
Liu Bei's new skin special effects were officially announced, and the price of three skins was as low as 2455 bonds, and the special effects were comparable to legends

author:Dumb's Canyon Diary

Hello everyone, this is Dumb's canyon diary, which will bring you the latest revelations of King Glory.

I believe that everyone has recently been brushed by the skin of King Glory Liu Guanzhang, because this year's 55 Friends Day skin was given to these three heroes.

Compared with previous years, there are two more skins this year, so this topic has instantly become a hot topic for the majority of players.

At present, King Glory took the lead in announcing Liu Bei's new skin special effects, and it can be determined that Liu Bei's new skin is an epic quality skin, not a legendary skin, but after I watched this special effect, I felt that the special effect was comparable to legend.

Liu Bei's new skin special effects were officially announced, and the price of three skins was as low as 2455 bonds, and the special effects were comparable to legends

And the official also gave a big news, that is, the total price of Liu Bei Guan Yu Zhang Fei these three skins, and finally you can buy these three skins directly in the form of gift packs, the price is as low as 2455 bonds.

Well, without further ado, let's take a look at Liu Bei's new skin effects.

First, Liu Bei's new skin image

Let's first understand the image design of Liu Bei's new skin, to be honest, the new image of this skin is still relatively trendy, and the overall design style is indeed unexpected.

Liu Bei's new skin special effects were officially announced, and the price of three skins was as low as 2455 bonds, and the special effects were comparable to legends

First of all, let's take a look at the poster picture of Liu Bei's new skin, I have to say that the drawing style of this poster picture is indeed the style of a big brother.

If you don't look closely, you may not know what Liu Bei is holding in his hand, it is actually his mask, and at first I thought it was her claws so long.

In the poster picture, some elements of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are actually integrated, such as a horse in the rear, and the image of Zhang Fei after his big transformation.

In fact, the most unique thing is Liu Bei's swallow, the image of this bird has also become very trendy, and purple wings.

Liu Bei's new skin special effects were officially announced, and the price of three skins was as low as 2455 bonds, and the special effects were comparable to legends

Then let's take a look at the modeling of the skin, the overall design is modern technology trend style, the background is also a modern city, and it is also a full-screen background.

From this background alone, you can kill a lot of epic skins in seconds.

The clothing design is indeed very trendy, especially this pair of shoes, which are particularly attractive.

The overall color scheme is also obvious, mainly purple, with some white and black added.

On the whole, there is not much problem with modeling, that is, the face is a little dark, a little dull.

Second, skill special effects

After understanding the skin image, let's take a look at the skill effects of this skin.

Liu Bei's new skin special effects were officially announced, and the price of three skins was as low as 2455 bonds, and the special effects were comparable to legends

First of all, let's take a look at the ordinary attack, which emits some very bright purple-white light effects, as an epic skin, the special effects of ordinary attacks are so obvious, it is simply a legendary skin that kills Liu Bei in seconds.

After opening a skill, the energy falling from the sky wrapped Liu Bei, like lightning, very domineering, and then the special effect of strengthening the general attack was the same as the ordinary attack special effect.

The hit effect will come with an X effect, which is quite domineering and very good-looking.

Liu Bei's new skin special effects were officially announced, and the price of three skins was as low as 2455 bonds, and the special effects were comparable to legends

Then let's take a look at the two-skill special effects, the feeling is to rush forward with a mask, and there are some fragment special effects left behind you, which is not particularly unique, that is, the color is more bright.

After opening the three skills, there will be some masks around, and the shield's ball of light will also show a purple aura.

As an epic skin, I think the overall special effects are relatively good, and the ordinary attack effects with a unique full-screen background are the highlights of this skin.

It has been determined that this skin is a limited-time skin, which means that it is a limited skin, the price of the first week is 710 bonds, and it can be packed with two other skins, and the three skins add up to only 2455 bonds.

Liu Bei's new skin special effects were officially announced, and the price of three skins was as low as 2455 bonds, and the special effects were comparable to legends

To summarize the main points

Liu Bei doesn't have many skins, and this will also become Liu Bei's first high-level epic skin, if there are no legendary skin players who like Liu Bei, then this skin is definitely worth buying.

Those who want to collect skins can also wait for the other two skins to be fully announced before checking whether to buy this exclusive pack.

If you evaluate it from Liu Bei's skin alone, I think this skin is quite good, and it can be regarded as a relatively advanced epic skin.

The above is the whole content of this article, I don't know if you have any other opinions? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and communicate together.