
#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate## Record my 2023 from today#On the morning of April 25th, I went to Guoqiang Minfu Market to buy vegetables, and admired the flowers by the way, and photographed Margaret flowers. Margaret, branch

author:Poetic breeze TG

#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate#

#Record my 2023 from today#

On the morning of April 25th, I went to the Guoqiang Minfu Market to buy vegetables, admired the flowers by the way, and photographed margaret flowers.

Margaret, leafy,

Turquoise and verdant, very beautiful.

Red flowers with white edges, bright astragalus

Rich in color and colorful.

Varied, graceful.

Pink tender, coquettish and gorgeous,

Delicate and graceful,

Femme and moving.

Yellow flowers, bright and beautiful,

Bright and moving, gorgeous and noble,

Intoxicating eyes.

#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate## Record my 2023 from today#On the morning of April 25th, I went to Guoqiang Minfu Market to buy vegetables, and admired the flowers by the way, and photographed Margaret flowers. Margaret, branch
#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate## Record my 2023 from today#On the morning of April 25th, I went to Guoqiang Minfu Market to buy vegetables, and admired the flowers by the way, and photographed Margaret flowers. Margaret, branch
#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate## Record my 2023 from today#On the morning of April 25th, I went to Guoqiang Minfu Market to buy vegetables, and admired the flowers by the way, and photographed Margaret flowers. Margaret, branch
#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate## Record my 2023 from today#On the morning of April 25th, I went to Guoqiang Minfu Market to buy vegetables, and admired the flowers by the way, and photographed Margaret flowers. Margaret, branch
#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate## Record my 2023 from today#On the morning of April 25th, I went to Guoqiang Minfu Market to buy vegetables, and admired the flowers by the way, and photographed Margaret flowers. Margaret, branch
#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate## Record my 2023 from today#On the morning of April 25th, I went to Guoqiang Minfu Market to buy vegetables, and admired the flowers by the way, and photographed Margaret flowers. Margaret, branch
#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate## Record my 2023 from today#On the morning of April 25th, I went to Guoqiang Minfu Market to buy vegetables, and admired the flowers by the way, and photographed Margaret flowers. Margaret, branch
#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate## Record my 2023 from today#On the morning of April 25th, I went to Guoqiang Minfu Market to buy vegetables, and admired the flowers by the way, and photographed Margaret flowers. Margaret, branch
#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate## Record my 2023 from today#On the morning of April 25th, I went to Guoqiang Minfu Market to buy vegetables, and admired the flowers by the way, and photographed Margaret flowers. Margaret, branch

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