
Infinite Finale: The flash official did not die, he was countered by Lu Feng, and finally Muxihe took on everything!

author:Little lazy entertainment

"Infernal" is a spy war drama starring Jin Dong, Wang Likun, Zhang Zhijian, Qi Dao, Wei Ni, Wang Zhiwen, etc., which tells the story of the communists on the eve of Japan's surrender, in order to explore the faith of their homeland and fight for life and death with hostile forces. The casting of the play is in line with the character image, the sense of substitution is very strong, the service in the play is excellent, in line with the characteristics of the character's age, the character identity is complex and changeable, full of highlights, once broadcast, it has been unanimously praised by the audience, won the throne of the first rating, is a good drama worth watching.

Infinite Finale: The flash official did not die, he was countered by Lu Feng, and finally Muxihe took on everything!

The true identity of the official is a Manchu nobleman, and his life's planning is to restore the Qing Dynasty and realize his dream of being an emperor. In order to achieve this goal, in the process of dealing with Zhang Zuolin, he betrayed his brother and defected to the Japanese, causing the plan to fail and the Japanese to flood into China. And in order to cover up his identity as a traitor, he killed his brother's wife, and pretended to save his child, only to lead another brother into the net many years later, and when the goal was achieved, the brother's son was abandoned by him without hesitation!

Infinite Finale: The flash official did not die, he was countered by Lu Feng, and finally Muxihe took on everything!

In order to gain the trust and support of the Japanese, he ordered his young daughter, replacing the daughter of King Suqing, to go to Japan to recognize the thief as his father, and after the tragic death of his own brother, he trained his nephew and niece to become agents and became his killing machine, his daughter was in great pain because of him, and his niece lost her life because of him. If everyone else is their own master, then the sheer official is completely for his own ambitions.

Infinite Finale: The flash official did not die, he was countered by Lu Feng, and finally Muxihe took on everything!

In order to achieve their own goals, the Shem official ignores the great righteousness, once the Sino-US talks are successful, it means that the Japanese will leave China in ashes, but if the Japanese leave, China will become the army of the Central Republic of China divided into two parts of the world, then the power of the Sheikan can no longer survive, only if the Japanese exist, China continues to be in war, he has the opportunity to survive in the cracks, and only then can he hope to restore the Manchu Qing. Therefore, he is the person who least wants the success of the Sino-US talks, so he tries his best to sabotage the Sino-US talks.

Infinite Finale: The flash official did not die, he was countered by Lu Feng, and finally Muxihe took on everything!

To be honest, the success of Sino-US talks is not beneficial to the CCP, because the Americans promise the national army, once the Japanese withdraw, they will support the national army to defeat the CCP, but even so, the CCP still puts the national righteousness in the front, China's current priority is to drive the Japanese out of China, not internal consumption, so the CCP sent Lu Feng and others to protect the representatives of the United States and ensure the smooth progress of Sino-US talks.

Infinite Finale: The flash official did not die, he was countered by Lu Feng, and finally Muxihe took on everything!

With the help of Huo Fei's deathbed, Lu Feng and Hua Xiangyu successfully rescued the US representatives, and the flash official organs were exhausted, and finally they were captured by the CCP. It stands to reason that it is not too much to shoot the sheer official immediately, but considering that after the end of the foreign war, a civil war will inevitably be launched, the CCP decided to implement a counter-strategy against the sheer official. Shem has a group of excellent teams, which will be a powerful force if it starts a civil war, so when the time comes, Makino Tsuru will definitely win him to join his camp.

Infinite Finale: The flash official did not die, he was countered by Lu Feng, and finally Muxihe took on everything!

In order to avoid the flash officials from standing on the opposite side, the CCP sent Lu Feng and Hua Xiangyu to rebel against the flash officials. Sheguan was bent on restoring the Qing Dynasty, how could he be willing to give up? So he would rather Lu Feng kill him. Although Lu Feng wanted to kill him and avenge his father, but for the sake of the organization's plan, in order to take care of Hua Xiangyu's feelings, he still accepted the task, and under Hua Xiangyu's bitter pleading, Sheguan, an unqualified father, finally accepted the CCP's recruitment, in the end, Muxihe, who still did nothing, bore everything.

Infinite Finale: The flash official did not die, he was countered by Lu Feng, and finally Muxihe took on everything!