
20 trivia facts about Turkey that will take you to know the real Turkey

author:Representative of Jiyeon Tourism Division

Turkey is a country of contrasts where East meets West, where ancient history blends seamlessly with modernity. From the vibrant metropolis of Istanbul to the stunning natural wonders of Cappadocia and Pamukkale, Turkey has a wealth of cultural treasures and breathtaking scenery to amaze you. The country's rich heritage, delicious cuisine, hospitality, and stunning beaches make it a must-visit destination for all travelers.

1. Turkey is the only country in the world that is located in both Europe and Asia.

2. Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey, once known as Constantinople, and is the capital of the Byzantine and Ottoman empires.

3. Turkish cuisine is a blend of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Central Asian cuisine. Some popular dishes include kebabs, baklava, and Turkish delight.

4. Turkey has the oldest known temple in the world, Göbekli Tepe, dating back to around 10,000 BC.

20 trivia facts about Turkey that will take you to know the real Turkey

5. Turkish is part of the Turkic language family and is spoken by more than 80 million people worldwide.

6. The tradition of Turkish coffee dates back to the 16th century and is known for its rich flavor and unique brewing methods.

7. Turkey is famous for flying over the fairy chimneys and rock formations of Cappadocia in hot air balloons.

8. The Blue Mosque, also known as the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, is one of Istanbul's most famous landmarks, named after Sultan Ahmed I, who ordered its construction in the early 17th century.

20 trivia facts about Turkey that will take you to know the real Turkey

9. The spinning dervish are a religious group of Sufis known for their unique spinning dances and are recognized as part of Turkey's cultural heritage.

10. Turkey has more than 8,000 kilometers of coastline along the Mediterranean, Aegean and Black Seas.

11. The House of the Virgin Mary, the world's first religious destination, is located near Ephesus, Turkey, and is believed to be the place where the Virgin Mary spent her old age.

12. According to biblical tradition, Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey is considered the resting place of Noah's ark.

20 trivia facts about Turkey that will take you to know the real Turkey

Istanbul's Grand Bazaar is one of the largest and oldest indoor markets in the world, with over 4,000 shops selling everything from spices to textiles.

14. Turkish baths, also known as Turkish baths, are traditional public baths dating back to the Ottoman era.

15. The city of Antalya on the Mediterranean coast is known as the Turkish Riviera and is a popular tourist destination for its beaches, historical sites, and luxury resorts.

16. Turkey is one of the largest producers of hazelnuts in the world and the main ingredient of peanut butter.

20 trivia facts about Turkey that will take you to know the real Turkey

17. The ancient city of Troy, located in western Turkey, is located in the Bronze Age and is famous for the Trojan War in Homer's epic poem The Iliad.

18. Turkish carpets are known for their intricate design and high-quality craftsmanship and are a popular souvenir for tourists in Turkey.

19.Turkey is a predominantly Muslim country, but its constitution guarantees freedom of religion and has a large Christian and Jewish population.

20. Pamukkale Thermal Pools in southwestern Turkey are famous for their unique natural beauty and are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

20 trivia facts about Turkey that will take you to know the real Turkey

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