
Best Friends Voice Edition | "Tailoring" out of happiness, "sewing" out of strength

author:Beijing Disabled Persons' Federation

With sincerity as the heart, with friends. Hello everyone, here is the Best Friend Voice Version! Today, what we want to share with you is ""Cutting" out of happiness, "Sewing" out of strength", by Cui Shumin.

My name is Choi Sook Min, I am 57 years old, I graduated from high school, and I fell ill with polio when I was two years old, just after learning to walk. After graduation, he worked in a woolen factory, Changxindian township government, and a garment factory. Mentioning old objects reminds me of these sewing tools that have accompanied me for 40 years.

There are nine brothers and sisters in our family, my mother always has endless needlework in her hands, but also to worry about the family's three meals a day, the children's cotton clothes and gowns are sewn by hand from the old man's home, and the kang head is placed on the kang head all year round with the hemp rope she rubbed, the sole of Na's shoes and some needles and threads.

Best Friends Voice Edition | "Tailoring" out of happiness, "sewing" out of strength

Mom had long been looking forward to having a sewing machine. Until 1973, my family bought a "Yanpai" flap sewing machine with a ticket, which was also a "big piece" at that time, and even the neighbors were alarmed. I also liked it, and I thought that this was good, I could also do what I could to help my mother reduce the burden.

So I started saving money and bought sewing utensils one after another, helping my mother sew shoe cuffs, insoles and simple "straight trips". At a young age, I was busy with needlework. This scissors was bought at that time.

Best Friends Voice Edition | "Tailoring" out of happiness, "sewing" out of strength

Sewing scissors that have accompanied Cui Shumin for more than 40 years

I don't know how to sew, I don't know the size of the cut, and it's hard to make a pair of pants. I am eager to read and study, what if I don't have money to buy books? I'll find a way to borrow it from someone else!" I borrowed a clothing tailoring book. This book details the knowledge of clothing tailoring. For example, measuring clothes, relaxation, cropping, nesting drawings, calculation methods, etc., I copied down the whole page page by page and then returned the book to others. Now that I think about it, more than 40 pages is a huge project!

This hand-copied book is like a ray of sunlight coming in from the window, which makes me suddenly enlightened. I was only 14 when I first cut a pair of pants with small scissors! The excitement in my heart was indescribable. After more than 40 years, I now look back on it as if it were all so happy and joyful, as if everything was yesterday.

Best Friends Voice Edition | "Tailoring" out of happiness, "sewing" out of strength

I started making clothes for my family. From pants, shirts, children's dresses to my brothers' track shorts, I've done it all. Later, when I had a little savings, I bought a lot of books on clothing design and tailoring, and seriously studied the knowledge of clothing design. The clothes I cut were stylish, beautiful, and well-fitting, and my neighbors asked me to help.

In 1979, I graduated from high school and used a heat-sealing machine to glue welding rod bags in the team. After joining the work, I did not forget the "old line", but felt that the previous knowledge of sewing was not enough. Therefore, he used his spare time to bump all the way from Changxindian to Xuanwu Gate, and systematically studied and studied at the Peace Sewing School in Xuanwu District.

In 1987, I had my own small family, my lover was also an anthelous patients who had difficulty walking, and the common experience brought us together, and this pair of scissors also followed me from Fengtai to Xicheng. After getting married, I couldn't stay idle, and I often helped my in-laws make clothes. The mother-in-law smiled in her heart, and the uncles and aunts in the dormitory building praised her for "finding a good daughter-in-law."

An accident in 1992 broke my disabled right leg knee into a crushing fracture and I couldn't go to work. The family of three was suddenly in trouble, and even daily life became a problem. What to do? After recovering from my injuries, my skills came in handy, and a pair of scissors and a "flying man" brand sewing machine opened a new life of my own business.

I am diligent, coupled with excellent sewing technology to win a good reputation, as soon as the small shop opened, customers flocked to an endless stream, and retained a lot of repeat customers. In 1997, at the request of the majority of customers, I added several thick and thin sweater knitting machines to the small shop. Because I have worked in a woolen factory for many years, I have a wealth of experience in sweater knitting, stitching and other processes. I am in charge of the technical process and my lover is responsible for the operation of the machine. In this way, the small shop could meet the basic needs of nearby residents for sweaters at that time. "Something to find Xiao Cui" has become their mantra.

Best Friends Voice Edition | "Tailoring" out of happiness, "sewing" out of strength

A sweater knitting machine was added to the shop in 1997

In 2003, the community, the street disabled persons' federation and the Xicheng District disabled persons' federation signed me up for me to participate in the Beijing Vocational Skills Competition for the Disabled, took me out of the house, enabled me to have the opportunity to show my talents on the platform built by the disabled people's federation, and met friends in the clothing industry.

In 2007, I participated in the pre-competition training of the National Vocational Skills Competition for the Disabled, which increased my knowledge and broadened my horizons. In August 2007, after intense training and layers of selection, I participated in the women's clothing production project of the Third National Vocational Skills Competition for the Disabled held in Xi'an.

Best Friends Voice Edition | "Tailoring" out of happiness, "sewing" out of strength

Going out to know the world is wide, through this training and competition, my clothing production technology has a "qualitative" leap, and a new height, friends are amazed by my skills, more people looking for me.

Single-string performing arts master Ma Zenghui also often visits my small shop, whenever the elderly have a performance or guest TV column, I will modify and sew performance clothes for her, she is also my "year-round friend".

In my daily life, my lover and I have experienced pain and hardship, and we have also been loved by the people around us, and we deeply understand that sending charcoal in the snow is more emotional than icing on the cake.

The Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008 touched our hearts, and together with the residents, we expressed our hearts to the Wenchuan disaster area. Knowing that orphans and disabled children in the Wenchuan earthquake did not have winter clothes to wear, my lover and I knitted love sweaters for the children for two consecutive years.

In the spring of 2017, due to my age, I had to give up my favorite work of woven sweaters. I found Kang Yiping, director of the Charity Promotion Association for the Disabled, helped contact the warm home of the disabled in Liulimiao Town, Huairou District, and gave a full set of equipment such as sweater machines and sewing machines to children in need, so far, the sweater machine that accompanied me for 20 years found a good home.

The small fragments of life made me understand that happiness comes from hard work, and that not being greedy and willing to give is the source of happiness. When I think about it, it was the beloved scissors that made me learn to be diligent and persistent, and it witnessed the bitterness and joy, joy and sorrow in my life, and in this life and this life, I am unforgettable about it...

Joy and sorrow, chai rice oil salt tea, is the taste of the day. The key is how people perceive and taste. I, a skilled seamstress, have witnessed the great changes in life from bittersweet to sweet and the rapid development of the cause of the disabled, and I love my life, and I love this era.