
This 9.4-point documentary vividly interprets the "food color also"

author:Triad Life Weekly

Pay attention to the "triptych cuisine", the comfort of foodies.

This 9.4-point documentary vividly interprets the "food color also"

"When it comes to eating, I always believe that Chinese is better."

Text/Mei Shanshan

Last week, when I watched the first episode of "Sugar" of "Flavor of the World 2" at home, I didn't think that after watching the second episode of "Crab", I suddenly found that I seemed to have cracked the major secrets in Chen Xiaoqing's chess game.

Four words: food color, sex also.

This thousand-year-old truth, which has been passed down for thousands of years, almost constantly ripples in all corners of the second season of "Flavor of the World", and God unknowingly seduces us as human beings, burying the most primitive impulses in our genes.

Not an exaggeration, I have evidence.

01 Cliff honey, the most difficult honey in the world to obtain. , the most difficult honey in the world to obtain.

I checked, the market price is about 10 times that of ordinary honey, and the black market also sells for 60 to 80 US dollars per pound (almost a catty) (about 500 yuan upwards). The most distinctive thing about this honey is its seasonal specificity and the trace elements in its composition that are different from ordinary honey.

This 9.4-point documentary vividly interprets the "food color also"

As the Himalayas, which has the highest peak in the world, it contains a rich variety of flowers and vegetation, which is not available in supermarkets. Whenever the wildflowers rush to bloom, the Giant Himalayan Bees come looking for flavor, sucking on the nectar and carrying it back to the hive.

It's a sweetness with a wild nature.

But then again, what is nectar? They are secretions produced by plant sex organs (flowers) and are specifically used to seduce insects in order to achieve the effect of helping themselves to mate and give birth to the next generation.

They tend to be sweet and fragrant, delicate and flexible. Not only insects, but even people will be addicted when they encounter them. Otherwise, do you recall that when you were a child, did you ever have the experience of eating a bunch of nectar in the safflower buds with your friends at the entrance of the kindergarten?

This 9.4-point documentary vividly interprets the "food color also"

Documentary "Flavor of the World Season 2"

The white-spined triathlon sea urchin is one of the most common sea urchins in Malaysian waters. Living in shallow seas, feeding on moss algae, it can grow up to the size of a hand. The price is not expensive, in addition to the locals love to eat, the Japanese also love to eat.

The most delicious part of the sea urchin is the golden tongue-like part after cutting. Remove the black unknown objects at the bottom, use a spoon to pull (kuai) a whole flap into the mouth, the mouth will be filled with a thick sweetness in an instant. Teeth can not be used, directly with the tongue, you can experience the happiness of blood veins.

What is that yellow part? The reproductive glands of the sea urchin. What about the black discarded parts? Digestive system of sea urchins.

The best time for the sea urchin to be eaten is when the reproductive glands are not yet mature: the sea urchin at that time, full of delicious free amino acids, can make any lip and tooth that enjoys it forget its name, just close your eyes and taste the sweet abundance from the sea.

This 9.4-point documentary vividly interprets the "food color also"

Green crab, commonly known as cream crab.

Steaming in a steamer is the most basic way to eat, but it refers to raw pickling in Ningbo, or pickling in Chaoshan sauce. Chaoshan foodie Teacher Zhang Xinmin called it poison, especially after pickling, put it in the freezer, and took it out half an hour before eating to thaw and cut it.

In the 90th month of the lunar calendar, when the crab paste is thick and yellow, take out the marinated frozen crab and let it thaw at room temperature. The frost cut open the unmelted time, quickly served the table, and took a bite: the golden quicksand was sucked by the lips, and the rich crab paste wrapped around the ice crystals, sticking to the upper and lower jaws and at the same time a little jumping sugar-like stimulation.

Believe me, it's a rare life experience, like eating a unique flavor of "ice cream".

What is the yellow of that female crab? It is the ovaries of female crabs. What about the cream of the male crab? It is a paragonadal secretion of male crabs.

This 9.4-point documentary vividly interprets the "food color also"

So what is Chen Xiaoqing trying to say?

He is telling us that whether it is from the rich protein nutrition and fat accumulation, or the delicate and tender, crisp and strong taste on the taste, the most extreme delicacy in Chinese's eyes is actually a sexual organ.


Chinese and Western aesthetics have never been the same.

A few days ago, I brushed a clip of a women's dance recreating the Tang Dynasty at Station B. The nearly 20-minute video is a woman who wraps the huge skirt behind her body through a slow and graceful dance. At the end of the wrap, the dance ended, and the woman bowed to the object of the performance and left the stage.

The beauty in this is vague and reverie.

This 9.4-point documentary vividly interprets the "food color also"

Photo / Visual China

Of course, the most extreme description of the beauty of Chinese women must be Cao Zhi's "Roselle Endowment".

"Flying like a surprise, gentle like a dragon" "Dan lips are out of the blue, and the teeth are fresh inside." "Ling Bo micro-steps, Luo socks are dusty", Mr. Jin Yong transplanted the appearance of women in this poem into the "Tianlong Babu", which provoked generations of boys to bend their waists.

To sum up, the aesthetics of Chinese, the point is in the connotation, and the intention is reverie. Joy is not a blunt and explicit speech, but a moment through the tulle, closing your eyes, and letting the brain's thoughts fly.

In contrast, the aesthetics of Westerners are completely different.

One of Youtube's hottest shows, "Street Billy Asks", once stood on the side of the road and asked a straight American man this question: Who do you think is the sexy goddess who represents the United States the most? Basically, big cousin Jennifer Lawrence and Marilyn Monroe are two names that can't be escaped. Teachers of the Department of Social and Cultural Studies at the University of Pennsylvania have even published a paper called "Why big cousins are the perfect idols for American girls."

The eldest cousin and Monroe, two people of different eras, share similar beauty: bumpy curves, innocent and cute, informal, real and unpretentious. This contains a deep appreciation of Beauty in Americans, which can be summed up in seven words: true and straightforward carnal desire.


This is also vividly reflected in eating.

This 9.4-point documentary vividly interprets the "food color also"

Food writer Shen Hongfei shared an interview with a program that shocked him greatly. The subject was a white foreigner who had worked in Shanghai for nearly a decade, and he said that he could not understand Chinese eating, and he hated the food that "had to be eaten and then spit out." "I work so hard during the day just to get off work and enjoy it. Why can't you even eat it well, and why do you have to suffer this kind of sin? ”

To tell the truth, if it were not for the foreigners, it is estimated that there would be no Chinese would think that this would be a "problem".

Chinese was born with a technique of swallowing fish bones, bones, and various shells. When eating crabs, use your teeth to bump and your mouth to sniff up, you can suck the crab yellow crab paste into it. If you accidentally bite into the crab shell, the tip of your tongue can spit it out when you twist it.

This ability, foreigners can only kneel and cry when they see it. So they eat crabs and can only eat meat.

For example, king crab, I once ate it on the sea in Argentina. There's almost one at every table, and the way to eat it is strikingly similar: boiled. Once cooked, use scissors to cut open the crab legs and crab meat. This is also because of the huge size and good meat.

More often, the crab is disposed of so that only the crab meat is left behind, and everything else is discarded. The American Crab Cake is the best example: a blue crab only keeps meat, and the yellow and paste are discarded no matter how fat they are. But the amount of crab meat is not much, what to do? Mix with the egg mixture and spices, add some volume and bake.

This 9.4-point documentary vividly interprets the "food color also"

In short, there is only one principle: you can only eat it, you can't spit it out.


When it comes to eating, I always believe that Chinese is better. In addition to the cultural precipitation brought about by the long history, there is also a very important reason, that is, it really moved the brain.

Whether it is the "bald butter" fried with lard from the male crab seminal vesicles of the female crab ovaries, or Su Shi's praise for the puffer fish baizi (that is, the puffer fish seminal vesicles) "luscious far better than the Xizi milk, Wu Wang did not know it at that time" - Chinese never said that he loved to eat gonads, but he poured his love for its taste in every detail of his dietary life.

This makes me wonder if I can't help but spoof a recent stem: if you have more feet, you don't have to split your legs, what if it's a hairy crab with a yellow body? Do you eat or don't eat?

Author Profile

This 9.4-point documentary vividly interprets the "food color also"

Mei Shanshan

Hypertrophy addicts

He ate and drank in New York for 6 years

He currently lives in Beijing

Engaged in writing related to eating and drinking

This 9.4-point documentary vividly interprets the "food color also"
This 9.4-point documentary vividly interprets the "food color also"
This 9.4-point documentary vividly interprets the "food color also"
This 9.4-point documentary vividly interprets the "food color also"

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Heaven south sea north eat and drink together

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