the tide, it will run aground and can't return to the sea, so what kind of monster will kill Lena?

The truth that comes from human sin

Professor Smith and his assistant Ham rented wetsuits and oxygen cylinders and resolutely sneaked into the deep sea area with the support of the local police.

"Water ghost" Cancer

Deep sea diving

As the sea gradually dimmed as the depth increased, the two had to rely on high-strength waterproof torches for illumination. After some painstaking searching, Smith and Ham finally found the shipwreck. In the dim light of the flashlight, I saw it like a huge zombie monster, quietly crouching on the bottom of the sea.

Professor Smith had just stood on the deck of the shipwreck when Ham deliberately dragged him and gestured for the danger to evacuate. Smith looked up in confusion and was startled. Because just ten meters above the slope, there is obviously a vicious twisted round face.

Smith never believed in the ghost's deception, so he took out the high-voltage electric baton for self-defense and rushed up to this strange face. Ham, fearing that the professor would have an accident, also swung the electric baton from the flank to hit the strange face When the two electric batons hit the strange face at the same time, it tumbled violently in the sea water, convulsing for a while and then could no longer move.

After Smith and Ham dragged the monster back to the beach on the shore, it became clear that it was a fish with a round face and its eyes glowing in the dark. Smith laughed and told everyone that this fish is called the Australian giant salamander, because the face is similar to the young human face, so it is also called the marine baby fish. It's just that it is extremely rare in number, and it has been rare to see for many years, and I never thought that such a large marine baby fish could be caught here.

Although the truth of the round face was clear, what made Smith wonder again was that in addition to its terrifying appearance, the marine baby fish was not fierce, it had no sharp teeth and no strong arms, how could it break Lena's two arms?

When Smith and Ham dive to the bottom of the sea for the second time, they effortlessly find the oxygen cylinder that Lena discarded on the deck of the shipwreck, but they still can't solve the mystery of Lena's broken arm. After discussion, the two men believed that the unknown monster often moved at high tide at night, so they crouched on the beach and waited. In order to fully attract the monster to the bait, at Smith's behest, Ham specially purchased several fake rubber dolls and buried them half-buried on the beach.

On a faint moonlit night, Smith and Ham waited for the expected monster to appear. I saw that as the waves rose and fell, several roughly square black shadows flew strangely towards the rubber dolls, and frantically dragged and bit them. Before the guys could notice, Smith pulled the trigger of the anesthesia gun in his hand. The two monsters fell on the spot, and the rest fled back to the deep sea.

"Water ghost" Cancer

"Ghost" Cancer

The next day, when Smith and Ham showed the captured monster in public, people were stunned! Oh my God, it wasn't really a ghost on a sunken ship, but two huge super three-wart pike crabs. After measuring one of them, Smith came up with the data that the barracuda crab was 1.2 meters long, weighed 24 kilograms, and its hard and powerful pliers were like steel bars, enough to strangle the arms and thighs of the human body. Apparently, Lena was killed by its attack at the bottom of the sea.

Professor Smith later dissected the two three-warty pike crabs in the laboratory and detected that they contained a large amount of rubber toxins, and concluded that the crabs belonged to physiological genes that mutated before the body grew so large.

Because according to biological knowledge, the deep-sea pike crab belongs to the cold-blooded type of animal, under normal circumstances, it feeds on other fish and shrimp and small sea snakes, and generally does not exceed half a meter in length. However, after such crabs swallow a large number of rubber products, the toxins produced by rubber destroy their original growth genes, so they grow like crazy mutated until they become the behemoths in the pike crab family.

"Water ghost" Cancer

"Hunky" crabs are devouring

Through careful investigation, Professor Smith learned that the sea area of Mande Bay had been leased by a multinational company more than half a century ago. The company set up chemical plants along the coast, and a large amount of rubber waste from the production process was discharged into the ocean, so that a few years later, it caused a large number of deaths of heavily polluted fish and shrimp.

Later, under the strong appeal and protest of people of insight, the local government had to formulate marine protection regulations and order the multinational company to relocate before it could be returned to the people's blue waters.

Despite this, due to the impact of this serious pollution, some members of the local marine three-wart pike crab family have to swallow artificial discharges in the seawater when they cannot find fish and shrimp, and for a long time, they have formed a food fetish, that is, they like to eat rubber items. Wetsuits and waterproof boots are rubber products, so Lena and others wearing such products are bound to be attacked by pike crabs.

"Water ghost" Cancer

"Long-armed" crab

Although the pike crab only targets the rubber products they love, in the process of people breaking free from resistance, it is natural to avoid being broken by its powerful pair of pliers or eaten by the way.

At this point, the rumors about the so-called ghosts under the sea hurting people have finally been completely dispelled in the face of scientific facts. While people finally breathe a sigh of relief, they can't help but be deeply worried about whether the future mutant pike crab will continue to hurt people. Professor Smith smiled indifferently and replied seriously that as long as people really establish environmental awareness and do not let the blue ocean be polluted, I believe that such mutated hunk crabs will gradually return to normal with the reproduction of race.