
The People's Procuratorate of Maqin County has established a liaison station for uninspected public interest litigation

author:Ma Qin prosecutor

In order to thoroughly implement the Supreme People's Procuratorate's "No. 1 Procuratorial Recommendation" and strengthen the comprehensive judicial protection of minors by procuratorial organs in the new era, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the state procuratorate on strengthening the public interest litigation work for the protection of minors, on the afternoon of October 10, the Maqin County People's Procuratorate officially established a juvenile procuratorial public interest litigation liaison station. Kai Xiaoqing, deputy secretary of the party group and executive deputy procurator general of the Goluo Prefecture People's Procuratorate, Deji, head of the liaison department of the State People's Procuratorate's Uninspected Public Interest Litigation Office, Jinhua, member of the party group and director of the office of the Maqin County Procuratorate, Ge Sangjie, deputy procurator general, and Manito, head of the Civil Affairs Section, jointly inaugurated the public interest litigation liaison station.

At the unveiling ceremony, Comrade Kai Xiaoqing pointed out that the law gives procuratorial organs the authority to initiate public interest litigation, which reflects the trust and trust of the party and the people in the procuratorial organs. Procuratorial organs initiating juvenile procuratorial public interest litigation are conducive to expanding the scope of supervision by procuratorial organs, improving mechanisms for the protection of minors, and promoting the construction of rule of law Maqin.

Comrade Kai Xiaoqing demanded that the Maqin County Procuratorate should earnestly undertake the new mission of the procuratorial organs in the new era, firmly grasp the core of public interest protection, persist in taking case handling as the center, constantly explore and improve this system, and promote the continuous achievement of new results in juvenile procuratorial public interest litigation. The first is to strengthen close ties with "uninspected public interest litigation liaison officers" such as teachers, parents of students, people's congress deputies, CPPCC members, and people's supervisors in all schools, and clarify their work responsibilities, the scope of providing clues, and their rights and obligations, strengthen their professional capabilities, cooperate with procuratorial organs in carrying out their work, and expand the awareness and influence of uninspected public interest litigation. The second is to guide forces from all walks of life to participate in efforts to protect minors, unblock channels for discovering leads in unprosecuted public interest litigation cases, improve case-handling capabilities and levels, and promote the scientific development of procuratorial work in uninspected public interest litigation. The third is to gradually improve the "uninspected public interest litigation liaison" system in accordance with existing laws and regulations, combined with the authority of procuratorial organs, comprehensive practice and exploration experience, through research and visits, solicitation of opinions, and refinement of the process, and truly achieve the purpose and goal of justice for the people, the people, the people, and the convenience of the people.

The People's Procuratorate of Maqin County has established a liaison station for uninspected public interest litigation

Ge Sangjie said that the establishment of a liaison station for uninspected public interest litigation is an innovative measure for procuratorial organs to explore new areas of public interest litigation. In the next step, we will give full play to the institutional advantages of the "uninspected public interest litigation liaison officer", combined with the activity of "procurators serving as part-time vice principals of the rule of law in primary and secondary schools", further promote cooperation between procuratorial schools, extend law enforcement assistance and cooperation in the protection of minors, and provide strong legal guarantees for better safeguarding the interests of the state and the interests of minors.

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