
Shaanxi actor Feng Bai starred in the movie "Chinese Camp Commander" to be released editor: Gao Sijia

author:Culture and Art Newspaper

Culture and Art Network - Culture and Art News (All Media Reporter Wei Xiaowen) The film "Chinese Battalion Commander" starring Shaanxi actor Feng Bai starring Zhao Chongde, a heroic martyr of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, will premiere on the iQiyi Movie Channel on October 13. It has been learned that "Chinese Battalion Commander" is based on the historical fact of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, "Night Attack on Yangmingbao Campaign," which tells the story of Zhao Chongde, commander of the third battalion of the 765th Regiment of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, who led his troops to attack the Japanese army's Yangmingbao airport on the night of October 19, 1937, fiercely fought with the Japanese army and blew up 24 enemy planes, throwing their heads and spilling their blood to protect their compatriots and defend the motherland.

<h1 toutiao-origin="h4" > Editor: Gao Sijia</h1>

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