
7 super easy-to-use 3D renderers to recommend! V-Ray、Conona、Arnold、Octane...

author:IT One Finger Zen

Hi everyone, I'm IT Pre-Sales Engineer Bernie.

The renderer is the core part of the 3D engine, an advanced global illumination rendering plug-in that accomplishes the task of drawing 3D objects onto the screen.

3D rendering software helps designers, architects, and more bring their 3D models to life with realistic images or videos.

7 super easy-to-use 3D renderers to recommend! V-Ray、Conona、Arnold、Octane...

Let's take a look at a few great 3D renderers.


VRay is a high-quality rendering software produced by chaosgroup and asgvis, promoted by Manheng in China, and is one of the most popular rendering engines in the industry. It exists almost like a god in the interior design and home decoration design industries.

VRay Renderer consists of 7 parts: VRay Renderer, VRay Object, VRay Lights, VRay Camera, VRay Material Texture, VRay Atmospheric Effects, and VRay Displacement Modifier.

Based on the V-Ray kernel, there are VRay for 3ds max, Maya, Sketchup, Rhino and many other versions, which can provide a separate rendering program for users to render various pictures. V-Ray is also highly exposed in film and television, such as Hollywood films "Godzilla vs. King Kong", "Game of Thrones" and so on.

The biggest advantage of V-Ray is that it uses ray tracing to calculate the scene, which can be rendered on both the CPU and the GPU. The quality and rendering speed are balanced, and functions such as motion blur, caustic, micro-triangle displacement, subsurface scattering, and distributed rendering (network rendering) are supported.

7 super easy-to-use 3D renderers to recommend! V-Ray、Conona、Arnold、Octane...

Conona Renderer

Corona Renderer (CR for short) is a new, high-performance, unbiased, photorealistic physics renderer.

CR can be seen as a simplified version of V-Ray, based on the CPU renderer, which is very suitable for rendering hyper-realistic photo effects. In 2017, VRay made its acquisition, but Corona will continue to operate independently.

CR uses unbiased path tracing and biased UHD caching, which can be a good way to reduce rendering time. In addition, Corona has a built-in denoiser that utilizes data from render passes and 3D scenes to help remove noise from images, meaning users don't have to wait for the entire rendering calculation to complete.

Another highlight of Conona is its compatibility with a large number of other plugins and features, such as real-time post-processing effects in render box windows (or buffers), and even the ability to use interactive light blending tools to change lighting mid-rendering. It also has a huge library of footage that can be used to instantly bring scene elements to life.

Unfortunately, however, the current CR is only available for 3ds Max and Cinema 4D.

7 super easy-to-use 3D renderers to recommend! V-Ray、Conona、Arnold、Octane...

Arnold Renderer

Arnold (Arnold Renderer) is an advanced, cross-platform rendering renderer. Arnold was originally developed to build a computation using ray tracing that is being used by a growing number of Hollywood studios and studios.

Arnold has good compatibility and supports Maya, 3ds Max, C4D and Houdini. Arnold renderer features: motion blur, node topology, support for real-time rendering, memory saving and so on.

7 super easy-to-use 3D renderers to recommend! V-Ray、Conona、Arnold、Octane...

Octane Renderer

Octane Render, a renderer belonging to Efractive Software, is used for Windows.

Octane must use a powerful GPU for longer unbiased rendering, but this requires hardware conditions, that is, an NVIDIA graphics card that supports CUDA to fully perform its performance, which can provide the following power.

  1. Real-time updates on camera, lighting, environment, materials and geometry, full support for geometry, including edges, HyperNURBS;
  2. Support for scanning, granularity, and hair geometry options, as well as some third-party plugins;
  3. Supports complete deformation and deformation in polygonal objects, including nurturing, bones;
  4. Support for material selection tags and dynamic scanning of objects;
  5. Arealights, Infinite Light and Sun Light, Sky Support, Daylight + Environment Textures
  6. Supports octane thin transparent sheets, panoramic cameras, orthographic cameras and C4d standard cameras
  7. The living rendered window is an interactive rendering window. It shows the rendering in progress. Current rendering information. Support full interactive light/environment/geometry and motion blur, material editing drag and drop function.
  8. Export scenes and materials to octane standalone software.
  9. Output is α, straight deep, material ID, wireframe, shading/geometry normal, position, texture UW frequency
  10. LiveDB access, cached online materials. User-created materials for offline use.
7 super easy-to-use 3D renderers to recommend! V-Ray、Conona、Arnold、Octane...

Redshift Renderer

Redshift is also the most commonly used GPU-based renderer by many companies, such as Blizzard. This renderer also supports a wide range of 3D software such as Cinema4D, Houdini, Maya, etc., as well as multiple platforms.

The most intuitive experience is the real-time preview and rendering speed, and the node system is as powerful as Arnold. It is more suitable for artistic creation, especially animation.

7 super easy-to-use 3D renderers to recommend! V-Ray、Conona、Arnold、Octane...


The Escape renderer was first used in Revit, and later compatible with Sketchup, Rhino and other platforms. Because of the simple renderer panel, simple operation, and fast drawing, it is loved by the majority of designers and SketchUp enthusiasts.

The main feature of Escape is real-time rendering, which can be adjusted most of the time in the plan, and the image can be drawn in seconds, saving time and improving efficiency.

  1. Instant rendering, WYSIWYG, high-quality output
  2. Simple operation and parameter panel
  3. Multiple output reporting methods
  4. Renderings, animated walkthroughs, panoramas
  5. Works with modeling software such as Sketchup, Revit, etc
  6. Compared to other renderer configuration requirements
7 super easy-to-use 3D renderers to recommend! V-Ray、Conona、Arnold、Octane...


D5 Renderer is a real-time ray tracing renderer developed by Nanjing Weiwu Network Technology Co., Ltd.

D5 supports up to 16k images and panoramas, 4K videos, and multiple channel maps. Add to queues in batches to process multiple render jobs at once. Through real geographic parameter information such as time, date, latitude and longitude, it provides accurate natural lighting for indoor and outdoor scenes. Wind, cloud, rain, snow and fog can be switched with one key to enhance the expression of the ambient atmosphere.

Based on the physical and real PBR material system, it provides more than 1,000 common material presets and supports the import of custom material maps. Depth of field, lens rotation, orthographic view, multiple display modes, auto exposure, camera crop plane, two-point perspective. Currently, D5 already supports modeling software such as SketchUp, 3Ds MAX, Rhino, Revit, Archicad, Blender, C4D and so on.

7 super easy-to-use 3D renderers to recommend! V-Ray、Conona、Arnold、Octane...