
Yue Fei was fighting bloodily on the front line, but was recalled and killed by Qin Yu who was hiding in the court, it turned out that there was a hidden secret!

author:Ancient Moon is built by the bar

I've been thinking about it, is Yue Fei's death inevitable?

As a person with military power, he knew that he might be killed after returning to the imperial court, so why didn't he directly raise troops against the imperial court? Even if it is cut off as a king? At most, it does not counterattack the Song Dynasty, and it can also help when the Song Dynasty is in danger.

How bad is it to surrender to the enemy like Yang Shiro? It won't die.

After reading the following article, you may get the answer...

The self-talk of a lonely ghost:

I was Yue Fei's chief adviser, and I followed him for many years and participated in his Northern Expedition. I have witnessed his bravery and wisdom, as well as his loyalty and tragedy.

We once hit all the way to Zhuxian Town, just one step away from the Central Plains. We all thought that victory was in sight, and that we could immediately recover the lost land and obtain fertile land for the country and the people. However, at this moment, we received twelve gold medals in succession, ordering us to return to the dynasty immediately. We all thought it was incredible, what does this mean? Didn't the imperial court want to resist gold? Doesn't the imperial court want to restore the Central Plains?

I knew that Yue Fei was very unwilling in his heart, and he once said to me: "The world rises and falls, and it is the responsibility of the husband." How can I sit idly by and watch the gold thieves wreak havoc and not contribute to the country? He also once said to me: "If a country lives and dies, how can it avoid it because of misfortune?" "He was a man of faith, ideals and responsibility. He was unwilling to give up the Northern Expedition, and he was equally unwilling to betray his beliefs.

Yue Fei was fighting bloodily on the front line, but was recalled and killed by Qin Yu who was hiding in the court, it turned out that there was a hidden secret!

Yue Fei

As Yue Fei's chief adviser, I am well aware of Yue Fei's loyalty and beliefs, he is a disciplined, lawful, and absolutely loyal person, he is not willing to betray his beliefs, and he has never wanted to violate or commit crimes. Therefore, when we received the twelve gold medals from the imperial court, although Yue Fei was very unwilling in his heart, he still decided to comply with the order to return to the imperial court.

However, I also knew that returning to the dynasty was very dangerous for Yue Fei. Because there were many people in the imperial court who were jealous and hated Yue Fei, there was even a saying that Qin Hui accepted a large amount of money from the Jin Kingdom and became their spy. They were afraid of Yue Fei, and told the emperor that Yue Fei's military prestige and national prestige had surpassed that of the emperor himself; They also said that Yue Fei's Northern Expedition strategy and propositions were contrary to the emperor's policy of seeking peace, and that if he recovered the lost territory, Gaozu would lose the imperial throne, which was enough to kill people invisibly.

They were even afraid that Yue Fei would become a rebel or usurper, and if he became strong in the future, he might be liquidated. Therefore, they would spare no effort to frame and falsely accuse Yue Fei, making the emperor suspicious and afraid of Yue Fei.

As for the policy of the imperial court all along, I also heard such a saying: "Taizu has a secret edict, for soldiers who have the potential to become An Lushan, regardless of the green and red, all cut the grass and remove the roots!" "Now in the eyes of Emperor Gaozu of Song, Yue Fei is exactly such a person.

I know very well that although the Song Dynasty is inherited from the Tang Dynasty, Song Taizu himself is also a soldier, and he has obtained his current inheritance through the right to release troops from a cup of wine. It is precisely because he has been a soldier, he deeply knows the danger of the military alone, coupled with the An Lushan incident in the previous dynasty, so the people of the Zhao family have always been extremely jealous of the military, and have a tradition of reusing civilian officials, in their eyes, no matter how bad civilian officials are, they cannot shake the cornerstone of the country.

Yue Fei was fighting bloodily on the front line, but was recalled and killed by Qin Yu who was hiding in the court, it turned out that there was a hidden secret!

Song Taizu

I once advised Yue Fei not to return to the dynasty, and I once gave him a few suggestions:

  • Self-reliance as king: We can establish an anti-Jin regime in Hebei, coexist with the Southern Song Dynasty, and continue the Northern Expedition. We can use the cooperation between the Hebei anti-Jin army and the Song army to pinch the Jin army and regain the lost territory.
  • Surrender to the Golden Kingdom: We can surrender the Golden Kingdom and be a subordinate. We can use the resources and status of Jinguo to continue our business. We can even look for opportunities within the Kingdom of Kim to break up its rule and liaise with other rebel forces.
  • Avoid the edge for now: We can retreat to Xiangyang, neither return to the dynasty, nor continue to attack the Jin Kingdom, and wait for things to turn around.

However, Yue Fei did not accept my advice, believing that establishing himself as king and serving the Jin Kingdom were both unfaithful and unrighteous acts, not in line with his faith and loyalty. He still firmly believed that the imperial court would not disadvantage him, and believed that his loyalty and merits could be recognized and trusted by the emperor.

In the end, Yue Fei and I returned to the dynasty together, but Yue Fei was framed and falsely accused by the imperial court, demoted and imprisoned, and finally brutally killed in prison on trumped-up charges.

I think maybe I hurt him, because I once told him that Wang Zhongsi of the previous dynasty was also a loyal and patriotic hero like you, and although he was also recalled to prison by the imperial court because of suspicion, he finally saved his life with the help of many colleagues. So this time we go back, we may also have a glimmer of life.

But I omitted the fact that Wang Zhongsi was Li Longji's adopted son, Yue Fei was a fierce general who rose step by step with battle merits, and he was an ethnic minority, and he had no special hard relationship in the imperial court, which may be the reason for the different fates of the two.

Yue Fei was fighting bloodily on the front line, but was recalled and killed by Qin Yu who was hiding in the court, it turned out that there was a hidden secret!

Wang Zhongsi

His tragedy touched me deeply, and I regretted it, if I had used my brain more, I could have been smarter, and I could have thought of other strategies. Although I know that it may be futile, because Yue Dashuai's character has already determined the ultimate fate, and perhaps only history can give him the most just treatment.

Thinking of this, I came to my heart with sorrow, took out the sword beside me, and only died to repay the great marshal's kindness.

Introduction to the real historical background

Yue Fei (March 24, 1103 ~ January 27, 1142), male, character Pengju, from Tangyin, Xiangzhou (present-day Tangyin County, Henan). During the Southern Song Dynasty, he was a famous anti-gold general, military strategist, strategist, national hero, calligrapher, and poet, ranking first among the "four generals of Zhongxing" in the Southern Song Dynasty. Since the age of twenty, Yue Fei has served in the army four times. Since the second year of Jianyan, he led the Yue family army to fight hundreds of battles with the Jin army, and he was invincible. In 1140, he led the Northern Expedition, defeated the Jin army at Yongcheng and Yingchang, and marched into Zhuxian Town. Unexpectedly, Emperor Gaozong of Song, Qin Hui and others were bent on seeking peace and ordered the withdrawal of troops with twelve gold medals, and Yue Fei was forced to join the army in isolation. In the process of Song Jin's peace discussion, Yue Fei was framed by Qin Huan, Zhang Jun and others and was arrested and imprisoned. In January 1142, Yue Fei was killed on charges of "trumped-up" "treason."

Yue Fei had a high reputation among the Wen Chen military generals at that time. He was considered a disciplined, lenient, and genius general. Even ministers who disagreed with political views could get along with each other, and people like Lord and Sect Minister Zhao Ding fought hotly with Yue Fei in private. Even Qin Hui didn't want to frame Yue Fei at first, and the main target he framed at that time was Han Shizhong. If it weren't for Yue Fei's desperate protection of his old colleague and angered Qin Huan, coupled with his military talent that really made Qin Huan's master tremble, his future fate might still be variable.

As for Song Gaozong's views on Yue Fei, according to historical records, Song Gaozong once commented on Yue Fei as "careful and respectful, not specialized in advancing and retreating." However, at the beginning of the 7th year of Shaoxing, Yue Fei went to Zhang the next day to beg for the dismissal of the army because of the death of his mother, which made Emperor Gaozong of Song very angry. Although he finally decided to "convince people with virtue", after this incident, the rift between Yue Fei and Zhao Shu became larger and larger, and Zhao Zhi never let go of his suspicions and precautions against Yue Fei

Information from:

  • Yue Fei (Southern Song Dynasty anti-gold general, national hero) - Baidu Encyclopedia
  • Yue Fei-Sogou Encyclopedia
  • What did Yue Fei's Wen Chen Wu General of the same era think of Yue Fei? - Zhihu
  • Zhang Zongyuan (Song Dynasty official) - Baidu Encyclopedia
Yue Fei was fighting bloodily on the front line, but was recalled and killed by Qin Yu who was hiding in the court, it turned out that there was a hidden secret!

Editor's note

Yue Fei was a loyal, brave, far-sighted and strategizing general who defeated enemies many times, defended the country, and put forward the strategic idea of "putting peace first", which led to some victories in the Civil War of the Song Dynasty.

However, due to the conflict between Yue Fei and Prime Minister Qin Hui in the process of defending the country, Qin Hui believed that Yue Fei's prestige would threaten his authority, so he framed him, which eventually led to Yue Fei's execution. This incident shows that factors such as power struggles and human feelings often interfere with fair judgment and action, which is a thought-provoking question.

The answer to the question of whether Yue Fei's loyal personality is worth advocating may vary from person to person. Loyalty is a virtue that helps people build trust, maintain relationships, and achieve common goals. However, excessive loyalty can also lead to blind obedience, lack of independent thinking, and neglect of personal interests. Therefore, whether or not to promote a loyal personality depends on the specific situation and personal values.

As for how to protect people with loyal personalities, this is also a complex issue. In real life, we can protect the legitimate rights and interests of everyone by establishing a healthy social system, improving legal awareness, and promoting fairness and justice. For people with loyal personalities, we can encourage them to think independently, stick to their principles, and defend their rights, while respecting their choices and values.