
No matter what the outcome of the Chen Moulong incident is, it cannot change the phenomenon and essence of the incident itself

author:Mr. Sean for 25 years

From Qingming Festival to today, there is a hot topic that has been going on and fermenting.

But with the police report issued by the Deyang police today, I think things will soon come to light, and gradually disappear, diluted in the long history of the Internet.

Many times I can participate in topic discussions, after all, the heat is there, casually rubbing is traffic. But as an Internet participant, you have long developed a good tradition of "letting the bullets fly for a while". So simply eat melon while waiting for the reversal.

Now that the official report has come out, the incident is basically qualified, and we can talk a few words.

No matter what the outcome of the Chen Moulong incident is, it cannot change the phenomenon and essence of the incident itself


Event grooming

April 5, Qingming Day, 00:27

A large number of chat records of suspected CETC employees cursing leaders for overtime leaked out.

April 5, 10:45

The topic rushed to the top of the hot search, and the publisher Chen Moulong personally responded: has left.

April 5, 11:35

China Science and Technology Electric responded for the first time: It will reply uniformly after verification.

5 April, 14:16

Sichuan Province and the Chengdu Federation of Trade Unions intervened in the incident.

April 5, 3:10 PM

The Chengdu labor inspection department also commented on the incident.

5 April, 15:31

CETC responded: non-member units and employees of the group company.

6 April, 11:43

An informed source of the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions revealed that the place of the incident was not in Chengdu.

6 April, 12:44

Sichuan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions: "Employees scaring leaders due to overtime" incident last year, is still investigating.

April 6, 14:01

China Electric Technology refuted rumors and online rumors and spread the party's appointment and dismissal information: false.

6 April, 15:43

Chengdu Labor Inspection Department: The incident is still under investigation.

6 April, 8:44 PM

CETC confirmed that there was no temporary worker: it had reported false information on the Internet.

7 April, 8:41 PM

The police reported that "overtime leadership" was fabricated, and those involved were detained.

The above is the development line and important nodes of the incident, in which I deliberately deleted the comments published by the official media, and only listed the participation in the incident, the investigation of the incident and the official notification.

First, from the incident rushing to the hot search to trigger a scolding war, the crowd was angry, to Zhongke Electric shut down Douyin and issued a statement, only an hour has passed. Compared with the efficiency of state-owned enterprises in the past, it can be described as quick handling and quick response.

Second, it was the intervention of the Chengdu labor inspection department and the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions. The labour inspectorate is relatively cautious and makes statements based on certain premises, such as that the incident is still under investigation; If the circumstances are true, the company's conduct is indeed illegal; Wait a minute. The Sichuan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, on the other hand, was more aggressive, first revealing that the incident was not in Chengdu, and secondly determining that the incident occurred not this year, but last year.

Finally, the Deyang police's actions were efficient, timely and accurate. Worthy of praise.

No matter what the outcome of the Chen Moulong incident is, it cannot change the phenomenon and essence of the incident itself

Among the official reports, two are particularly noteworthy. That is the official report of the Sichuan Provincial Trade Union.

First, he reported that the place of the incident was not in Chengdu, and secondly, he said that the incident occurred last year. What is interesting is the content distribution time, 11:43 am and 12:44 pm.

Friends who are familiar with the style of government should know that during this time period, the government department is usually not working, or the key person cannot be found at all. Moreover, there is currently no official information on the Sichuan Provincial Trade Union Circular searched on the Internet. Some information can only be intercepted from the Weibo content of some state media.

No matter what the outcome of the Chen Moulong incident is, it cannot change the phenomenon and essence of the incident itself

The official account of the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions verified on Sina Weibo has not published a single Weibo in 2023.

Therefore, there is a situation where the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions has made contradictory statements, and it may not exist at all. Perhaps, the Federation of Trade Unions has not expressed any views on this incident at all.

At least, there is currently no evidence to back this up.


Rumors and hot searches

When it comes to online rumors, it is no longer a rare thing in today's developed Internet. For example, the rumor that a woman took an express delivery two years ago, and the distressing Hu Xinyu incident last year were also full of rumors...

"Spread rumors with a mouth, refute rumors and break your legs." Everyone understands the truth, but why are rumor-mongers still happy about it?

No matter what the outcome of the Chen Moulong incident is, it cannot change the phenomenon and essence of the incident itself

Today, Chen Moulong's rumors about CETC are basically firm and hammered. Falsifying chat records, fabricating facts of employment, slandering state-owned enterprises, and wasting everyone's resources and time are punished by the public security organs in accordance with the law, which is also in line with the law.

He, at all, does not deserve sympathy.

In fact, there may be something more mysterious behind this, that is, hot search. Sina Weibo, Douyin, Toutiao, etc., as official media channels, distribute traffic to unscreened information, which lacks a sense of social responsibility. These top internet apps always seem to be keen on this. They are good at and willing to use the characteristics of mass gossip and good deeds to create contradictions and create topics.

Before they were released, they were the seven aunts and eight aunts sitting at the entrance of the village, a handful of melon seeds, a fruit shell, and a half-time understanding of world affairs, state affairs, and family affairs, all of which were in full view, and the Zhang family, the Li family was short, and the family was discredited.

No matter what the outcome of the Chen Moulong incident is, it cannot change the phenomenon and essence of the incident itself

To be fair, an ordinary account, posting a Weibo in the early morning of the Qingming Festival, can read more than 10 million in a few hours and rush to the top of the hot search. I'm afraid this is not something that ordinary people can do with ordinary accounts.

Whether there is a professional pusher behind this matter, everyone has their own judgment.


Phenomena and essence

See the essence through the phenomenon.

This is a phrase that is often mentioned. The timely police of CETC and the timely arrest of rumor-mongers by the Deyang police are all phenomena in my personal opinion.

But so far, CETC has never mentioned a word about the essence of the incident. That is the fact that there is excessive overtime.

At the point in time when the incident was investigated and Chen Moulong was taken away. It seems that it can already become the end of the farce, a signal that "if there is something, if there is no encouragement", it will disappear and cover the conclusion.

The anger and abuse of netizens against CETC, and the admiration and praise of Chen Moulong are not due to goals, but more like self-spiritual sustenance. It is the infinite empathy that I have encountered, the empathy for the oppression of power, and the vocal struggle against nepotism in the workplace.

I remember that on the first day of the incident, many netizens commented tacitly. This may be the outsourcing business of a certain team, whether it is a temporary worker, an intern, or a labor dispatch.

I once experienced a Japanese game called Valkyrie 3 on the PSP, where the player had to control an incognito army to resist the invasion and play against the empire. And this army, neither numbered nor organized. They are a hot-blooded, patriotic army that rushes to the front line but may be abandoned by the motherland at any time.

In real-world project work, I have built up countless labor dispatch teams. They are kind and capable, and they are the most indispensable backbone of the project. But they have marginal positions, low salaries, and never the possibility of becoming regular.

When the project encounters difficulties, it is they who stand the thunder; When a project needs to streamline the budget, they are the ones who are optimized. This is the norm and the reality.

This is one of the essences.

No matter what the outcome of the Chen Moulong incident is, it cannot change the phenomenon and essence of the incident itself

I remember a large-scale informatization project before the epidemic, and I was fortunate enough to be hired as a technical consultant by the project headquarters. On the first day at the construction site, I facilitated the meeting of the outsourcing execution team of the project, read the construction drawings, decided on the technical plan, and the work plan was orderly and professional.

From time to time, a leader with a round figure came to the scene. The temperament is extraordinary, the conversation is exquisite, and the words are domineering. He lit a cigarette (the glue was not dry after the renovation, smoking is taboo) and asked the leader of the construction team: Is that fool who understands technology here?

He then made hygienic requirements for the unfinished site and required the construction team to dress neatly. And for the project plan, technical difficulties, management process is not mentioned.

Friends who have done construction, weak current and information construction projects know what the construction site usually is. What is the concept of imposing a dress code on the construction team? It's like asking the chef of the fly restaurant to wear a suit when stir-frying.

The layman manages the insider. It's not uncommon in our workplace.

This is the second essence.

No matter what the outcome of the Chen Moulong incident is, it cannot change the phenomenon and essence of the incident itself

I remember a TV interview with Chen Peisi, and he told him why he resolutely withdrew from the Spring Festival Gala stage. One of the paragraphs probably says: All those who can work at the Spring Festival Gala regard themselves as "bosses", and they are all "masters", no one can afford to provoke, you don't see him as an assistant, maybe there are roots on which line ...

To put it bluntly, it is a relationship, it is nepotism. In fact, in recent years, similar examples have been common in public institutions and state-owned enterprises, and it is natural and understandable that parents should be righteous for their children's relatives.

However, it is not surprising to use connections to act as a blessing, pull together gangs, and encroach on resources. Therefore, many incompetent people become leaders, and then treat their subordinates simply and rudely in a very unprofessional management style. As a result, team cohesion declined, colleagues complained, and dared to be angry.

This is the third essence.

No matter what the outcome of the Chen Moulong incident is, it cannot change the phenomenon and essence of the incident itself

Overtime, never-ending overtime, aimless overtime, overtime that doesn't match the pay. The phenomenon is widespread, it has become a culture, and it is even necessary to thank Dade for 996.

This is the fourth essence.


Mencius and faith

I think of the two trials that the whole Internet has paid attention to in the past two days, one is the child abduction case, and the other is the sister fall death case.

Whether it is the masses guarding the door of the court or the final selection and evaluation, it is only a phenomenon of cases, and what we need to face and solve is always the concern for women and children, and the determination to punish crimes.

As Yu Hua said, in today's society, we lack care for others and society. We always feel that those things will not happen to us, and even we need to deliberately avoid them, which is actually not right.

I used to feel that retirement was far away from me, until recently the delayed retirement and Social Security price increase happened to me. I used to think that school bullying was a very rare occurrence until I listened to the class stories that my children told me.

Things that I thought were far away actually happened all around me. The facts that I thought we didn't care about were already relevant to us.

No matter what the outcome of the Chen Moulong incident is, it cannot change the phenomenon and essence of the incident itself

Chen Moulong's arrest is the restoration of Skynet and the desire of the people. Although the phenomenon is wrong, it is difficult to distinguish between the real and the false. But the essence has never changed to exist, not even corrected.

I once read a story in a book. Rich people like to build temples, but they don't like to worship gods. They built temples to worship the poor. Let the poor have faith, transfer their earlier suffering, hunger, and injustice to faith, convince themselves that their life is bad, and accept their life with peace of mind. The rich built many temples, and the money increased, and the poor worshiped more and more poorly, and the more they accepted their fate.

"Mencius" has clouds, "The people are precious, the society is second, and the king is light." How Zhu Yuanzhang did it after that, everyone knows. Why is the anger the essence of the sentence, poking at the sore spot.

Therefore, when it comes to enterprises, employees are expensive.

This is the essence that all netizens should see.