
Study on migration in Belgium

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Study on migration in Belgium
Study on migration in Belgium




Migration is a widespread phenomenon in today's world. Whether for work, study, family reunification or political asylum, migrants have varying degrees of presence and development around the world.

Belgium, as a European country, is no exception to the problem of immigration. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, Belgium has hosted a large number of immigrants, who have made an important contribution to the social and economic development of Belgium.

Today, the history and background of Belgian immigration, the evolution of immigration policy, the impact of migration on Belgian society and economy, and the problems and challenges faced by immigrants will be discussed, with a view to providing reference for the reform of Belgian immigration policy.

Study on migration in Belgium

History and background of Belgian immigration

Belgium is a small and diverse country with a complex immigration history and background. Since the 19th century, Belgium has been one of the destinations of European and global immigrants, especially since the Second World War, which has been home to a large number of European and African immigrants.

In Belgian history, immigration began at the end of the 19th century. At that time, the Belgian Industrial Revolution brought prosperity, attracting a large number of workers and peasants from European countries.

These immigrants, mainly from countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy and Poland, have made a great contribution to Belgium's economic development and industrialization.

Study on migration in Belgium

In the 20th century, as the Belgian economy developed and prospered, Belgium became a destination for more immigrants from European and African countries. In the late 60s and early 70s of the 20th century, Belgium began to accept large numbers of labor migrants from North African and Middle Eastern countries such as Morocco and Turkey.

These migrants, mainly from rural areas, travel to Belgium in search of better job opportunities and better living conditions. In addition, in the 80s and 90s of the 20th century, Belgium accepted a number of refugees from African countries such as Congo, Rwanda and Burundi.

In the 21st century, with globalization and European integration, Belgium continues to attract immigrants from Europe and other countries. The free movement policies introduced by the EU and Belgian governments have led to a significant increase in immigration from EU countries, while Belgium has also attracted migrants from Africa, Asia and South America.

Study on migration in Belgium

Currently, Belgium's diaspora is very diverse, including immigrants from Europe, Africa, Asia and South America, most of whom come from countries such as Morocco, Turkey, Romania, Poland and Congo.

The history and context of migration in Belgium is a complex and diverse story that encompasses migration from European and African countries. Belgian immigrants face problems such as integration and social exclusion, while also making important contributions to the Belgian economy, society and culture. The Belgian government needs to develop a sound migration policy and work with the EU and the diaspora community to promote the integration of migrants and social harmony.

Study on migration in Belgium

Evolution of Belgian immigration policy

Belgian migration policy has undergone several evolutions that reflect changes in the Belgian Government's attitude and policy objectives towards migration.

60s-70s: Belgium received a large number of migrant workers from North Africa and the Middle East to meet the labor needs of its industrial and construction industries. The Belgian Government has adopted an open immigration policy that does not limit the number and types of immigrants, nor does it restrict their settlement and social integration. However, in the context of social and economic instability, migrants face problems such as integration and social exclusion.

Study on migration in Belgium

80s and 90s of the 20th century: With the decline of the Belgian economy and social instability, the Belgian government began to tighten immigration policies, limit the number and types of immigrants, and strengthen the supervision and control of immigrants. The Belgian Government had also taken a number of measures to promote the integration and social harmony of migrants, such as the provision of services such as language and vocational training.

21st century: The Belgian government continues to tighten immigration policy in the 21st century, especially during the 2015 European migration crisis. The Belgian Government has implemented a series of measures to limit the number and variety of migrants, such as limiting family reunification and strengthening the fight against illegal immigration. The Belgian Government has also taken a number of measures to promote the integration and social harmony of immigrants, such as the provision of services such as language and cultural education.

Study on migration in Belgium

In recent years, the Belgian Government has adopted a number of new policy measures to address new immigration issues and challenges. These measures include:

Strengthening border controls and combating illegal immigration: The Belgian government has increased police and technical equipment in border areas to combat issues such as illegal immigration and human trafficking. The Belgian Government has also intensified the detention and repatriation of illegal immigrants.

Restrictions on family reunification: The Belgian government amended the Family Reunification Act in 2019 to limit the conditions for family reunification for expatriates. The changes have drawn criticism that the measures could force some families apart.

Study on migration in Belgium

More opportunities for social integration: The Belgian government has taken a number of measures to help immigrants better integrate into Belgian society. These measures include the provision of language and vocational training, the encouragement of multicultural and religious exchanges, and the strengthening of anti-discrimination laws.

Focus on refugees: The Belgian government hosted a large number of refugees during the European refugee crisis, including people from countries such as Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. The Belgian government provides refugees with housing, education, health care and other services, and helps them integrate into Belgian society.

Study on migration in Belgium

The impact of migration on Belgian society and economy

Social Impact:

Immigrants brought with them a diverse culture and enriched the culture and art of Belgian society. The Belgian cities have many communities and cultural centers of different nationalities, making it easier to learn about and appreciate the artistic and cultural activities of different cultures.

Migration has had a significant impact on the demographics of Belgium. The proportion of foreigners in the Belgian population has increased rapidly over the past few decades, especially in some cities and industrial areas. This has led to social and cultural problems such as racial and religious discrimination, social tensions and the allocation of resources.

Immigration has a significant impact on the Belgian labour market. Belgium attracts a large number of foreign workers, especially in industries such as construction, healthcare, tourism, and catering. Immigrants provide Belgium with a large labor force and also contribute to the Belgian economy.

Study on migration in Belgium

Economic impact:

Immigrants create many jobs for the Belgian economy. Immigrants work in a variety of industries, especially in labor-intensive industries such as construction, manufacturing, and services. Immigrants have also created a number of new businesses and innovations that have contributed to the Belgian economy.

The arrival of immigrants has increased Belgium's population and consumption, giving a certain boost to the Belgian economy. Immigrants also contribute to Belgian tax revenues, including income tax, excise tax and property tax.

Immigration also helps increase trade and investment in Belgium. Immigration can facilitate trade and investment between Belgium and its country of origin, and can also provide more international business opportunities and contacts for Belgian businesses.

Study on migration in Belgium

In conclusion, immigration has had an important impact on both Belgian societies and economies, some positive and some negative. The Belgian government needs to actively develop migration policies and measures while balancing these factors in order to maximize the potential of migration while minimizing its negative impacts.

Educational impact:

Immigration also has an impact on the Belgian education system. The Belgian government provides language courses and other resources for immigrants to help them adjust to Belgian society and culture. At the same time, the children of immigrants are educated in the Belgian education system and contribute to the future economy and society of Belgium.

Study on migration in Belgium

Cultural influence:

Immigrants had a profound impact on Belgian culture. Immigrants brought with them a variety of cultures and traditions that enriched the culture of Belgium. Immigrants and their descendants became part of Belgian culture, bringing with them new cultural elements and art forms. Belgium also provides a platform for immigrants to showcase their culture and art, thus promoting cultural exchanges between Belgium and other countries.

Health Effects:

Migration also has an impact on Belgian public health and health systems. The need for immigrant groups to receive healthcare services in Belgium can also bring new health problems and diseases. The Belgian Government needs to provide appropriate health care services for migrants and ensure that public health policies and measures are adapted to the needs of migrants.

The impact of migration on Belgian societies and economies is complex and involves many aspects. The Belgian government needs to develop migration policies and measures in a balanced manner in order to facilitate the integration of migrants and the use of their potential, while minimizing their negative impacts. At the same time, Belgian society needs to be more open and inclusive in order to promote the exchange and integration of different cultures and traditions.

Problems and challenges faced by Belgian immigrants

Social integration issues:

Belgium is multilingual, cultural, and the integration of immigrants is a long and complex process. Some immigrants may face social and cultural segregation, making it difficult to integrate into Belgian society and culture. This can lead to social problems such as unemployment, poverty and social conflict.

Study on migration in Belgium

Employment issues:

Although immigrants contribute to the Belgian economy, some of them still face employment problems. Some immigrants may lack education and skills, making it difficult for them to find work. In addition, language barriers and discrimination can also expose them to employment difficulties.


Some migrants may face poverty and social exclusion. They may lack basic housing conditions, health care and educational resources. The Belgian Government needed to take measures to address those issues, including the provision of appropriate social benefits and resources to help them lift themselves out of poverty and integrate into society.

Study on migration in Belgium

Immigration Crime Issues:

Immigration crime is an important issue facing Belgian society. Some migrants may be forced into criminal activities because of unemployment, poverty and social exclusion. In addition, some immigrants may not be aware of Belgian laws and regulations, leading to their convictions. The Belgian government needs to strengthen regulatory and security measures for immigrant communities to protect social security.

Immigration Policy Issues:

The Belgian Government needs to develop effective immigration policies and measures to ensure the integration of migrants and the use of their potential. This requires balancing the quantity and quality of immigration, as well as protecting the interests of Belgian citizens and immigrants. At the same time, governments need to strengthen support and supervision of immigrant communities to prevent bad behavior and crime.

Study on migration in Belgium

Terrorist threats:

Belgium has suffered numerous terrorist attacks, some of which have been immigrants or descendants. This has sparked concern and antipathy towards immigration in Belgian society. The Belgian Government needs to strengthen its fight against and prevention of terrorism and strengthen security measures in immigrant communities in order to avoid the threat of terrorism.

Educational issues:

Some immigrants may face a shortage of educational resources, which can lead to a lack of knowledge and skills to integrate into Belgian society and society. The Belgian government needs to provide appropriate educational resources to help immigrants acquire the necessary education and skills to improve their living standards and employment opportunities.

Study on migration in Belgium

Language issues:

Belgium has three official languages, which can leave some immigrants facing language barriers. Language barriers can make it difficult for them to find work, integrate into society and access information. The Belgian government needs to provide appropriate language training and resources to help immigrants master the official Belgian language and facilitate their integration and development.

Social acceptance issues:

Some Belgians may have negative attitudes towards immigrants, which can lead to social segregation, discrimination and exclusion. This may make it more difficult and challenging for some migrants. The Belgian Government needs to strengthen information and education in order to promote social acceptance and respect for the rights and contributions of migrants.

Study on migration in Belgium

V. Author's point of view

The problems and challenges faced by migrants in Belgium require a comprehensive approach and a long-term strategy to address.

The Belgian government and society need to strengthen support and regulation to ensure the integration and development of immigrants and improve their quality of life and employment opportunities. At the same time, Belgian society needs to be more open and inclusive in order to promote the exchange and integration of diverse cultures and traditions.

Study on migration in Belgium


1. Rong Liu, & Kai Xue (2019). Analysis of Belgian Migration Policy and Response to the "Refugee Crisis". Journal of South Asian University (Social Science Edition), (3), 32-38.

2. Zhou Cong (2018). The history and enlightenment of the change of migration policy in Belgium. Policy Research, (6), 83-89.]

3. Wei Changjiang (2016). Belgian immigration and terrorist attacks. International Observation, (2), 43-54.

4. Zhiqiang Zhang, & Nan Wang (2018). Development and policy research of immigrant education in Belgium. Education in China, (10), 36-42.

5.Yin Jing, & Jiang Zeyu (2018). The integration of Belgian immigrants and its implications for China. Foreign Affairs Review, (10), 51-60.

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