
Mobile phone navigation is easy to overlook reminders, pay attention can save you a fortune

author:Dreams v Tianya

Today 203 kilometers road, navigation is expected to be 2 hours and 27 minutes, 129 yuan toll. The actual driving was 196 kilometers, it took 2 hours and 49 minutes, and the toll was 96 yuan

7 kilometers less, saved 33 yuan in tolls, and spent 22 minutes more! Personally, I think it's worth it, I left at 10 o'clock at night, and there is nothing urgent, it is equivalent to doing a high-priced part-time job for 22 minutes, 70 yuan / hour, this can be. Before getting on the highway, the national highway that took the same distance as the highway took 21 minutes more, saving 22 yuan in tolls, and got off the highway in advance, took one minute more, walked 7 kilometers less, and saved 11 yuan in tolls!

Mobile phone navigation is easy to overlook reminders, pay attention can save you a fortune

This is not bragging, everyone can do it, in general navigation, from time to time will prompt several routes for everyone to choose, including driving, but sometimes ignored by everyone, you can switch routes according to your needs, sometimes it is really cost-effective, like the route I chose below, only one minute slower, you can walk 7 kilometers less, save 11 yuan of tolls, isn't it fragrant? Of course, for those big guys who are hundreds of thousands of people per minute, they can't say [cover their faces]

Mobile phone navigation is easy to overlook reminders, pay attention can save you a fortune

Now the navigation is also getting better and better, some time ago found that waiting for the street light, it can count down to the green light, today I found that there is Beidou lane positioning, even the lane I walked knows, I also deliberately changed the lane, really can be accurately positioned, Beidou is really powerful!

Mobile phone navigation is easy to overlook reminders, pay attention can save you a fortune

But when it comes to navigation, I also have to complain ah, a friend of mine delivered takeaway for a month part-time ... Well, on my own, delivery food choose cycling navigation, several encounters, navigation to reach the destination, the result is still tens of meters away, this accuracy is really not enough for the rider, looking at this is tens of meters, sometimes a wall has to go around hundreds of meters to enter the community, it is recommended to develop a rider navigation, there are many riders across the country

Mobile phone navigation is easy to overlook reminders, pay attention can save you a fortune

#Knowledge##Headline Creation Challenge##Beidou-3 Global Navigation Satellite System officially opened#