
Zinon gate, eighteen kinds of pests of goji berries, how much do you really know? (i)

Goji berry aphids:

It is a catastrophic pest in the production of goji berries, which has a great impact on the yield and quality of goji berries. A large number of adult and aphids cluster in the young shoots, leaf backs and leaf bases of goji berries, and suck up sap, which seriously affects the flowering and fruiting of goji berries and their growth and development. In the middle of summer, the insect population has declined, and after entering the autumn, it has begun to rise again, and there is a second peak in September!

Zinon gate, eighteen kinds of pests of goji berries, how much do you really know? (i)

Goji gall mite:

Frequent pests, wolfberry gall mites harm the leaves, buds, young fruits, young stems, petals and flower stalks of wolfberry, flower buds can not flower and bear fruit after being killed, the leaf surface is uneven, when the whole tree is weak, fruit loss and leaf fall, resulting in reduced yield, serious damage to the leaves of the insect gall 15-25, seriously affecting the yield and quality of wolfberry.

Zinon gate, eighteen kinds of pests of goji berries, how much do you really know? (i)

Goji Berry Rust Mites:

Wolfberry rust mites are the most distributed on the leaves, densely covered in the leaves to absorb sap, a leaf has hundreds to 2000 heads, mainly distributed on both sides of the main vein at the base of the leaf back, since the mite began to pierce the mouth into the leaf, suck the leaf sap, so that the leaf nutritional conditions deteriorated, photosynthesis decreased, the leaf became hard, thickened, brittle, elastic weakened, resulting in the leaf become rusty and fall early, when the whole tree old leaves, new leaves are damaged, leaf epidermal cells necrosis, leaf loss of green, leaf surface into rust color, loss of photosynthetic ability, All fall off early. Then there is a large number of flowers and fruits, which can generally cause a reduction of about 60% in production.

Zinon gate, eighteen kinds of pests of goji berries, how much do you really know? (i)

Goji berry lice:

To harm a variety of fruit trees, goji berries, dragon flowers and so on. Adults and nymphs insert the mouthparts into the leaf tissue on the back of the leaves, suck the sap, causing the leaves to be thin and thin, the tree to weaken, the development of berries to be suppressed, and the quality to decline, resulting in spring branches drying up.

Zinon gate, eighteen kinds of pests of goji berries, how much do you really know? (i)

Goji berry red gall mosquito

imago. Body length 2—2. 5 mm, black-red, with black hairs. The antennae are 16 segments, black, beaded, inlaid with more and long hairs, surrounded by 1-2 rings, and the male antennae are long, the segments are enlarged, slightly oblong, and there is no thin neck.

Zinon gate, eighteen kinds of pests of goji berries, how much do you really know? (i)

Goji berry fruit fly

A fly pest that the goji berry fly feeds on inside the fruit of the goji berry.

Zinon gate, eighteen kinds of pests of goji berries, how much do you really know? (i)