
How much role can France play in the PLA's breakthrough of the "third island chain"?

author:First military intelligence

#东部战区演练: Maintain the situation of encircling the island##马克龙: Europe must reduce its dependence on the United States##现场: The Shandong ship formation participates in the exercise around Taiwan #


Macron's visit to China, China and France reached a series of strategic cooperation results. The issuance of the Sino-French Joint Statement is the best interpretation of this series of cooperation achievements. In the content of the statement released by Xinhua News Agency, we can see a key point, China and France agreed to deepen exchanges on strategic issues, the PLA Southern Theater will deepen dialogue with the French military in the Pacific Sea Zone, and the two sides will strengthen mutual understanding on international and regional security issues.

How much role can France play in the PLA's breakthrough of the "third island chain"?


This sends an important signal that the PLA may cooperate more with the French in the Pacific in the future. For the "third island chain" of the United States, whether the PLA can achieve a breakthrough with cooperation with the French army is also a point of interest.

Next, according to a report by the global network on April 10, Macron publicly stated that Europe should reduce its dependence on the United States on the way back to France after completing his visit to China and returning to France by special plane; Moreover, on the issue of Taiwan, Europe cannot get involved in the "confrontation" that the United States is trying to provoke. In addition, Macron also mentioned Europe's strategic autonomy again, and he believes that France can put this theory into action and create a "third superpower".

(Eastern Theater Taiwan Strait Military Training)

From Macron's statement, it can be seen that France, as the leader of Europe, does want to get rid of the control of the United States, especially in the context of the Ukraine crisis, France is becoming more aware of the importance of promoting this action. In the 60s, France expelled American troops and insisted on diplomatic independence. And this time Macron's visit to China enjoyed a higher level of etiquette than von der Leyen, which is enough to see the level of Sino-French relations and the prominence of France's European leader. France's choice to join hands with China is of very positive significance for it to get rid of the control of the United States, achieve strategic autonomy, and drive the development of Europe.

How much role can France play in the PLA's breakthrough of the "third island chain"?

(Macron and von der Leyen received different courtesies)

Recently, around the Taiwan issue, the People's Liberation Army has also struck hard, using the joint actions of the army, navy and air force to create an "all-round encirclement and deterrent situation" against Taiwan Island. The significance of the PLA's action lies in smashing the "US-Taiwan collusion" and deterring "Taiwan independence" elements, and at the same time serving as a warning to the US side. Of course, there are also analysts who believe that the PLA's initiative is not only around the Taiwan issue, but also a manifestation of the "going out" strategy, the PLA Navy is transforming and developing in the direction of the blue-water navy, our goal is of course the sea of stars, and to achieve this goal, we must break through the so-called "first, second, and third island chain" that the United States is trying to create.

How much role can France play in the PLA's breakthrough of the "third island chain"?

As we all know, the United States has deployed the so-called "three major island chains" in the Pacific Ocean, and the "first island chain" is basically around the so-called "front line" of Japan, China's Taiwan Island, and the Philippines.

How much role can France play in the PLA's breakthrough of the "third island chain"?

(The Shandong ship has already participated in the "military exercise around the island")

And the so-called "second island chain" is already "not working". It is composed of Guam, with some islands in Japan, as well as the Mariana Islands, etc., this "island chain" needs to rely more on US military bases in Australia and New Zealand. However, at present, it seems that the "second island chain" has actually gradually entered the range of fire strikes of the PLA, the Liaoning ship has already arrived near Guam for training, and the PLA's Dongfeng missiles have gradually covered the "second island chain", so the "second island chain" has been in a state of existence in name only.

How much role can France play in the PLA's breakthrough of the "third island chain"?

(Dongfeng missile participated in the exercise)

But the United States also has a third layer of defense in depth in the Pacific, that is, the so-called "third island chain" around Hawaii, from the Aleutian Islands to Oceania, and some islands in the South Pacific. Compared with the "first and second island chains", the "third island chain" is farther away, it is longer and more difficult to defend, but at the same time it is also difficult to attack, because the "third island chain" is in the heart of the Pacific Ocean. And American troops are stationed here in Hawaii and the Aleutian Islands. This will create obstacles to the breakthrough of the PLA. For us, if there is a suitable intermediate transition zone in the Pacific, then breaking through the "third island chain" is no longer an unimaginable problem.

How much role can France play in the PLA's breakthrough of the "third island chain"?

(U.S. Army Base Hawaii)

"Coincidentally", France happens to have several overseas possessions in the Pacific. Specifically, it includes French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna, and Clipperton Island.

These overseas territories of France are distributed from west to east in the central and southern Pacific Ocean. Moreover, some of these islands are relatively large, such as French Polynesia, which has an area of more than 4,000 square kilometers and a population of about 280,000. New Caledonia, on the other hand, is much larger, with an area of more than 18,000 square kilometres and a population of around 200,000. Wallis and Futuna have a smaller area of about 274 square kilometres and a population of about 18,000. Clipaton Island is even more "mini", only about 5 square kilometers, the island is even "deserted", but its characteristics are more prominent, because from here to reach Mexico, it only takes more than 2,000 kilometers. With an area of 5 square kilometers, this atoll has the potential to become a larger island if expanded.

How much role can France play in the PLA's breakthrough of the "third island chain"?

(Clipton Island is already just over 2,000 kilometers from Mexico)

Will the PLA Navy be able to reach the area where the "third island chain" is located? Actually, yes. Previously, our warship Yinchuan had arrived in the waters near the French possession, and French reconnaissance aircraft also confirmed the detection of the PLA 052D destroyer. That is to say, the ship should have sailed more than 10,000 kilometers at that time, and judging from the footage taken by the French army, the Yinchuan ship seemed to be operating alone at that time. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that there are other supply ships nearby, but the Yinchuan ship has indeed proved the PLA Navy's ability to enter the western hemisphere waters to the east of the international date change line. With the continuous development of the PLA Navy, we can also sail the west coast of the United States in the future.

How much role can France play in the PLA's breakthrough of the "third island chain"?
How much role can France play in the PLA's breakthrough of the "third island chain"?

(Yinchuan appeared in the South Pacific)

So how much of a role can France play in the PLA's breakthrough of the "third island chain"? This depends on the level of cooperation between China and France, as well as a perception of France's position. France now wants to lead Europe to get rid of the control of the United States, and at the same time will achieve its own strength enhancement and development, which is beneficial to us, if China and France can carry out some in-depth military exchanges and cooperation in the Pacific, then I believe that France can play some role in the future.

Of course, it is still the old saying, the iron must be hard by itself, and only when our own strength is strong can we get more guarantees. France is still a NATO country after all, and it cannot expect much from France. At the same time, China's peaceful diplomacy and the concept of equal cooperation will also promote our activities on the international stage, such as exchanges and cooperation between China and Pacific island countries, which will create a better international environment for us.

How much role can France play in the PLA's breakthrough of the "third island chain"?

(PLA operations)

Therefore, it is only a matter of time before the PLA breaks through the "third island chain", and the military cooperation between China and France in the Pacific Ocean should also be expected in the future, but on issues related to national sovereignty and security, we still have to rely on our own strength, strengthen diversified cooperation, and promote the development of a diversified world.

At present, it seems that multipolarization is the mainstream trend in today's world, and it is no longer possible for the United States to maintain a "unipolar" world, as long as we follow the trend of development and strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, I believe that the so-called "third island chain" of the United States will inevitably break itself.

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