
Yuan Zhibo, Wen Jing, Jiang Jiatong, Tao Yujia, Wang Qinyi, etc. starred in "The Birth of the Sharpshooter into Death"

Yuan Zhibo played Shi Gu in "The Birth of the Sharpshooter into Death".

Yuan Zhibo, Wen Jing, Jiang Jiatong, Tao Yujia, Wang Qinyi, etc. starred in "The Birth of the Sharpshooter into Death"

Wang Qinyi played Sima Yu in "The Birth of the Sharp Gun into Death".

Yuan Zhibo, Wen Jing, Jiang Jiatong, Tao Yujia, Wang Qinyi, etc. starred in "The Birth of the Sharpshooter into Death"

Tao Yujia played Lan Xiaoyue in "The Birth of the Sharpshooter".

Yuan Zhibo, Wen Jing, Jiang Jiatong, Tao Yujia, Wang Qinyi, etc. starred in "The Birth of the Sharpshooter into Death"

Wen Jing played Tomoko Yoshinaga in The Birth of a Sharpshooter.

Yuan Zhibo, Wen Jing, Jiang Jiatong, Tao Yujia, Wang Qinyi, etc. starred in "The Birth of the Sharpshooter into Death"

Jiang Jiatong played Zhao Yiwei in "The Birth of the Sharpshooter".

Yuan Zhibo, Wen Jing, Jiang Jiatong, Tao Yujia, Wang Qinyi, etc. starred in "The Birth of the Sharpshooter into Death"

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