
Where are the CS World Champions of ten years ago now?

author:NetEase loves to play

The article is transferred from Play Plus Events

A few days ago, Perfect World released the countdown page of the CS:GO national service conference, officially announcing that it will hold a CS:GO national service conference on April 11, which also indicates that the classic sequel of the CS:GO series will soon land in China. In the message area below the official website, players shared their stories with CS, and the thoughts of countless CS veteran players were also pulled back to the most brilliant moment of Chinese CS twelve years ago.

Where are the CS World Champions of ten years ago now?

When it comes to CS in China, the most enjoyable thing for players is still the moment when wNv.gaming won the world championship on December 11, 2005. Until then, there has been a popular "Asian is not suitable for CS" remarks, and domestic professional teams have returned from overseas many times. Alex, Sakula, Jungle, TK, mikk, they used blood, tears and sweat to firmly imprint the glory of Chinese CS in the history of CS. The CS:GO national service conference promotional film also reviewed this classic moment, facing the camera Alex and sakula published their memories of CS and their expectations for CS:GO to enter China.

It's been a full 12 years since the last victory, and wNv.gaming's winning team is left with Alex and Sakura still struggling on the front lines of CS:GO. After several turns, Alex founded the BOF club and served as a coach himself. Now a father, Alex continues to cultivate new forces for CS:GO, selflessly dedicating his full understanding of the game to everyone.

Where are the CS World Champions of ten years ago now?
Where are the CS World Champions of ten years ago now?

And the former AK prince Sakura, a man who dominated the universe with a sharp gun method, in his time, just let him pick up the beloved AK-47 is enough to make all the enemies he meet into endless nightmares. CS has long been integrated into Sakura's blood, although he is no longer a professional player, but he turned to understand that in various CS:GO competitions, he can often see his shadow.

Where are the CS World Champions of ten years ago now?
Where are the CS World Champions of ten years ago now?

The other three players returned to their lives and pursued their new dreams. Jungle, the team's champion sniper, chose to become a doctor after retiring and lived his happy little life after getting married.

Where are the CS World Champions of ten years ago now?
Where are the CS World Champions of ten years ago now?

The most ferocious breakthrough hand tK also chose to retire and find his own path, but he will still pay attention to CS e-sports, 16 years began to occasionally live CS: GO, and the bullet screen interaction also chatted about the experience of winning the championship that year, so that many old players sighed.

Where are the CS World Champions of ten years ago now?
Where are the CS World Champions of ten years ago now?
Where are the CS World Champions of ten years ago now?
Where are the CS World Champions of ten years ago now?

After many years, they will still arrange a party to remember the years when they fought together on CS, looking for the momentum of their youth. Previously, Alex, Sakula, tK and Jungle exposed the scene of the four-person party on Weibo, evoking the memories of players.

However, there are also some regrets, and the "after-breaking master" mikk, who silently contributed to the team, quietly faded out of people's vision. In 2015, the tenth anniversary of wNv reunited, Alex Weibo asked for help hoping to find the long-lost mikk, so everyone mobilized all parties to search, and even spread the news to mikk's hometown of nan as a place, but unfortunately in the end, it failed to realize the dream of the champion reunion.

Where are the CS World Champions of ten years ago now?
Where are the CS World Champions of ten years ago now?
Where are the CS World Champions of ten years ago now?

In the professional e-sports such a "youth rice" industry buried too much bitterness and helplessness, people say that the predecessors who have paid for China CS should be remembered, but most of them for various reasons, choose to return to society to live the most ordinary life, like Alex and Sakura, who are willing to pay the entire life for CS, it is even more rare.

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