
Four ways to train your mind that will make your eloquence more sharp-toothed About divergent thinking trainingabout reverse thinking training About gathering thinking Training about strain thinking

author:Mu Yu said

The quality or failure of eloquence or expression ability is closely related to the knowledge reserve and thinking response of each of us.

If you want to increase your knowledge reserves, as long as you are a person with a heart for life, listen more, see more, read more, and think more, you can make the words you say more breadth and depth.

But if you want to improve your mental agility, you need to use specific methods to train your thinking. Because if you lack the corresponding exercise opportunities in life, then the best way is to create opportunities for yourself to exercise.

Below I will give some corresponding training methods for reference for the four forms of thinking. These methods will have a very important impact on our expressive thinking.

Hopefully, these methods will help you sharpen your thinking and gain a fluent eloquence!

Four ways to train your mind that will make your eloquence more sharp-toothed About divergent thinking trainingabout reverse thinking training About gathering thinking Training about strain thinking

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="177" > training on divergent thinking</h1>

The so-called "divergent thinking" refers to the thinking theme for a certain thinking object, and then give full play to their own imagination, starting from a goal or starting point of thinking, breaking through the original cognitive circle, sufficient information in front of the eyes and memory, in order to seek multiple angles, aspects, and relationships to think about problems.

Divergent thinking has three main qualities:

1, fluency, that is, the ability to respond fluently to "stimuli".

2, flexibility, that is, the flexibility of divergence of thinking, can be adaptable.

3, originality, that is, the ability to make an unusual response to "stimulus".

In the communication of daily life, the role of divergent thinking is still very obvious.

For example, you quote a sentence from a foreign celebrity in English for a situation. I didn't expect the female colleague next to you to say to you: "This sentence is a good sentence, but if you express it in the way of a foreigner, you can say it more authentically." ”

What do you do then? Directly tell her "this sentence is what foreigners say", maybe this kind of direct debunking of the other party's "X" behavior will make the other party very embarrassed.

At this point you need to use divergent thinking to quickly conceive the answer, you can say this, smiling and responding, "Really? Well, hopefully I'll have a chance to share your opinion with Jobs! After all, he said it. ”

The other party will naturally understand what you mean.

So how do you exercise this kind of thinking? The different methods are provided below.

Four ways to train your mind that will make your eloquence more sharp-toothed About divergent thinking trainingabout reverse thinking training About gathering thinking Training about strain thinking

First, thinking speed exercises;


1. Please list as many kinds of cars as possible.

2, Please say the various ways to heat up.

3. Please try to state the purpose of the following items: paper clips, wall calendars, pencils, etc.

4. Use 1 line and 1 arc to combine into as many patterns as possible.

5. Please cite 10 examples that have never been seen as beneficial and from now on.

6. Use your insight to predict ten things that may change significantly in the next decade.

Second, break through conventional thinking exercises;

Explain familiar things in novel ways. For example, in the Devil's Dictionary, the interpretation of "man" goes like this:

"Man is a biped without feathers." in Plato

"Man: The fragile reeds of nature, yet a thinking aloe." in Pascal

"Man: A kind of bus in which the ancestors sit." in Homees

"Man: The Ideal God of Dogs." (Jackson)

So, how do you reinterpret the concepts of everyday life in this way? Try it, such as: advertising, genius, boss, woman, work, football, bikini, mobile phone, etc.

My explanation for "advertising" is: "This is a trendy 'blindfold', which seems to be very real, but in fact it is full of false art forms, so that you can unconsciously pay for this 'blindfold'." ”

You can try.

Third, word story writing;

String together different words according to your own ideas to form a story that seems to make sense. as:

1, potatoes, poker, sun.

2, snowflakes, candles, radio.

3, flowers, graves, shopping.

4, balcony, court, fans.

This practice, due to space limitations, I have also mentioned it in previous articles, and I will not give an example here.

Four ways to train your mind that will make your eloquence more sharp-toothed About divergent thinking trainingabout reverse thinking training About gathering thinking Training about strain thinking

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="177" > training on reverse thinking</h1>

Reverse thinking is also an important part of thinking ability.

Figuratively speaking, reverse thinking refers to the views, cognitions and conclusions reached by ordinary people according to the traditional thinking path, you can "do the opposite" and look for answers from another direction, so as to obtain more surprising and unexpected answers.

For example, in the past, our parents would always say to us: "We must study seriously, work seriously, and don't think about playing all day long, so that the plaything will lose its mind." ”

I certainly agree with the idea of reading and working hard, but using contrarian thinking to think about this sentence leads to a better conclusion:

How can a person who can't even play seriously study and work? Because playing is a kind of motivation! With the incentive of "go play", I work hard to get the job done, isn't it great? So there's nothing wrong with thinking about "playing" this way.

This is the conclusion that comes from using reverse thinking.

Of course, we can't speak every word seamlessly, and there will certainly be loopholes. At least for different situations, there will be different vulnerabilities.

But as long as we know how to use different forms of thinking to improve our loopholes in speech, we can naturally improve our ability to express, which is the role of thinking.

Four ways to train your mind that will make your eloquence more sharp-toothed About divergent thinking trainingabout reverse thinking training About gathering thinking Training about strain thinking

So how do you exercise your contrarian thinking?

1, disadvantages of reverse thinking method:

Things inevitably have shortcomings, usually the way of thinking is to overcome the shortcomings or cover up the shortcomings, but the reverse way of thinking is to transform the shortcomings into advantages, turn passive into active.

A tomato sauce is very thick, inconvenient to eat, just want to change the recipe, someone proposed, thick is representing the tomato sauce of the tomato ingredients, no additives, to the thick as the selling point can be distinguished from other ketchup, highlighting its own pure nature.

2, conversion type reverse thinking method:

When we encounter problems, we usually take some kind of fixed thinking to solve the problem, and when we can't solve it, we are still stubbornly insisting, then you need to change your thinking, find another way, and find other means to solve the problem.

For example, Alexander led an army into the "city of Godius". In the temple of the city, there is a famous "Godius knot", which is very difficult to understand. According to local oracles, whoever can untie this knot can become the king of Asia Minor. Alexander struggled to untie it, so he drew his sword and cut the knot in half.

In this way, Alexander changed from tedious thinking to simple thinking, and simplified the complex.

3. Look for antonyms:

When solving a problem or creating or inventing something, we usually think logically, while reverse thinking thinks in the opposite direction.

For example, the traditional icebreaker breaks the ice downwards, which is not easy to implement, and scientists do the opposite, inventing an icebreaker that breaks the ice upwards.

4, grasp the characteristics of human nature:

A great uncle likes to be quiet, but there are always children in front of his house. One day he gave the children 3 pieces of candy, thanking them for bringing hilarity, gradually the candy became 2 pieces, 1 piece, no candy, the children angrily said that they would never bring hilarity to the boss again, and the boss also returned to quiet.

This is also a solution to using reverse thinking.

Four ways to train your mind that will make your eloquence more sharp-toothed About divergent thinking trainingabout reverse thinking training About gathering thinking Training about strain thinking

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="177" > training on convergent thinking</h1>

Gathering thinking, also known as concentrated thinking, refers to logical thinking characterized by concentrated thinking.

Convergent thinking is different from divergent thinking, divergent thinking is always thinking about what new directions, new ideas, and new angles there are, but convergent thinking is based on existing knowledge and experience, digging deeper into one direction.

The so-called "breaking the sand pot and asking the end" is the embodiment of this form of thinking. For example, the famous "5Why thinking method" belongs to the application of convergent thinking.

A certain machine of the company suddenly stopped, so in response to this problem, the accumulation of thinking and asking questions, it can be like this:

Q: Why didn't the machine turn?

A: Because the fuse is broken!

Q: Why is the fuse broken?

A: Because of the overload caused by too much current.

Q: Why is it overloaded?

A: Because the bearings are bitter and not lubricated enough.

Q: Why are the bearings bitter enough to lubricate?

A: Because the oil pump can't suck up the lubricating oil.

Q: Why can't I suck up the lubricating oil?

A: Because the pump produces severe wear.

Q: Why does the oil pump produce severe wear?

A: Because the oil pump is not equipped with a filter, the iron filings are mixed in.

Finally, the answer was found.

Convergent thinking and divergent thinking complement each other. When you ask, "Why is the machine broken?", you can use divergent thinking to find the answer and see which cause is responsible.

But when you find the cause, continue to dig deeper along the cause, think about why this cause appears, and this will use the accumulation of thinking.

Four ways to train your mind that will make your eloquence more sharp-toothed About divergent thinking trainingabout reverse thinking training About gathering thinking Training about strain thinking

So how do you exercise your mind?

First, look for the cause of the phenomenon;

The same phenomenon can have an infinite number of causes. Then list the possible causes of the following phenomena, and the more you list them, the better. as:

1) The boss is late for work;

2) The other side of the building suddenly turns off the lights;

3) Bob doesn't answer the phone all day;

4) A store promotion sale is greatly reduced.

Second, abstract the ability to gather;

Everything has its own "attributes," and to better train convergent thinking, you need to know how to abstract the attributes of an object.

For example, we can abstract the attribute of "white" from objects such as "snowflakes", "marshmallows", "lime", etc., and the attribute of "cold" from objects such as "snowflakes", "popsicles", "air conditioners" and so on.

So you can try the following items, from which you can abstract out what common properties:

1, tables, pools, football fields, newspapers;

2, fritters, laurel, apple, alabaster;

3, mouth, fire, sea, flood.

Third, express your own opinions on a certain issue;

For example, if you notice that your colleagues' enthusiasm for work is not very high, can you tell us your opinion on this issue? The more detailed you are, the better.

This method will use the first two techniques to find phenomena and summarize common ground. These can all exercise your accumulative thinking.

Four ways to train your mind that will make your eloquence more sharp-toothed About divergent thinking trainingabout reverse thinking training About gathering thinking Training about strain thinking

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="177" > training on strain thinking</h1>

Strain thinking refers to the way of thinking that starts from objective reality, according to the changes in time, place, people and events, through correct judgment, scientific analysis, and timely and skillful handling of various complex changes.

In daily communication, strain thinking can be said to determine whether we can deal with it in time, and various obstacles encountered in the conversation process include embarrassment, cold field, and saying the wrong thing.

Knowing how to use the ability to adapt, naturally there is enough confidence to deal with different conversation scenarios.

For example, if you say to a female friend, "Actually, you are a very good person, but you are a little stupid!" "As soon as the words were spoken, you realized that you seemed to be speaking a little directly, what should you do?"

At this time, you need to use strain thinking to deal with it. When you see the other person looking at you with surprise, you calmly say: "Stupid is stupid, you are so concerned about others that you don't know how to take care of your own feelings." ”

A good sentence turns "criticism" into "praise", thus alleviating embarrassment.

So how do you exercise this form of thinking?

Four ways to train your mind that will make your eloquence more sharp-toothed About divergent thinking trainingabout reverse thinking training About gathering thinking Training about strain thinking

First, change the connotation of the topic;

Throw out a "not very friendly" topic and then change its meaning in a "friendly" way to make the whole meaning different.

For example, "Every time I talk to you, I'm really miserable" (accidentally saying "painful" to "painful"), but you can change the connotation of the topic and say, "Because every time I get together with you for such a short time, I want to talk to you about something and you have to be busy again, it's really not interesting." ”

In this way, your bad situation becomes a good situation.

Second, look at the picture to tell the story;

Give yourself a picture, or an object, think about it for a while, and generate a short story. This can not only stimulate their own ability to associate, that kind of "nonsense" ability, but also can be exercised.

For example, I asked a friend why his niece called him "second uncle", knowing that he was the only uncle in the family. Then my friend began to talk about it from the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, talking about a lot of disasters and difficulties, and I was very surprised to hear it.

After that, he said with a finishing touch: The front is all fake, you asked my father to know. I wanted to say to him, "Thank him very much."

Third, quick questions and quick answers;

Throw yourself a question and answer it quickly yourself. Don't deliberately pursue the logic of the answer, when you first answer, just fill the "cold field" with different words.

For example, your girlfriend asks you, "Do you know why girls love beauty so much?" You can think quickly about the answers, such as: "This question involves a series of basic theories of anthropology, psychology, and bioengineering." Of course I can answer you, but if I want to answer you in depth, I can't say it so simply..."

In the process of saying this nonsense, you can exercise your thinking reaction ability while talking, and it will also make the chat interesting.

Hope these methods can help you.

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