
Gospel for crayfish farmers: 7 tips to teach you to effectively prevent and control moss!

author:Shrimp people and crab things

Introduction to moss

The "moss" in the pond, also known as "moss moss", is a general term for filamentous green algae, especially sponge, bristle algae, water mesh algae and so on. Mosses mostly begin to multiply in the spring, and in the early days they attach to the bottom of the pond like hairs, and are dark green in color. When the rain is over, the weather is clear and the water temperature is right, and the moss will multiply in large quantities, as if the net is suspended in the water. When the moss ages, it will become cotton flocculent, floating on the surface of the water, the color is yellow-green, the feel is slippery, the use of artificial fishing is time-consuming and laborious, often after the fishing it grows more ferociously, it is a major problem of aquaculture, so it is necessary for us to have a comprehensive and thorough understanding of the moss.

Gospel for crayfish farmers: 7 tips to teach you to effectively prevent and control moss!

The main cause of the occurrence of moss

1, the pond in winter there is water, the spring is not drained, the pool is not cleared, disinfected, a large number of moss spores exist at the bottom of the pool, once the water temperature is suitable, it will begin to germinate.

2, March and April when stocking seedlings, fertilizer water work is not done well, resulting in water is too clear, the sun directly illuminates the bottom of the pool, the moss spores at the bottom of the pool due to the rise of water temperature and sunlight, quickly germinate and grow.

3, there is moss in the outside water source, accidentally bring moss into the pool when entering the water, because the pond is nutritious and the conditions are suitable, resulting in the crazy growth of moss.

Moss breeds in large numbers in shrimp and crab ponds, and its main hazard is

1. The inorganic salts in the water body are seriously consumed, so that the normal nutrient metabolism in the shrimp and crab ponds is destroyed, and the water quality becomes thin. In some ponds where shrimp, crab and shellfish are polycultured, shellfish feed mainly on algae and organic detritus, and the water quality is thin, and shellfish cannot be eaten, which seriously affects the growth of shellfish.

2, due to the large number of moss growth, resulting in the pool water is too clear, direct sunlight to the bottom of the pool, shrimp, crabs, etc. due to too strong sunlight and stress reaction, a long time, often a large area of disease.

3. When moss breeds in large quantities in shrimp and crab ponds, it will spread throughout the whole pond, reducing the water body space for breeding. When the moss is aging, the filament body is often broken off from the bottom of the pool, floating on the surface of the water, once the shrimp and crab after the water jump to the moss or climb inside, because the moss is like cotton flocculent, shrimp, crabs can not struggle out, entangled in algae filament can only starve to death, so that the survival rate of shrimp and crab farming is reduced. Moss multiplying in large quantities, covering the bottom of the pond, the shellfish farmed at the bottom will suffocate to death, and other farmed fish, shrimp, crabs, etc. will sometimes suffocate and die.

Gospel for crayfish farmers: 7 tips to teach you to effectively prevent and control moss!

4. With the increase of water temperature and temperature, moss dies in the pool. Blown by the wind to the corner of the pool or sinking to the bottom of the black rot, emitting a foul smell. It produces many harmful substances in the decomposition process, corrupts the water quality of the pond, improves the content of ammonia nitrogen in the pond, reduces the dissolved oxygen in the water, and causes poisoning and hypoxia death of farmed aquatic animals when serious.

There are many kinds of aeration products on the market. Traditional aeration products are subject to technology and formulation, generally 3-8 hours of centralized oxygen release. This type of concentrated oxygen release products rapidly release oxygen in a short period of time, oxygen is easy to quickly overflow the water body, the pond retention effect is poor, and the irritation to farmed animals is greater. At the same time, the cost of use is high, and the need for labor is always concerned about the oxygenation. The latest technology is the use of advanced sustained release technology and special formulations, so that oxygen can be slowly released at the bottom of the pool, and the aeration effect can be more than 30 hours. This type of aeration product has low cost, long and continuous oxygen release time, saving time and effort.

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Moss (not too much) is a favorable aspect of shrimp farming

First, moss itself can be used as a bait for the cultivation of shrimp, and shrimp like to eat moss from the beginning of seedlings.

Second, moss is a good habitat and carrier for some such as single-toothed clams and cockroaches, which can indirectly provide shrimp with abundant natural live bait.

Third, the moss itself provides a hiding place for shrimp to prevent the invasion of predatory organisms and improve the survival rate of shrimp fry farming.

Recommended measures to prevent moss in shrimp and crab ponds

In order to kill the moss at the same time, do not cause harm and side effects to the aquatic animals in the pond, we have taken some corresponding measures in the early stage of breeding and in the breeding process, effectively controlling the crazy growth of moss in shrimp and crab ponds, which is now provided for everyone to share:

1. After the winter breeding species are harvested, drain the pond water (pay attention to not accumulating water), expose it and sprinkle the whole pond with quicklime according to 10-20kg/mu.

2, shrimp, crab pond bottom to do flat, remove impurities, weeds, reduce the opportunity of moss attachment growth.

3. Before the shrimp and crab ponds are farmed, take enough pond water, use tea seed cakes 20 kg/mu to clear the pond, kill small miscellaneous fish, etc.

Then water, you can use chlorella for fertilizer, can make the monocytic algae rapid reproduction, water fertilizer, can inhibit the growth and germination of moss. In the early stage of breeding, depending on the change of water color, additional fertilization or water change is added to adjust the pool water, so that the reproduction of algae in the pond reaches a certain density, which can not only make moss not occur, but also promote the healthy growth of fish, shrimp, crabs and shellfish, and the effect is very ideal.

Chlorella is the most common and effective product in the fertilizer process. However, many farmers have purchased chlorella and the effect in use is difficult to achieve expectations. Why? In fact, the number of live chlorella species purchased by everyone in the general channel is very small. The temperature suitable for chlorella growth is 20 to 30 °C, at which time chlorella will rapidly multiply and grow and die. The entire life cycle is around 12 days. Therefore, at room temperature, chlorella has a shorter life cycle. The entire process, from manufacturer to distributor to farmer, takes a long time. The latest technology is to super concentrate chlorella and then store it in a refrigerated storage at 4 °C, transported in the cold chain during transport. In this way, after the farmer receives the ultra-concentrated chlorella transported by the cold chain, it is stored in the refrigerator in time, and it can be directly diluted when used, which is convenient and can ensure the effect.

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Effective method of removing moss

1, the use of manual removal method. This method can be used when there is more moss, but after removing the moss, it is necessary to use a combination of drugs that inhibit moss, otherwise the moss spores at the bottom of the pool will germinate rapidly, and the moss will grow more wildly.

Gospel for crayfish farmers: 7 tips to teach you to effectively prevent and control moss!

2, in the absence of shrimp seedlings, crab seedlings and a large number of moss, you can drain the pond water, pay attention not to accumulate water, exposure and use quicklime to press 10-20kg / mu of the whole pond to scatter, the moss to kill, and then use rapid fertilizer aquatic products to fill the water.

3. When the shrimp pond has been stocked with shrimp fry and a small amount of moss appears, at this time, the water level of the pond should be raised as much as possible, and the moss should be suppressed with zeolite powder and bottom Shukang, and the bottom should be changed with detoxification, and then the algae should be cultivated with chlorella to make the pool water fertile, so that the moss cannot reproduce and inhibit growth.

4, when the shrimp pond has been stocked shrimp fry, moss in the pond and a large number of reproduction (serious), at this time should use drugs to remove it (can not kill, try not to kill, the first choice of fertilizer water to inhibit the moss, while to change the bottom and detoxification).

There is a wide variety of products that have been remodeled. The latest technology on the market is safe and efficient potassium persulfate composite salt replacement negative. Potassium persulfate is known as the fifth generation of disinfectants, green and safe, less irritating to farmed animals, no residue in use, and is currently recognized by more and more farmers. However, when choosing potassium persulfate complex salt to change the negative, we must choose potassium persulfate with a content of more than 20%. The higher the content of potassium persulfate, the better the oxidation. However, due to the higher oxidation of potassium persulfate, the higher the content, the more difficult it is to make tablets. It is difficult for ordinary small manufacturers to do it. Therefore, when choosing potassium persulfate compound salt to change the negative, it is recommended that everyone see the content and try to choose the products of large manufacturers. At the same time, the higher the production technology, the smaller the particles, the larger and more uniform the area of action, and the better the effect.

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Measures to be taken after the killing of moss

After the moss is killed, it will die and rot in large quantities, causing serious pollution to the substrate, which can be used to detoxify the bottom of the net bottom, and then sprinkle the whole pool with amino acid alginate + photosynthetic bacteria, which can effectively fertilize the water to prevent the growth of moss again, and also effectively decompose the rotten substances at the bottom of the pool, regulate the water quality, and prevent the growth of shrimp, crabs and shellfish from being affected.

Gospel for crayfish farmers: 7 tips to teach you to effectively prevent and control moss!

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