
A new era of meritorious service

author:Chaonan District Rong Media Center

In order to commend the advanced, give play to the role of advanced demonstration, fully display the positive contributions and good spiritual outlook made by female workers from all walks of life in Chaonan District in economic and social development, further unite and encourage the vast number of workers in the whole region to listen to the party and follow the party, and carry forward the spirit of labor models, labor spirit, and craftsman spirit, Zhang Xiuqing, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Chaonan District People's Congress and chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions, led the female staff committee of the district federation of trade unions to win the "2021 Shantou City Women's Meritorious Service Model Post" for our district. The honorary title of Guangdong Colorful and Colorful Garment Co., Ltd. Production Department 6th Class and Chaonan District Xiancheng Town Health Center Nursing Department awarded the medal; Comrade Li Ling of Shantou City Farming Dream Home Construction and Development Co., Ltd., who won the "2021 Shantou Meritorious Achievement Female Expert", Comrade Huang Qiaoling of Chen Ku Primary School in Liangying Town, Chaonan District, Shantou City, and Comrade Zhang Yinglin of Shantou Jiachen Garment Industry Co., Ltd. were awarded honorary certificates. Chairman Zhang Xiuqing congratulated the above-mentioned representatives who had received the honorary title.

A new era of meritorious service
A new era of meritorious service

The new era has given a new mission, and the new journey has sounded a new clarion call. Zhang Xiuqing stressed: The vast number of cadres and workers throughout the region should take the commended advanced individuals and collectives as an example, carry forward the spirit of "widow cattle, pioneering cattle, and old cattle," love their posts and dedicate themselves to their work, be keen on making innovations, and have the courage to take responsibility, boost the high-quality development of Chaonan, and contribute to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.