
Children with zinc deficiency will not grow high! There are 5 symptoms of zinc deficiency, let's see if your child is recruited

author:Chengdu Pediatrics Huang Limin

Do you know that zinc is one of the essential trace elements in the human body, has an important role in growth and development, zinc can not be synthesized by the human body itself, need to be supplemented through diet, zinc deficiency will have an adverse impact on children's growth and development, immunity, intelligence, etc. Therefore, early detection and supplementation of zinc is one of the keys to ensuring the healthy growth of children! #Kids grow taller ##生长发育 #

Children with zinc deficiency will not grow high! There are 5 symptoms of zinc deficiency, let's see if your child is recruited

Children with zinc deficiency will not grow high!

Zinc deficiency will affect the secretion of growth hormone in the human body, resulting in slow growth and short height in children, zinc has a promoting effect on the synthesis of growth hormone, and also plays an important role in the growth of bones, so children's zinc deficiency will directly affect height!

Common symptoms of zinc deficiency

1. Loss of appetite

When a child is deficient in zinc, his taste changes, his appetite is reduced, and he is especially not interested in foods with heavy flavors such as sweets and fats, and is more likely to be picky eaters.

2. Growth retardation

When the child is zinc deficient, the height and weight gain is slow, and the height growth is stagnant under 10 years old, and the child appears short, thin, and unable to participate in physical activities of the same age.

Is the child zinc deficient? Have you reached the normal height level for your current age? ▼▼▼

Provide you with a free assessment form that can test whether your child's height development meets the standard, and how to grow taller:

Note: Height problems, early detection and early intervention! (Parents please fill in according to the customer rules)

3. Decreased immunity

Zinc is one of the essential trace elements in the body's immune system. Children with zinc deficiency are prone to symptoms such as colds and fevers, and the recovery time is long, and they are prone to repeated infections.

4. Thinning hair and easy to fall out

If a child is deficient in zinc, it will lead to thinning hair, poor hair quality, hair loss and other phenomena.

5. Slow intellectual development

Zinc is one of the essential components of nerve cells in the body. Zinc deficiency in children may affect intellectual development, making it difficult to concentrate and have poor academic performance.

Children with zinc deficiency will not grow high! There are 5 symptoms of zinc deficiency, let's see if your child is recruited

How to prevent zinc deficiency?

In fact, in daily life, we can arrange zinc-rich foods for children to supplement science for children!

Meat: beef, pork, lamb, etc. are all zinc-rich foods, and it is recommended to eat 50-100 grams of meat per day during children's growth and development.

Fish: Freshwater fish such as saury, herring, crucian carp are rich in zinc. In addition, shellfish such as clams, clams, kelp, etc. are also rich in zinc, of which oysters have the highest zinc content and are the king of zinc. It is recommended that your child eat fish 2 to 3 times a week and eat shellfish in moderation.

Eggs: Egg yolks are rich in zinc, and children eat 1-2 eggs a day, which can also effectively supplement zinc.

Beans: Soybeans, peas, etc. all contain a certain amount of zinc. In addition, tofu, soy milk, and other soy products can also supplement zinc, and children should eat 50-100 grams of beans and soy products every day.

Nuts: Walnuts, cashews, peanuts, etc. are rich in zinc, but due to the high fat content of nuts, it is not advisable to eat too much. It is recommended to consume 10-20 grams of nuts per day.

Children with zinc deficiency will not grow high! There are 5 symptoms of zinc deficiency, let's see if your child is recruited

In order for your child to absorb zinc better, pay attention to the following:

Food combination: Zinc can promote nutrients such as vitamin C and protein, so you can let your child drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice before a meal, or let your child eat some protein-rich foods to help your child better absorb zinc.

Fine processing: Foods such as whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits also contain zinc. However, some of the zinc in these foods is difficult for the body to absorb, so you can choose to cook, grind and other fine processing of these foods to improve the absorption rate of zinc.

Children with zinc deficiency will not grow high! There are 5 symptoms of zinc deficiency, let's see if your child is recruited

Consumption time: The best time for your child to supplement zinc is before dinner or before bedtime, because the stomach has relaxed and food is more easily absorbed.

Appropriate zinc supplementation: If your child has a chronic zinc deficiency, he or she needs to be given zinc supplementation appropriately. However, the use of the drug depends on the doctor's actual situation, and the dosage is determined according to the weight and age of the child.

In short, zinc deficiency in children will have an adverse impact on height and growth and development, so parents should pay attention to whether their children are zinc deficient, strengthen zinc-rich food intake, pay attention to dietary matching, and properly supplement zinc under the guidance of doctors.