
(Famous Homeroom Teacher Studio) How to Increase Your Personal Brand Tenfold

author:Seven Seven Teacher Voice Charm Classroom

Increase your personal brand tenfold

——Sharing at the class teacher assembly

Distinguished leaders, class teachers, good morning!

Thank you to the school for giving me the opportunity to go to Xi'an for training and upgrading, and also thank me for giving me this opportunity to share with everyone.

(Famous Homeroom Teacher Studio) How to Increase Your Personal Brand Tenfold

I am ashamed to say that at this moment, I am facing moral education experts and many big coffee who have been class teachers for more than 20 years. I'm standing here sharing, a little worried. From the end of the training on the 26th of 7 years to today's August 26th, a whole month, I was anxious, until this morning, still changing the PPT. I think it is a little painful and embarrassing to stand here today and analyze myself, but I am willing to share my experience of failure with you, hoping to enlighten you. The title I'm sharing today is "Tenfold Increase In Your Personal Brand," subtitled "The Pit I Stepped on Over Those Years."

Teacher Xiaodan shared with you personal IP creation, solving the problem of what is and why, and will be combined with the pitStreetS I stepped on over the years, to share with you how to increase your personal brand tenfold.

Everyone has their own unique IP address,

You are the brand!

Iteration refinement is small and beautiful, and personal brand relies on accumulation.

(Famous Homeroom Teacher Studio) How to Increase Your Personal Brand Tenfold

In 2020, due to the epidemic, we had the longest holiday in history. I dug a hole for myself and attended a workshop called Read Out Productivity Bootcamp. The camp lasts a month, with ten books, ten lessons, and five or six hundred words of reading notes a day. Turn on the masochistic mode of spending money to buy guilt. The list of books is as follows: "Lifelong Growth", "Reading a Book", "Controlling Habits", "The Method of Happiness", "Intimate Relationships", "Replicable Leadership", "Low-Risk Entrepreneurship", "Efficient Speech", "The Nature of Poverty", "First-mover Influence".

After a month of tossing and turning, I completed 10 books, wrote 30 small articles, wrote 18,000 words, and linked more than 500 masters in various fields across the country. I stood out among the many contestants and became the gold medal leader reader. It has also begun to test the bull knife in various fields.

(Famous Homeroom Teacher Studio) How to Increase Your Personal Brand Tenfold

Over the years, I have established my own radio station in the Himalayas and Lychee FM, recording hundreds of stories, essays, poems, and biographies, and have also become the teaching resources of the preschool department; I am the literary editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief of the Youth Tribe; I teach on Qianliao and Xiao Getong; I won the Sina Blog Contest champion with a prize of 10,000 yuan; I founded several sessions of the Qiqi Teachers' Voice Charm Training Camp; I participated in the 007 Writing Training Camp and won the first prize of the essay collection; I gave training to enterprises and so on.

(Famous Homeroom Teacher Studio) How to Increase Your Personal Brand Tenfold

I've dabbled in voice shaping, mass eloquence, communication, psychology, writing, etc., and I've all had a little bit of success. If I can be more focused, more deeply cultivated, and persistent, I should be able to achieve certain results. Unfortunately, I was a little watery, one would be busy with this, one would be busy with that, and later, it would simply stop.

When I look back, I regret my wasted years, and I am ashamed of my inaction. I had gone through devil training, and I had turned into a butterfly and flew for a while, but soon I shrugged my shoulders. The reason: not painful enough, lazy enough. Satisfied with the status quo, working for 30 years, with a monthly salary of 5600, and two holidays, more than the top is less than the bottom. Lazy enough, so hard every day to get up early to punch in, it is better to lie down. Check the bedroom for a while, go to the gym for a while, hold a class meeting for a while, go to class for a while, and toss and turn, it is better to idle yourself for a while.

People should be good at going from failure to learning from experience and lessons, and I now summarize the four steps to building a personal brand:

First, create an expert position

Everyone must set a position for their own development direction according to their own situation.

Teacher Liu Mingyao proposed 22 sub-projects to create personal ideological and political IP on the implementation of curriculum design branding, as shown in the figure.

(Famous Homeroom Teacher Studio) How to Increase Your Personal Brand Tenfold

My Thoughts:

Turning a book into a lesson: Turning a book into a lesson. Like what:

"Nonviolent Communication", "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", "Positive Discipline", "Motherly Bondage", "Replicable Leadership", "High Performance Coaching"

Class Management Culture Construction:

Class cadre team building, theme class meeting, daily management, enrollment management (the first lesson of admission), etiquette, Traditional Chinese studies (Shengjing culture), writing, speech, dancing youth, PPT production, community culture and so on.

Psychological counseling: for example

Parent-child relationship, career planning, mock interview, single-stroke volunteering, graduate file management, 100 outstanding graduates and so on.

(Famous Homeroom Teacher Studio) How to Increase Your Personal Brand Tenfold

How to locate?

What you are best at, what you love the most, what you can't do others, what the other party needs the most, integrated together, reflects your unique value, which is the expert positioning of your personal brand.

I'm ashamed that this is my personal business card. The photo was beautified and the business card was filtered.

(Famous Homeroom Teacher Studio) How to Increase Your Personal Brand Tenfold

Seven Seven Teachers

Voice beautification coach

Practitioner of sound aesthetics

Associate Professor-level Senior Lecturer

Editor-in-chief anchor speaker,

Sound interesting and informative.

Teach you the cultivation of high speech value, let your voice change from the innate blank to the fine decoration, create a second business card, let you win as soon as you open your mouth.

Second, upgrade the professional tamping force

1. Learn from those who have results and link cattle people. How do I link? Paying tuition is the easiest way to do it.

In order to learn voice shaping and recitation, I studied under Mr. Di Feifei, the general director of "Sound Immersion", Mr. Ji Guanlin, the voice of Zhen Huan, Mr. Xu Jie, the former CCTV host, Mr. Zhang Yuchun, a liaoning drama master, and so on.

2. Extreme altruism, as long as you learn, you must share. There is an idiom called profit and avoid harm, you do things that benefit others, they must be happy to be close to you, and you will have more and more fans around you.

(Famous Homeroom Teacher Studio) How to Increase Your Personal Brand Tenfold

3. Dig deep into the secret pool, concentrate on breakthrough training, and quickly become an expert in a certain industry.

4. Finish before perfecting, throw the diamond over the fence.

Simplified to four words: listen, speak, read, write.

Listen to lectures, read books, share lectures, write.

Reading is a shortcut to break through the circle, reading must be persistent, thoughtful reading, and must break their comfort zone.

Listening and reading, is input, internalization;

Speaking and writing, is output, externalization.

Use, is better to read.

Writing is an artifact for building a personal brand.

(Famous Homeroom Teacher Studio) How to Increase Your Personal Brand Tenfold

Uncle Qiu Ye, the "knowledge net red" that has spread all over the country, an associate professor of Wuhan Institute of Technology, and a new media team of tens of millions of matrices.

Third, with the help of the platform to mix circles.

If you want to build a personal brand, you must find a way to expand your open quadrant.

(Famous Homeroom Teacher Studio) How to Increase Your Personal Brand Tenfold

Network-wide operation

Writing: WeChat Circle of Friends, WeChat Public Account, Toutiao, Jianshu, Weibo.

Video: Douyin, Kuaishou, Weishi, Live

Community operation: join the circle, community, one-minute storytelling, small punch card, 007 writing is not out.

Successful examples: Uncle Autumn Leaf, Li Haifeng (disc founder), plagiarized a cat ("The Top Decade of the Year" sold 10000 million copies in six unpublished copies). These are all the teachers I have listened to.

Fourth, focus on deep ploughing and insist on doing

Positioning, focus, deep ploughing, persistence.

The key to mastering a habit is to start with repetition and not to strive for perfection. Done first, perfected.

Write 100 words a day. Read a book deeply every week. Exercise for 20 minutes a day. Put it into practice and act now.

"I am an athlete" becomes "I am a person with a bright spirit and a passion for challenges".

"I am the class teacher" becomes "I am the awakener of the soul, the leader of knowledge, and the igniter of the fire."

Complex things are simple to do, simple things are repeated, and complex things are done with heart. Do simple things repeatedly and you are the expert. Do complex things with your heart, and you are the winner. I read and write every day, rich and beautiful. I hope that one day, from quantitative change to qualitative change, complete the perfect transformation. Break the cocoon into a butterfly and fly!

(Famous Homeroom Teacher Studio) How to Increase Your Personal Brand Tenfold

Zhihu: Why have you read so many books, but you still can't live this life?

Unity of knowledge and action! Practice!

When the water is clear, there is no fish, and people are invincible to "practice"!

To summarize today's sharing.

How to build a personal brand tenfold: positioning, focusing, deep ploughing, persistence!

Sun arch a pawn!

One goal, 10 times harder, 100 times persistence!

Finish first and then perfect, and shine without a game!

I wish you all to become a big coffee in the field of education as soon as possible!

Thank you for listening, and welcome your valuable comments.

August 26, 2021


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