
"Detective 3" premiered, a group of stars playing with their mobile phones while driving, should the program team apologize

On the evening of April 28, the first episode of the third season of the variety show "Meng Detective Detective" was launched online. In this season, Sun Honglei, Jingjing, Xie Na and many other well-known actors and stars were invited to join. The first issue of the content is based on the TV series "Crazy", and the mode of game and detective is launched. But in the first issue, there are more obvious debatable points. (With copyright restrictions, this article does not use copyrighted screenshots, only poster content that can be publicly circulated for free)

"Detective 3" premiered, a group of stars playing with their mobile phones while driving, should the program team apologize

After the wet market session, the celebrities are divided into multiple teams and need to drive while looking for clues to reach their destination. The clues given by the program group were in the mobile phone content. Therefore, there are very dangerous scenes after scenes in "Detective 3". This group of celebrities, even if they are driving, are looking at their mobile phones while driving, and they look like they are my home right away, and I will drive casually.

In the filming of general TV series, the characters have scenes of driving while looking at mobile phones, how to shoot? Audiences who have watched some of the short video content of the crew should know that the shooting of this kind of bridge is to put the car on a trailer, in this small car, the characters are pretending to drive, but in fact they are not really driving, it is the trailer below running forward. This guarantees basic safety, not only the safety of the cast and crew, but also the safety of ordinary pedestrians on the main road.

"Detective 3" premiered, a group of stars playing with their mobile phones while driving, should the program team apologize

In the first issue of "Detective 3", was it filmed according to the shooting method of the TV series car drama? In the large number of footage content in this issue, it proves one point - this group of stars is really driving, on the real road, in a place full of traffic, while driving, while looking at the mobile phone. This state of driving while looking at the mobile phone is irresponsible for one's own safety, and at the same time, it is also irresponsible for other vehicles and pedestrians on the road.

At the same time, more importantly, a popular variety show has a very powerful demonstration effect. Especially in this show, a large number of star artists were invited. This demonstration effect of stars is very "powerful". Even if they are wrong, their fans will not admit it, and will even confuse the public, replacing the right one with the wrong. In this case, the scene of celebrities driving while looking at mobile phones will play a very bad social demonstration role.

"Detective 3" premiered, a group of stars playing with their mobile phones while driving, should the program team apologize

In the driving school subject one test, there is a very clear one, when driving, you cannot make or receive calls or play with mobile phones. If a phone is temporarily ingress, you will need to pull over and safely stop before you can answer the call. In the past, mobile phones only had the content of making and receiving calls and texting, but now, mobile phones have other functions, so as long as you are driving, you cannot play with mobile phones, which is common sense and the law.

Regarding this content, there have been real-name authentication related legal practitioners on the Internet have spoken, I am not a legal practitioner, therefore, here is only the basic handling work:

"Detective 3" premiered, a group of stars playing with their mobile phones while driving, should the program team apologize

The driver plays with the mobile phone while driving, is to deduct points, to be fined 20 to 200 yuan, the driver's license deducted two points, driving to play mobile phone will distract the driver's attention, in case of emergency, the driver's response ability and reaction time will be greatly reduced, prone to traffic accidents.

At present, the relevant laws clearly stipulate that drivers can be given a warning for traffic violations of making and receiving hand-held phones while driving, and if they do not correct after warning, they can be fined up to 200 yuan and demerited 2 points.

If the driver frequently picks up the mobile phone to watch while driving, it should be considered an act that hinders safe driving, and can also be fined 50 yuan and 2 demerit points.

"Detective 3" premiered, a group of stars playing with their mobile phones while driving, should the program team apologize

Even if it is not from a legal point of view, only from the perspective of safety common sense, it is very dangerous for a star artist like "Detective 3" to watch his mobile phone frequently while driving. Again, this danger is not only a danger to the lives of individuals, but also an irresponsibility for all other pedestrians and vehicles on the road. As a variety show, you must also consider your own social demonstration effect. After the broadcast of content such as "Meng Detective", will it make some drivers feel that celebrities dare to look at their mobile phones while driving, my car skills must be better than stars, and I can also look at mobile phones while driving.

If there are really a large number of drivers and this group of stars in "Detective 3", then there will be a large number of unsafe vehicles on our roads. Based on this, I suggest that the "Detective 3" program team should quickly apologize to the audience for this matter, and emphasize the danger of playing with mobile phones while driving in the process of apologizing. At the same time, the program team should delete these contents of playing with mobile phones while driving as soon as possible, and ensure that such dangerous content will not be filmed in the next program.

"Detective 3" premiered, a group of stars playing with their mobile phones while driving, should the program team apologize

Road safety depends on everyone, the vehicle starts, hands do not leave the steering wheel, do not answer calls, do not look at mobile phones, this is the bottom line of civilization, but also the bottom line of the law. Whether it is ordinary people or the program group, we must have this bottom line, and our society will eliminate a large number of road killers. (Text/Ma Qingyun)

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