
The 7 most intelligent animals on earth, raccoons can unlock and piglets learn the principle of reflexes

The raccoon unlocks. During the Warring States period, Meng Tianjun raised many diners, including chicken and dog thieves, who helped him escape back to the State of Qi. In fact, he is not smart enough, because he can solve the problem by raising a raccoon at a smaller cost. In 1908, zoologist H.B Davis discovered in a strange study that raccoons could open complex locks with less than 10 attempts. Another study showed that after three years of study, raccoons were able to remember ways to solve complex problems and even identify and distinguish between different symbols. Research into raccoon unlocks can be found in Davis' book Raccoons: A Study of Animal Intelligence.

The 7 most intelligent animals on earth, raccoons can unlock and piglets learn the principle of reflexes

African grey parrots reason. The African Grey Parrot is recognized as one of the most intelligent birds, with an IQ of about 2 to 7 years old and the emotions of a 2-year-old child. Grey parrots have a strong ability to imitate language, interact well with breeders, and can even solve difficult problems according to logical reasoning. In a 2011 study, grey parrots were able to find food not only through clues, but also through reasoning without clues, an ability previously found only in humans and primates. The most famous grey parrot, Alex, is able to speak more than 1,000 words.

The 7 most intelligent animals on earth, raccoons can unlock and piglets learn the principle of reflexes

Pigs learn the principle of reflexes. Pigs are very intelligent animals, able to understand emotions, show empathy, walk the labyrinth, and make best friends. In a 2014 British experiment, a 6-week-old piglet understood the concept of reflex in just a few hours and found food hidden behind a wall found in a mirror. Human babies, on the other hand, take months to master. Animals that are so intelligent and emotional and make friends, only a few months to live, will enter the end of their lives under the butcher's knife, which is really lamentable.

The 7 most intelligent animals on earth, raccoons can unlock and piglets learn the principle of reflexes

Orangutans rescue humans. Orangutans and chimpanzees are the most intelligent primates on Earth besides humans, nesting, using tools, and communicating in sign language. I've seen a video of an orangutan expertly knotting a hammock on an iron fence and climbing up to rest, and I still wonder if it's real. In February, a red orangutan spotted the staff of the nature reserve in the water, thinking he had fallen into the water, and even extended a helping hand.

The 7 most intelligent animals on earth, raccoons can unlock and piglets learn the principle of reflexes

Crow revenge. Crows are believed to have the intelligence of 7-year-olds who use tools, make tools, and put nuts on the road, patiently waiting for cars to pass by and roll them over. Crows can even remember human faces and take revenge. In an experiment, scientists at Seattle University captured 7 crows in masks, tagged them and released them. Later, whenever they appeared on campus wearing masks, the crows would chirp and curse them, and then start swooping down to throw feces at them, even those who had not been captured, and later began to attack these people wearing the same masks.

The 7 most intelligent animals on earth, raccoons can unlock and piglets learn the principle of reflexes

Elephants never forget their friends. Elephants are the largest terrestrial animals on Earth, and they are known for their long-lasting memory and compassion. Elephants use physical contact and sounds to comfort each other when in pain, and appear very sad when their fellow humans die, and they seem to be able to understand human language and even imitate human voices. Elephants also have an amazing memory, remembering even friends from many years ago. When an elephant named Shirley arrived at the Tennessee Elephant Sanctuary in 1999, an elephant named Jenny became so excited that they had spent a brief time in a circus 22 years earlier.

The 7 most intelligent animals on earth, raccoons can unlock and piglets learn the principle of reflexes

Chimpanzees are already very close to humans. Chimpanzees are probably the smartest animals on the planet besides humans, and of course, they are genetically closest to us. Chimpanzees have the same mood as humans, but also have pleasure, disappointment, fear, frustration, and even wars between communities, and like early humans, eat dead enemies. Chimpanzees use tools, use sticks to pull termites, stone nuts, and biologists have repeatedly observed female chimpanzees bite the tip of a branch into a spear, insert it into the bush monkey's tree hole and grab them out and eat them, a behavior that is very similar to that of primitive humans.

The 7 most intelligent animals on earth, raccoons can unlock and piglets learn the principle of reflexes