
When a person begins to age, the 4 "signs" of the body cannot be hidden, don't be convinced

author:Medica Media

Aging will have many signals, everyone can not escape, but if you can maintain good living habits, anti-aging measures are actively done, may be able to appear younger than your peers, and the body is young is good, in addition to organ function normally, but also reduce the risk of a variety of diseases. In addition, it is necessary to find out in time whether your behavior is related to aging, and sometimes some unconscious behaviors just reflect the decline of the body.

When a person begins to age, the 4 "signs" of the body cannot be hidden, don't be convinced

1. Defecation forcefully

If you have the act of constantly straining to defecate, it may be a warning that the body is getting older. The intestine is kept young, characterized by motivation, fast peristalsis, obtaining food during the daily diet, and after a series of digestion, the metabolic waste produced can be excreted in time, so defecation once or twice is a manifestation of health.

But if you have smooth bowel movements when you are young, it is difficult to defecate in the old age, often constipation, every time you go to the toilet to defecate very hard, and even begin to have hemorrhoids, indicating that aging has arrived, through anti-aging, good habit formation, etc. to make the intestinal power sufficient.

When a person begins to age, the 4 "signs" of the body cannot be hidden, don't be convinced

2. Wear reading glasses first when looking at mobile phones

Begin to rely on reading glasses, read books, look at mobile phones, etc. will unconsciously take out reading glasses to see clearly, this situation means aging. The eyes are the windows of the soul, and in daily life the eyes can help see the world clearly, and the colorful world can only be seen with healthy eyes.

However, in the aging stage, the eyes gradually decline in function, coupled with some wrong eye habits, some people will show vision loss, eyes are easy to dry, fatigue. Once presbyopia develops, reading glasses are usually worn.

3. Always forget everything

Often forget what you want to do, fall into distress, forget what happens in a short period of time, and sometimes ask others where to put their commonly used things, this behavior is also an aging warning.

The human brain can help issue various instructions, thereby dominating the body to complete the corresponding actions, but in the aging process not only the skin state changes, some people's brain also has reduced function, memory loss, lack of concentration, will find their thinking slow, response becomes dull, need to pay attention to brain health maintenance to anti-aging.

When a person begins to age, the 4 "signs" of the body cannot be hidden, don't be convinced

4. Walk slowly

Walking speed becomes slower, movement becomes sluggish, sometimes feel uncomfortable knees, local pain, speed up the pace of exercise, increase intensity and time, the body often can not accept, there is this change indicates that the beginning of the aging stage.

In the aging process, the joints of a certain part, the bone will degenerate faster, most of the middle-aged and elderly people will show leg and foot disadvantage, no longer like young people can bounce all day, high-intensity exercise can still adapt.