
She is a meritorious Chinese semiconductor and became an academician of the United States at the age of 71, why did she fail to be elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences 4 times?

author:Xiaofen said something

Ms. Yang Yanming, a well-known scientist in the field of semiconductors in China and a professor at Tsinghua University, was recently elected as a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, which is her second time receiving this honor. However, it is regrettable that Ms. Yang Yanming was not elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences four times before becoming an academician of the United States. So why has this outstanding scientist been unable to obtain the title of academician in China?

She is a meritorious Chinese semiconductor and became an academician of the United States at the age of 71, why did she fail to be elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences 4 times?

First of all, it should be pointed out that Ms. Yang Yanming enjoys a high reputation internationally as an expert in the field of semiconductors. Since 1982, she has been committed to the research and development of semiconductor devices and has achieved several important results. She has not only received several scientific awards worldwide, but has also been employed as a consultant or judge by several internationally renowned institutions.

However, in China, Ms. Yang Yanming's academic achievements have not received enough attention. In the selection of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, she has been unsuccessful four times. For this phenomenon, industry insiders said that this may be related to China's academic evaluation mechanism and cultural background.

On the one hand, the Chinese academic evaluation system attaches great importance to early achievements, and Ms. Yang Yanming's main scientific research achievements have been concentrated in recent decades. On the other hand, there are problems such as "well-known alumni complex" and "group culture" in Chinese academia, which may also make it difficult for some outstanding scientists to obtain due honor and recognition.

Of course, the above are only individual reasons, which cannot fully explain the fact that Ms. Yang Yanming has not won the title of domestic academician. At the same time, we have also seen great achievements made by Chinese scientists internationally. For example, the 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry winners Hao Jianxiu and Liu Yongtan are both Chinese scientists, and their achievements have been widely praised and affirmed at home and abroad.

In short, Ms. Yang Yanming, as an expert in the field of semiconductors in China, her international achievements and honors cannot be ignored. Although it has not received the honor and recognition it deserves in China, it is believed that the situation will be improved with the continuous development of China's scientific enterprise. We also expect more Chinese scientists to receive more and more honors and achievements internationally.

She is a meritorious Chinese semiconductor and became an academician of the United States at the age of 71, why did she fail to be elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences 4 times?

Recently, Tang Jie, a well-known expert in China's semiconductor field, was elected as an academician of the American Academy of Engineering. Born in 1951, Ms. Tang Jie is a scientist with rich experience in semiconductor device and integrated circuit design, and has made important contributions to the application of semiconductor technology in the field of microelectronics and communications. Although it has won many honors and awards, it is surprising that it has failed to be selected four times in the selection of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Ms. Tang Jie graduated from the Department of Electronic Engineering of Harbin Institute of Technology and joined the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1978, and began to engage in research in semiconductor device and integrated circuit design. During this period, she led the team to successfully carry out a number of important projects, including high-speed optical communication systems, high-performance digital processing chips, etc. These research results have made outstanding contributions to the development and technological upgrading of China's semiconductor industry.

However, during her career, Ms. Tang Jie has applied to join the Chinese Academy of Sciences many times and participated in the academician selection process. Unfortunately, she lost the election four times and was not elected as an academician. This result is surprising and has also triggered heated discussions from all walks of life. Some people believe that Ms. Tang Jie's failure to be selected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reflects the current problems in China's scientific research environment and system.

In fact, in the field that Ms. Tang Jie is engaged in, China's semiconductor technology level has made great progress. In recent years, many domestic enterprises have made important breakthroughs in semiconductor chips and devices, and gradually moved towards independent innovation and industrial upgrading. However, in the comparison with foreign counterparts, China's semiconductor technology still has a certain gap, and it is necessary to further strengthen basic research and scientific and technological innovation.

She is a meritorious Chinese semiconductor and became an academician of the United States at the age of 71, why did she fail to be elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences 4 times?

Different people have different views on the reasons why Ms. Tang Jie has been elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences four times. Some believe that scientific research itself should pursue equality, fairness and openness, and avoid excessive emphasis on academic status and prestige; Others believe that the domestic scientific evaluation system has certain limitations and deficiencies, which need to be further reformed and improved.

In any case, we should give more support and encouragement to Ms. Tang Jie and other outstanding scientists, and create a more just and open scientific research environment for them, so that they can better display their talents and contributions. At the same time, we should also strengthen investment in basic research and innovation in cutting-edge scientific and technological fields such as semiconductors, and promote the rapid development of China's scientific and technological fields.

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