
Stir-fried zucchini with tomatoes: an unexpected and delicious pairing! Sour and appetizing, spending money not much to eat fragrant

author:Ahu's snack light

Cooking is like this, sometimes two mismatched ingredients collide together, can burst out unexpected delicious, just like the word "fresh", fish and lamb together is delicious.

Stir-fried zucchini with tomatoes: an unexpected and delicious pairing! Sour and appetizing, spending money not much to eat fragrant

Today I will also share a dish, a sour and appetizing, incomparable rice, there is no soup left at the end, an unexpected delicious small stir-fry, the protagonists of the ingredients are tomatoes and zucchini, two ingredients that many people think do not match.

Stir-fried zucchini with tomatoes: an unexpected and delicious pairing! Sour and appetizing, spending money not much to eat fragrant

First of all, you have to know that zucchini and tomatoes are vitamin households, vitamin C and B needless to say, the carotene in it must be introduced, the carotene in these two ingredients will be dissolved in the oil after stir-frying, easier to be digested and absorbed and utilized by the body, and then converted into vitamin A in the body, which is good for the eyes, skin and immunity, this dish comes out, students and workers who often use their eyes must eat more.

Stir-fried zucchini with tomatoes: an unexpected and delicious pairing! Sour and appetizing, spending money not much to eat fragrant

Secondly, both contain excellent dietary fiber, and both are extremely low in calories, which can help you help digestion, burn fat and laxative, and have many benefits.

Stir-fried zucchini with tomatoes: an unexpected and delicious pairing! Sour and appetizing, spending money not much to eat fragrant

Today's eating method also adds eggs, in turn to supplement enough protein, but also to increase the flavor, 5 minutes to fry a plate, spend money not much to eat fragrant.

——Fried zucchini with tomatoes——

Ingredients: 2 tomatoes, 1 zucchini, 2 eggs, green onion, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking oil, salt, white rice vinegar, chicken essence

Step 1: 1 zucchini, wash and cut off both ends, and then cut one in two, and then cut into zucchini slices and set aside for later, wash two tomatoes and cut them into chunks for later use.

Stir-fried zucchini with tomatoes: an unexpected and delicious pairing! Sour and appetizing, spending money not much to eat fragrant
Stir-fried zucchini with tomatoes: an unexpected and delicious pairing! Sour and appetizing, spending money not much to eat fragrant

Step 2: Beat two eggs, pour into a frying pan over low heat, stir-fry into large pieces, and put out the oil control for later use.

Stir-fried zucchini with tomatoes: an unexpected and delicious pairing! Sour and appetizing, spending money not much to eat fragrant

Step 3: Boiling oil in the pot, the amount of oil is the usual amount of stir-frying, first put the green onion under the pot to burst the aroma, then put the tomato cubes into the pot, turn on medium-low heat and stir-fry the tomatoes to become "sand" out of the soup.

Stir-fried zucchini with tomatoes: an unexpected and delicious pairing! Sour and appetizing, spending money not much to eat fragrant

Step 4: At this time, put all the sliced zucchini into the pot, turn on high heat and stir-fry evenly, then sprinkle with an appropriate amount of salt and continue to stir-fry, stir-fry until the zucchini slices are slightly soft. At this time, sprinkling salt and stir-frying can promote the soup of the ingredients, because the "soup" of this dish is also the soul

Stir-fried zucchini with tomatoes: an unexpected and delicious pairing! Sour and appetizing, spending money not much to eat fragrant

Step 5: Finally, add the scrambled eggs, drizzle a circle of light soy sauce and two tablespoons of oyster sauce, continue to stir-fry over high heat, stir-fry until a large amount of soup seeps out, and then add some chicken essence to enhance the flavor, if you like sourness, you can call white rice vinegar and stir-fry well to get out of the pot.

Stir-fried zucchini with tomatoes: an unexpected and delicious pairing! Sour and appetizing, spending money not much to eat fragrant

The taste is sour, fragrant, with a bowl of rice is too satisfying, every day when the meal comes to the meal do not know what to eat, you can add this dish to your recipe, unexpected delicious!

——Ahu's cooking tips——

Even simple dishes also have cooking tips: this dish out of the "soup" is the most critical, the soup used to mix rice is also a must, zucchini contains a lot of water, so we add salt after the zucchini pot and stir-fry well, so that under the action of salt osmotic pressure will come out of the soup.

I'm Ahu's Little Snack, a gluttonous eater who likes to study different ways of gastronomy! Tomatoes and zucchini are also a natural pair, scrambled with eggs, sour and appetizing special relief, delicious without meat, simple ingredients can also make good taste.

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