
Dehong Prefecture has made all-out efforts to develop the resource economy, port economy, and park economy with the momentum of saving and gathering

author:Invest in Dehong
Dehong Prefecture has made all-out efforts to develop the resource economy, port economy, and park economy with the momentum of saving and gathering

Songkran Intangible Cultural Heritage Performance Celebrate Songkran

Dehong Prefecture has made all-out efforts to develop the resource economy, port economy, and park economy with the momentum of saving and gathering

Dehong image promotion at Changshui Airport

Since March this year, Dehong Dai Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture has opened a grand carnival of 10,000 people, from border villages to townships, from county towns to prefecture capitals, Mu Nao singing and dancing, Songkran Festival is hi, and people everywhere are crowded and laughing. In recent years, the national festival has become a comprehensive event for Dehong to display national culture, strengthen national unity, attract investment and promote development, and the good investment environment has attracted more enterprises to invest in Dehong.

10,000 people celebrate Songkran

  In March this year, Dehongzhou villages, villages, townships, counties and cities held dozens of singing songs. In April, the unprecedented and colorful Songkran Festival arrives as scheduled, with people picking flowers, offering sacrifices to the Dragon Pavilion, bathing Buddha, sprinkling water blessings, singing and dancing, setting off Kong Ming lanterns, and releasing water lanterns.

  Songkran Festival, also known as Songkan Festival, has developed for nearly 1,000 years, is the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage in China, and is the grandest traditional festival of Dai, De'ang, Brown, Achang and other ethnic groups. The Dehong Songkran Festival generally lasts for 3 days and is held from April 13 to 15 of the Gregorian calendar every year. The first day of the festival is called wanmo in Dai, similar to the lunar Chinese New Year's Eve. The second day of the festival is called wanfu in Dai, which means empty day, and is a day that belongs neither to the old year nor to the new year. The third day of the festival is called Wanpayawanma, which means the day when the king of days comes, similar to the New Year's Day in the Gregorian calendar, which means that a new year and a new day have begun.

  On April 12, tens of thousands of people of all ethnic groups dressed in festive costumes took to the streets of Mangshi, playing elephant foot drums, beating golden gongs, and dancing "Gabuguang", splashing water to celebrate each other, sending blessings to each other, and celebrating the Songkran Festival. From April 12 to 14, Longchuan County's Songkran Festival, flower picking and blessings, bag loss activities, water splashing carnival, national music festival and "Golden Voice" folk song contest and other activities were very lively; From April 13 to 15, the Ruili City Songkran Festival, intangible cultural heritage performances, cultural evenings and other activities were splendid, and the dance "Ga Companion Light" and water carnival in Nong Mohu Park pushed the event to a climax; From April 16 to 17, the Lianghe County Songkran Festival, listen to the moving melody of Hulusi, watch the welcome party cultural and artistic performance, and perform a good show; From April 30 to May 2, Yingjiang County will hold the 2023 Dai De'ang Water Carnival and the 5th Yingjiang International Bird Watching Festival, which will make people linger with rich ethnic customs and special food.

Use festivals as a medium to attract investment

  In 2022, Dehong Prefecture will introduce 23.248 billion yuan of funds from outside the province, a year-on-year increase of 20.7%. In recent years, Dehong Prefecture has firmly established the concept that development is the first priority, investment promotion is the first priority, and first-class business environment is the first competitiveness, and has established and improved long-term working mechanisms around the development of key industries in the state, continuously strengthened work measures, and increased work intensity. At the same time, the state has made efforts to promote the festival economy, using the festival as a medium to attract investment and promote the implementation of major projects.

  The Meinao Song Festival is the most grand and grand traditional festival of the Jingpo people, and it is also a concentrated display of the history, culture and art of the Jingpo people, and it is also a national intangible cultural heritage, and a grand event of great unity and celebration of people of all ethnic groups. This year, during the Longchuan County Meinao Song Festival, the tourism market ushered in explosive growth. On April 10, Longchuan County held the first press conference on the theme of "Fighting for the Economy and Promoting Development", and Xu Liehong, deputy county magistrate of Longchuan County, introduced that from January to February this year, Longchuan County's fixed asset investment completed 442 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 38.6%, received a total number of 424,100 tourists, a year-on-year increase of 135.11%, and achieved a total tourism income of 440 million yuan, an increase of 95.22%, and the overall economic operation was stable and improving.

  At the signing ceremony and investment promotion meeting of Dehong 2023 Songkran Carnival Project, a total of 30 enterprises were signed in the state, more than 30 landing projects were implemented, and the planned investment was 22.081 billion yuan. Among them, there are 4 state-level signed projects and 29 county and city signed projects, involving minerals, energy, agriculture, tourism, etc.

  In order to attract a number of enterprises with high industrial level, large growth space and strong driving ability to settle in, Dehong Prefecture has issued a number of investment promotion measures. Enterprises landing in Dehong can enjoy the 15% preferential tax rate for the large-scale development of the western region and the superimposed tax incentives of "five exemptions and five halves" in the Ruili Key Development and Opening Pilot Zone, and the income tax payment rate after the overlay is only 9%. For major investment projects in line with industrial planning, policy support will be given through "one case for one discussion". In the existing five industrial parks of Mangshi, Ruili, Longchuan, Yingjiang and Lianghe, according to the functional positioning of "one district, two parks and two bases", various park industries complement each other, develop and expand industries, and strive to build an important growth pole for regional economic development. The superposition of various policies allows enterprises to obtain strong incentives and strong guarantees for investment.

Multi-channel publicity for development

  Dehong is an important link in the opening up channel linking South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean Rim, integrating the national key development and opening pilot zone, free trade pilot zone, border national ports, border economic cooperation zone, sister report is the only special area in the country that implements the special supervision model of "inside and outside the customs", which is an investment hotspot to accelerate the innovative development of border trade, major reform and opening up measures and special preferential policies.

  During this year's Spring Festival, Dehong Prefecture filled dozens of corridors at Kunming Changshui International Airport with image promotions: the 70th anniversary of the founding of the state, splashing songs, thousands of people's songs, mahogany, jewelry, jadeite, coffee, rice, hornbill... The promotional images are beautifully designed and colorful, and passers-by stop to watch. Eye-catching places such as bus stations and bus bodies have various forms of image promotion. "Enhance the popularity, reputation and influence of Dehong, and attract more people to come for sightseeing, leisure and vacation, and investment and business." The relevant person in charge of the publicity department of the Dehong Prefecture Party Committee introduced that through image publicity, more people can enter Dehong, understand Dehong, feel the beauty of Dehong, and make Dehong a place where people don't want to go, and they want to come.

  Yang Hao, deputy director of Dehong Prefecture Culture and Tourism Bureau, introduced that he has successively carried out publicity and promotion activities in Guiyang, Nanjing and other places, attracting more people to Dehong Macro Light Tourism and Investment Industry.

  Dehong Prefecture Investment Promotion and Liaison Office in Kunming multi-channel publicity and promotion of Dehong. With Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi as the key investment promotion areas, innovate investment promotion methods, expand investment promotion fields, and carry out investment promotion through multiple channels and in an all-round way. Since last year, the Liaison Office has publicized Dehong's preferential policies and project advantages, actively connected and exchanged with enterprises, participated in the signing of the cooperation agreement of the 300 MW composite photovoltaic power generation project in Mangshi and the investment cooperation agreement of the Mangshi pumped storage power station project, and did a good job in the whole process. At present, in addition to Kunming, Dehong Prefecture has also set up investment promotion liaison offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Xiamen and other places.

  "From signing to landing, and then to the gradual commissioning of some projects, it took less than 1 year, and Dehong's speed and service were pleasantly surprised." Fan Jinxing, vice president and general manager of development of Trina Solar China Power Station, told reporters that Trina Solar invested 1.35 billion yuan in Mangshi to build a centralized photovoltaic power station with a total installed capacity of 300 MW, which is expected to be connected to the grid for the first time in June. At present, Trina Solar plans to invest an additional 1 billion yuan for the 200 MW/400 MWh shared energy storage power station project in Ruili City, striving to be included in the province's demonstration project, and put into operation by the end of the year.

  "Dai Ancient Town and Ruili Ancient City have invested 3 billion yuan. During the Spring Festival in the ancient town of Dai, tens of thousands of tourists flock to it every day, becoming an Internet celebrity check-in point. Lu Xuewei, chairman of Weiguang Huitong Cultural Tourism Investment Group Co., Ltd., said that another 1 billion yuan will be invested in the next step to build outdoor projects and provide 1,000 mobile beds, adding new formats and new impetus to the Greater Yunnan West Tourism Ring Line and all-round tourism.

Source: Yunbao Group All Media Reporter Guan Yushu

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