
Symphonic music "Dream of the Red Chamber Overture" and "Brow" more shocking art to enjoy the sense of picture strong Chinese culture is famous all over the world, with an irresistible charm, "meet a dream of the Red Chamber, meet why should you ever know each other" . Like it, please like, follow, comment, thank you for your support!

author:Old Willow perspective

Open up Hongmeng, who is the seed of love, are only for the wind and moon love, take advantage of this day, sad day, lonely time, try to dispatch foolish loyalty, so on the performance of this dream of the red chamber with gold and jade.

"Dream of the Red Chamber", also known as "Stone Record" The story is about people and things that take place in a large feudal family of an unknown dynasty, and is set against the background of the four major families of Jia, Shi, Wang and Xue, and the storyline is composed of two contradictory clues.

One is centered on the love of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, running through the entire line of the book. It takes the contradiction between Jia and Lin's ideas of striving for the freedom of love, marital autonomy and individual emancipation with the feudal system and feudal etiquette as a clue, and ends with Jia and Lin's final complete betrayal of the feudal system and feudal etiquette and the tragic end of love.

Among them, the emotional entanglement between Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochao is the main line, and through the description of some daily events, it reflects the love and hatred of the women in the Grand View Garden of Jia Province with Jinling Twelve Chao as the main body.

"Dream of the Red Chamber Overture" is composed of the opening credits of the CCTV version of "Dream of the Red Chamber" + the performance of the American Symphony Orchestra: click the play button to enjoy

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"Dream of the Red Chamber" 10th anniversary performance concert, the concert of the Nanyang Academy of Arts, Singapore Lion City Chinese Orchestra Music Director Zheng Chaoji is the conductor of the concert, as a solo chinese lyrical flower soprano Wu Bixia's performance is delicate, very artistic appeal, coupled with the National Theatre of China first-class actor Tong Fan's vocal recitation, and Chinese radio and television host Chao Yu just right on-site commentary, making this music event extremely highly standard, It also enabled the audience to get a rare artistic influence and an unforgettable artistic enjoyment.

The song "Frowning" is a piece of music in the "Twelve Songs of the Dream of the Red Chamber", which is written that the love ideals of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu were shattered due to changes, and Lin Daiyu died in tears. This song "talks about politics" with the help of "talking about love", showing the author's decay and love and hatred.

This song is written in the tone of a third party, writing about the love tragedy between Bao and Dai, foreshadowing the end of Lin Daiyu's tearful death. "Langyuan Xianpao" refers to Lin Daiyu, who was originally the Daizhu Immortal Grass on the banks of the Ling River by the Sansheng Stone; "Beautiful Jade Flawless" refers to Jia Baoyu, who was originally a attendant of the Chixia Palace. They had a relationship in a past life, reunited in this life, truly loved each other, and had confessed. Baoyu has always cared for Daiyu, but their beautiful love, like a mirror flower and water moon, cannot become a reality. Dai Yu washed her face with tears all day long, fulfilling her promise to "return tears".

People love "Dream of the Red Chamber" and love his musical works, which also shows that not only in China, but also overseas Chinese also respect their own traditions and love China's traditional culture. This kind of performance exchange and the Chinese people to feel the unique charm of traditional Chinese culture together is a very meaningful thing.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" > Chinese culture is famous all over the world and has an irresistible charm, "meet a dream of the Red Chamber, why meet each other." </h1>

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