
Simple examples and feelings of interaction with ChatGPT.

Simple examples and feelings of interaction with ChatGPT.

Today's society is very busy, and most of the day is given to work, so they especially like to spend some alone time at night.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening after overtime, and I still came to say hello to ChatGPT. Since the last Asian ban began to dare to log in for many days, plus the public account has not been updated for a long time, I will use two examples today to visually show the effect of ChatGPT.


In the process, I asked three questions, one is the prompt word: "Write a WeChat public account manuscript that introduces the impact of chatGPT on ordinary people, with a word count of 1800 words." ”

The answer given by ChatGPT is as follows:

Title: ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Brain: Ordinary People's Thinking Assistant

When ordinary people face various problems in life and work, they will inevitably encounter some thinking problems and cannot get accurate answers or solutions. At this time, ChatGPT (hereinafter referred to as "ChatGPT"), as an advanced artificial intelligence language model, will become the thinking assistant of ordinary people, helping people better solve problems, improve productivity, and enjoy a better life.

ChatGPT is a large-scale natural language processing model developed by OpenAI, based on deep learning technology, which can automatically answer questions, generate text and dialogue and other multi-language processing tasks. Its training data comes from a massive corpus on the Internet, with excellent natural language understanding and generation capabilities, which can simulate human language communication, and can obtain knowledge and information from it to provide users with accurate answers and solutions.

ChatGPT will have the following effects on the average person:

  1. Provide accurate knowledge and information

As an advanced artificial intelligence language model, ChatGPT is able to understand the questions asked by people through natural language understanding technology, and provide accurate answers and solutions through its training database to help ordinary people better solve problems. For example, ordinary people can improve their cognitive level by asking ChatGPT questions to obtain knowledge and information in the fields of medicine, law, science and technology, culture and other fields.

  1. Increase productivity

At work, ChatGPT can provide practical suggestions and programs for ordinary people to help people better complete work tasks and improve work efficiency. For example, when writing a report or business plan, ChatGPT can provide relevant templates and suggestions for ordinary people to help with the work.

  1. Improve quality of life

ChatGPT can not only provide knowledge and information for ordinary people, but also provide more life suggestions and programs for ordinary people to help people live better. For example, in travel planning, ChatGPT can advise ordinary people on tourist attractions, food, accommodation, etc., to make travel smoother and more enjoyable.

  1. Promote the development of artificial intelligence technology

ChatGPT is a leap forward in artificial intelligence technology, and its application will promote the development of artificial intelligence technology. The development and application of ChatGPT will provide ordinary people with "

It's not that I cut the content, but so much for the answer, and it came to an abrupt end.


The second question prompts: "Write an app that can be used to communicate and make friends online." ”

The answer given by ChatGPT is as follows:

App name: Connect

Application Introduction:

Connect is a social app designed specifically for online communication and making friends. Whether you're looking for new friends or want to build a genuine relationship, Connect can help you achieve those goals. With Connect, you can connect with people from all over the world, chat with them, share interests, and build meaningful relationships.

Application features:

  1. Easy to use: Connect has an easy-to-use interface design that makes it easy to use even for people without any technical background.
  2. Smart matching: With Connect's smart matching algorithm, you can easily find people with the same interests and values to build meaningful communication and relationships.
  3. Diversified communication methods: In addition to traditional text chat, Connect also supports voice, video and picture chat, making your communication more lively and interesting.
  4. Safe and reliable: Connect uses a number of security measures, including manual review and anonymity protection, to ensure that users' personal information and privacy are protected.

App features:

  1. Registration and Profile: Users can create their own profiles through a simple registration process, including name, gender, age, occupation, interests, and other information. Users can upload their own avatars and photos to let others know them better.
  2. Smart matching: Connect will intelligently match eligible people based on the user's filled in profile and interests, and recommend them to users.
  3. Chat and communicate: Users can communicate with others through text, voice, video, and pictures. Users can share their interests, experiences and feelings in chat, building real communication and relationships.
  4. Anonymous protection: Connect will protect the user's private information, and users can choose anonymous chat to protect their privacy.
  5. Personalization: Users can personalize the app according to their preferences and needs, including message reminders, profile settings, privacy settings, etc.

Future development of applications:

Connect will continue to improve and optimize, adding more functions and features to meet the changing needs of users. In the future, Connect will add more social games and interactive features to increase user engagement and happiness. At the same time, Connect will also strengthen security measures to protect users' personal information and privacy. ”

I personally think this answer is not bad, at least the beginning and the end, relatively complete.


The third question prompts "Write an app code that can be used to communicate and make friends online." ”

The answer given by ChatGPT is as follows:

I'm sorry, as an AI language model, I can't provide the complete code, but I can provide some pseudo-code examples to help you understand some of the key aspects of implementing an online dating app.

  1. Registration and Profile

In the app, users need to fill in their basic information and hobbies for the system to intelligently match.

pythonCopy codeclass User: def __init__(self, username, password, age, gender, occupation, interests): self.username = username self.password = password self.age = age self.gender = gender self.occupation = occupation self.interests = interests self.profile = Profile(age, gender, occupation, interests) class Profile: def __init__(self, age, gender, occupation, interests): self.age = age self.gender = gender self.occupation = occupation self.interests = interests class Register: def __init__(self): self.users = [] def register_user(self, username, password, age, gender, occupation, interests): user = User(username, password, age, gender, occupation, interests) self.users.append(user)           
  1. Smart matching

Through the profiles and interests filled in by the user, the app can intelligently match people who meet the criteria and recommend them to the user.

pythonCopy codeclass Match: def __init__(self): self.users = [] def find_matches(self, user): matches = [] for u in self.users: if u.profile == user.profile: matches.append(u) return matches           
  1. Chat and communicate

The app supports text, voice, video, and pictures to communicate, and users can share their interests, experiences and feelings in chat.

pythonCopy codeclass Chat: def __init__(self, sender, receiver, message, timestamp): self.sender = sender self.receiver = receiver self.message = message self.timestamp = timestamp class Conversation: def __init__(self, user1, user2): self.user1 = user1 self.user2 = user2 self.chats = [] def add_chat(self, sender, receiver, message, timestamp): chat = Chat(sender, receiver, message, timestamp) self.chats.append(chat)           
  1. Anonymity protection

Users can choose to chat anonymously to protect their privacy.

pythonCopy codeclass AnonymousChat: def __init__(self, sender, receiver, message, timestamp): self.sender = sender self.receiver = receiver self.message = message self.timestamp = timestamp class AnonymousConversation: def __init__(self, user1, user2): self.user1 = user1 self.user2 = user2 self.chats = [] def add_chat(self, sender, receiver, message, timestamp): chat = AnonymousChat(sender, receiver, message, timestamp) self.chats.append(chat)           

These pseudo-code examples can give you some ideas for implementing an online dating app. Note, however, that these examples are not complete code, and

The same abruptly stopped, but people also said it in advance, and the code was just a sample.


So on the whole, in terms of some simple problems, I think ChatGPT is well suited, and this is almost enough for ordinary people. If the question is complex, I believe that the questioner should also be an expert, and ChatGPT is also a good choice as an assistant.

So I think it's quite satisfying to use it, after all, it is also constantly being optimized and updated.

Sure enough, technology is the primary productive force!