
The Legend of Juyue: Smoke Soul

author:Jugaku observes

- Edited by Juyue

Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to health. However, smokers often excuse themselves on the grounds that smokers, scorpions and worms are not on the body, and can prevent pests, speaking of the reason, in the area of Juyue Mountain, there is also a related legend:

During the Wanli years of the Ming Dynasty, in Huangshipu Village under Juyue Mountain, there was a descendant surnamed Huang Mingyun, with strange words, born with clear eyebrows, wit and intelligence, and read scriptures since childhood. Later, due to the failure of his family, it was difficult to continue his studies, so he had to abandon literature and business. Huang Yun is flexible, good at management, and has a good way of wealth, and soon made a mark, relatives and friends rushed to mention each other, but he did not see one, although he was twenty-five years old, but he was not married.

One day, Huang Yun came to Jining, the capital of the canal, for business and stayed in a riverside hotel. Although Huang Yun is involved in the business world, he is not unsophisticated, and he is good at playing the flute. It was night, Huang Yun looked at the opposite bank from upstairs, but saw that there were many shops, lights, oars and lights in the canal, fishing songs answered each other, and on a whim, he pulled out a jade flute and played a song.

The Legend of Juyue: Smoke Soul

Huang Yun stopped for a break, just wanted to blow again, suddenly heard someone on the other side, its voice is quiet and lingering, the taste is exquisite, and the meaning is wonderful. Huang Yun secretly wondered, waiting for the other party to blow the end, Huang Yun trembled spirit, and played another song, unexpectedly, Huang Yun just finished blowing, the other party is another song, so, one after another, the flute is harmonious, like a mountain song to the night, fishing songs answer each other, even silently, until the four drums rest. After several nights like this, Huang Yun was in a trance, his palms were itchy, he was restless, he had no intention of doing business, and he did not leave the room every night, waiting for his soulmate.

The Legend of Juyue: Smoke Soul

Suddenly, one night, there was no echo in the blowing of several songs, and until dawn, it was silent. Huang Yun was as pale as if he had lost his soul, and he was sullen all day long.

Just when Huang Yun was puzzled, he suddenly saw a few maids, helped a delicate and weak young lady, disembarked on the other bank, and there was already a small sedan car, specially greeted at the dock on the other bank. Huang Yun asked the shop Xiao Er, who came early to catch up with work, what kind of person this young lady was, and the words of the shop Xiao Er surprised Huang Yun. It turned out that there was a Xiao Yuanwai with a strict tutor on the other side, and his female Miaoyin, who played a flute late at night, heard the sound of the flute at night, met her soulmate, claimed that her voice was clear, intriguing, unseeing, lovesick, and was seeking medical treatment everywhere.

Huang Yun listened, Fang knew that the person who came to taste the flute at night was a young girl of a wonderful age, and unconsciously she also suffered from lovesickness, and she did not think about tea and did not eat. The enthusiastic little two, looking at it in the eyes, hurts in the heart: a good person, how can he suddenly become a nerd!

He often asked long and short questions: "Little brother, what kind of disease are you having?" Huang Yun said bitterly: "Dissatisfied little brother said, the person who plays the flute is me, you can do well, you can let me meet with the young lady, and I am willing to die!" After speaking, he burst into tears. Xiao Er saw that he was pitifully infatuated and promised to find a matchmaker to kiss him. Huang Yun immediately thanked him and took silver to thank him.

At night, Xiao Er quoted the matchmaker back and said: "Xiao Yuanwai wants to climb the high and noble, and wants to marry the son of the river official with the young lady, so as to marry the powerful, but the foreigners are unreliable and refused." Huang Yun wept bitterly when he heard this, and bitterly pleaded with the two, and tried his best to dredge up and complete this matter. When the matchmaker saw Huang Yun, she sincerely said pitifully, and promised to let him pretend to be a woman, and take him into the house for a while on the grounds of selling female red. Huang Yun thanked him for his kindness and did so the next day.

Huang Yun saw that young lady, really soft as a warm wind to support the willow, delicate like a spring flower shining in the water, like an immortal under the ordinary, extremely beautiful, the two fell in love at first sight, the young lady's illness immediately improved by half, in front of the mountain alliance sea vow, set a life, agreed that the young lady and the mother to explain the matter, lamenting the mother to be the master. When they left the house, the two were inseparable, and their feelings were like weak vines wrapped around trees, shrubs and shades, and it was by no means a verbal pen and ink watch.

After returning to the store, let's talk about a song:

Today's Magpie Bridge Meeting,

I was very fortunate to meet Chanjuan,

Eyes like autumn water,

Jade looks like a floating lotus.

Stir my spring heart,

One night soul nine changes.

Parting with each other,

How many years have you waited for Tanabata ?

Since then, the tryst has resumed every night, it is estimated that the young lady has told her mother, Huang Yun's spirit is quite good, the amount of meals has increased, and every time she recalls the lovely voice of the young lady, don't mention how moist her heart is. Who knew that the good times did not last long, and from the third day, I could no longer hear the sound of the whistle upstairs. No matter how I inquired, there was no news, and the matchmaker entered the house, but was also rejected by the old man who was guarding the door. Huang Yun suffered from lovesickness again, and did not think about tea and rice.

Suddenly, there were mourners on the street, and when Xiao Er inquired, it was the young lady who died. It was said that Huang Yun and the young lady met on the flute, sang harmony every night, and was soon discovered by the outsiders, and took the jade flute with the young lady, while urging the Ma family to marry a relative, while strictly ordering the family to restrain the young lady, not to go out for half a step, and non-members of this court are not allowed to enter. The Ma family has set an auspicious day, the post has been posted, and she will marry in a few days, and the young lady is helpless and looks for a short sight. This news was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, making Huang Yun cry to death, and he cried so much that he was exhausted and fell asleep.

The Legend of Juyue: Smoke Soul

In a trance, I saw the young lady float over, saw Huang Yun say a blessing, and said silently: "Brother Huang, although you and I meet each other, but we really love each other, and now there are parents as obstructions, although they have sworn by the mountains and the sea, they will never change their hearts, but it is difficult to achieve their wishes." I was born as your person, and my death is your ghost, I am no longer alive, if you want to meet me, you can go to the new grave in the west of the city at three o'clock tonight, grab a handful of grave soil and call me three times, turn back and leave, no matter what happens, don't look back, come back and put the grave soil in three layers, put it in a basin of clean water, and gently insert the flute into the water, that is, see me in the water, and meet you with the flute, and the sound is like before, so that for seven seven forty-nine days, I can come out of the water, return to my hometown with you, and grow old together. But this matter must not be known to outsiders, otherwise it will never be resurrected, and I hope that I will act cautiously. Brother Huang

The Legend of Juyue: Smoke Soul

Brother Huang, remember to remember! Said Bi floated away.

Huang Yun was already very sad when he heard it, seeing that the young lady was leaving, he was about to fight to keep it, and suddenly woke up, it was Nanke Yimeng, and at this time he had handed over three drums. So, he jumped up, whether it was true or not, and hurried to the new tomb in the northwest. As soon as Huang Yun grabbed the grave, he listened to the ghosts around him crying wolf, and someone shouted: "Huang Yun don't go, Miss Miaoyin is here!" Then he listened to Miaoyin lamenting: "Brother Huang Brother Huang, take me and go again!" Otherwise I'm dead. Huang Yun was about to turn back, thinking that Miaoyin had repeatedly told him that no matter what movement he could not turn back, he hurriedly left, and after a hundred steps, he was soon silent.

After returning home, Huang Yun did so one by one. I saw that the young lady was like a jade and a Chinese person, with a smile on her face, lifelike, but she couldn't touch it closely. Huang Yun thrust a flute into the water, and sure enough, the flute sounded and was leisurely and pleasant. The young lady looked at Huang Yun in the water, whispered, smiled slightly, and her affection. Huang Yun was mixed with sorrow and joy, and he couldn't cry.

In this way for forty-eight days, the next person did not know the rhythm, it was difficult to distinguish the flute, thinking that the yellow rhyme whistle was relieved, and no one knew that every night was like before, the flute and music, pouring out their hearts. Huang Yun was very happy in her heart, thinking that this would be as she wished, and she would return to her hometown and never do business again. I have enough money, and my young lady and I love each other forever.

However, he never expected that for seven seven forty-nine days, he was talking with the young lady, and what about the sweet time in the future, Xiao Er suddenly broke in and said: "Xianggong, you used water just now, I didn't have time to send it to you, now it's delivered." It turned out that Huang Yun was overwhelmed by excitement and momentary negligence, and the door was not bolted, and this time the young lady avoided it and never came again. Huang Yun said angrily: "No need! Xiao Er was surprised, waiting for Huang Yun to explain the reason for the matter, Xiao Er apologized again and again, regretting it, Huang Yun sighed: "Since the ancients can not be resurrected from death, even Zhuge Liang is unable to return to heaven, when Kong Ming wanted to extend his life for three years, the dog oil lamp was knocked out, and he fell with a sigh, and Providence can't blame you for this." "I had to think I deserved it.

The Legend of Juyue: Smoke Soul

It was night, Huang Yun dreamed of the young lady again, her expression was depressed, she cried, and said to Huang Yun: "Brother Huang, fate is destined, this life and this life cannot be reunited, so I have to practice the next life again, now there is still a method, you can meet in the too illusory realm, tomorrow morning, you quickly return to your hometown, bury my spiritual soil in the backyard, and plant immortals from Nanyang!" Saying that, he handed Huang Yun a pinching of seeds, and then said: "You have to be diligent in watering, soon a seedling will emerge, and when it grows up and blooms, pick its leaves and light it and smoke it, that is, see my shape stop on the smoke, you can also talk and laugh and blowjob, but only see my shape, smell my voice, talk about masturbation and wait for the afterlife!" ”

The next day, Huang Yun woke up with something in his hand, stretched out his hand to see that the fruit was a fine seed, so he quickly returned home, and did so, the fruit gave birth to a thing, the leaves were like long cakes, and the smell was very fragrant. Picking its leaves to dry, smoking its smoke, and seeing the young lady standing in a pavilion, floating above the smoke, her feelings were earnest, and she talked as usual. Several times a day of smoking, making Huang Yun swoon, drunk and dreaming of death, unable to extricate himself.

One day, the neighbor Zhang Shou peeped at Huang Yun and accidentally found that Huang Yun was lighting a cigarette and sniffing, very curious, so he secretly took some home to follow suit, and was surprised to find that not only the taste was fragrant, but above the smoke, there was a beautiful character flute, envious and inextricable. And steal the seeds to plant in their own fields and enjoy them secretly.

Zhang Shou is a crop man, often sleeping in the field, guarding the melon field, every night, lonely and boring, often smoking to relieve boredom, its fragrant smoke smell, sniffed by scorpions. Over time, the two demons also became addicted to cigarettes, turned into beautiful women and alternately gathered with this duke, sharing smoking equipment. In this way, Zhang Shou can see the silhouette of Miaoyin, and he can have a tryst with the beautiful two demons, so as to have a pillow seat, which is very proud. Miaoyin Soul originally agreed with Huang Yun to go to the appointment, but it was Zhang Shou who came several times, and he was very annoyed, seeing that there were two demons pestering Zhang Shou, I don't know what entanglement with Huang Yun, it was a misunderstanding.

Just when Zhang Shou was proudly at ease, suddenly one day, an old road passed here, saying that Zhang Shoumian had a demon qi, and there would be an adventure, and he would suffer from it. Zhang Shou was very afraid and begged the old way to crack it. The old way said, "This demon has been with you for a long time, and every time you need to light a cigarette for it." I will have a fire with you, and then you will just hand it to her, and when the entrance asks you to light a cigarette, you will let it go, and this matter can be done. ”

It was the night scorpion spirit who came to smoke as usual, and this duke gave the fire hammer, and the scorpion spirit thought it was a cigarette, took the barrel in his mouth, and coquettishly asked to light a cigarette for him. Zhang Shou didn't answer even more, touched the fire eyebrows forward, only to hear a bang, "squeak", the beast turned into a fire and fled. The mountains were silent. Zhang Shou hurriedly sneaked home, not daring to rest outside.

In fact, the scorpion spirit did not die, she was seriously injured and fled to her home. Her neighbor Ji Ji came to visit her and asked her what was going on, and she said with difficulty with a mouth with few teeth and no mouth: "I thought that everyone who smoked was a good person, but I didn't expect it to be so bad, I gave him all my true feelings." I didn't expect to hurt me like this. In the future, let's remember not to interact with smoking. "Since then, the scorpion worms have no contact with smoking anymore, and of course they can't get on their bodies." However, the two demons were still angry, and they injected their poison into the tobacco in the air, wanting to avenge Zhang Shou's revenge, so that the originally non-toxic tobacco became a poisonous weed that harmed people.

Later, the fast-mouthed Zhang Shou told others the secret of the beautiful woman who smoked the meeting, everyone competed to smoke the frequency of Miaoyin, Miaoyin rushed several times are all strange people, very disgusted, thinking that Huang Yun is not a secret, plus some frivolous people, often squeeze their eyebrows when they see Miaoyin, and their behavior is shallow and boring. Originally, after Miaoyin's death, Yin Si repeatedly transmitted the will of King Yan, asking him to drink the soul soup to participate in reincarnation. Miaoyin was determined not to comply, and after being punished many times, he still did not forget his old feelings, and the ghost did not disperse. Fortunately, Xiao Yuanwai doted on the dead only baby, and spent most of his life savings with the burial, Miaoyin had a lot of money, and he did not enter the cycle of reincarnation for a long time, so he was able to meet Huang Yun frequently in private.

However, it is said that there are many corrupt officials and tycoons in the Yin Division, and the thieves of the country are not scrupulous, and according to the Yin Judicial System, they will never be allowed to live beyond life, but they are all ghosts and spirits, using the wealth and treasures they have greedy in the world, wantonly bribing the Yin Cao Di Mansion, seeking reincarnation and superbirth, resulting in many people in the world, calling for wind and rain. So there are more corrupt officials in the world, traitors, walking dead, like Miaoyin, the phenomenon of turning around, unwilling to reincarnate and superborn, is really rare, the yin officials and ghosts are extremely rusty, lack of relevant books, although they feel their true feelings, but they don't know how to be good. I had to drag it out and urge Miaoyin to enter reincarnation quickly. Now Miaoyin saw Huang Yun in such a scene, coupled with the Yin Division urging up and down, Miaoyin was discouraged, and in one breath, he drank the soul soup, drank the water of forgetfulness, and crossed the Naihe Bridge. ......

The Legend of Juyue: Smoke Soul

Huang Yun originally swore that Miaoyin would not marry, smoked tobacco every day, relied on Miaoyin phantom chat to masturbate, passed the time, and then for a long time, could not see Miaoyin, the mood was stunned, very impatient, only looking forward to seeing Miaoyin again, smoking more and more tobacco every day, longer and longer, making it difficult to sleep, not eating, and soon contracted lung disease and dry cough, and finally coughed up blood and died. Precisely:

Life is hard to live for long,

Stick beating mandarin duck two vast;

Parents lick the calf for jealousy,

Urge Pearl to go to the north.

Who solves on the three living stones,

In the past, Mandarin ducks became merchants!

Huang Yun coughed up blood to death,

Myōne Anti-Resentment Thin Affectionate.

After Huang Yun's death, the custom of smoking tobacco was handed down, although people soon learned that smoking tobacco was not good for health, it is said that the Chongzhen Emperor also issued a special divine decree to exhort, but with little effect, there are still many people who have this hobby and are willing to joke about life.