
The emperor secretly burned a hole in the prime minister's clothes, and a year later found that the hole was still there, and ordered: open the treasury

author:Scholarly talk

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As the saying goes, "A companion is like a tiger." There are a large number of tragic scenes in film and television dramas and novels that are separated by monarchs and blades against each other.

But not all ancient monarchs were on thin ice, and sometimes ministers could be like the emperor's teachers and friends.

Moreover, many emperors were taught to read and write by these ministers when they were children, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are like brothers and fathers.

They were civil officials who studied and military generals who led troops, and they were all right-hand men of the emperor.

The emperor secretly burned a hole in the prime minister's clothes, and a year later found that the hole was still there, and ordered: open the treasury

But it is not easy to get a good ending in the court where the smoke of gunfire rises.

Many people may have died before they could return to their homeland, so there are not many wise ministers who can support generations of monarchs.

There was a strange man who was the prime minister, and he also did not escape the suspicion of the new emperor.

In the face of the emperor's teasing and temptation, he can still face without changing his face, and even educate the emperor by example.

He is Zhang Jian, a person who has not been recorded much in the history books, but is enough to make countless descendants admire and admire.

The emperor he assisted was not incompetent, but why would he deliberately embarrass him?

The emperor secretly burned a hole in the prime minister's clothes, and a year later found that the hole was still there, and ordered: open the treasury

First, the monarch encountered, and the dream came true

Zhang Jian, who was born in a family of officials and eunuchs, is quite a peculiar person in terms of living habits and character education.

There is no extravagance in him of an official family, nor the frivolous debauchery of a gentleman.

He acted frugally and meticulously.

Such a pure heart is naturally very rare for the children of official eunuchs.

What is even more rare is that Zhang Jian is diligent and down-to-earth, but he is not rigid.

He is very intelligent and intelligent.

Zhang Jian, who passed the year of standing, was admitted to the junior high school at the age of thirty-four and was the first place.

He himself did not attach importance to false fame, and after becoming an official, he still had two sleeves and clean air, and did practical things for the people in a down-to-earth manner.

The emperor secretly burned a hole in the prime minister's clothes, and a year later found that the hole was still there, and ordered: open the treasury

Zhang Jian

Such a Zhou Zheng and kind person naturally did not like the corrupt officials and bullies who bullied the people, and Zhang Jian never showed mercy in punishing them.

Although he was only a young man at this time, he was able to protect the people under his own feathers like a loving father.

A person of good character and clean official is naturally deeply loved by the people.

Therefore, Zhang Jian is well-known in the local area and has a very good reputation.

He was in harmony with the people, and the days of peace passed day by day, until one day he heard that the emperor was going to travel here.

The emperor's visit did not stir up much in Lord Zhang's heart, and he had no intention of seizing the opportunity to curry favor with the monarch like other flattering officials.

The emperor secretly burned a hole in the prime minister's clothes, and a year later found that the hole was still there, and ordered: open the treasury

Liao Shengzong

However, when he heard that other officials and people were going to offer treasures to the emperor, he was not only puzzled and curious, so he also followed to visit.

There he met Yelu Longxu, the Liao Holy Sect, and soon learned that the "treasure" that the people spoke of was himself.

Second, the prince and the courtier work together like a fish in water

Liao Shengzong looked at the thin man in front of him, and through the word of mouth of the people, he knew that this was a good official.

Some emperors were able to understand the people's affection for an official, and the people's heart was also one of the important criteria they needed to refer to as rulers.

For officials who are popular with the people, they generally do not easily touch this person, but they will not necessarily reuse it.

For example, Hai Rui, so clean that going to the street to buy meat can cause a "sensation" among the vendors, and he rushed to tell him - "Lord Hai actually bought meat!"

Although such a person is deeply loved by the people, he is not effective everywhere in the officialdom.

The emperor secretly burned a hole in the prime minister's clothes, and a year later found that the hole was still there, and ordered: open the treasury

Harry Rui

Therefore, Liao Shengzong promoted Zhang Jian suspiciously, and later Zhang Jian also proved with his actions that he was not only a good and honest official, but also a capable minister who ruled the world.

It is said that Liao Shengzong had met a person with "thrift" in his name in his dream before, so he also felt even more that Zhang Jian came to assist him as "providential".

Ancient courtiers, good or bad conduct, as long as they are doers, they can also do something, and they are liked by the emperor and respected by their colleagues.

However, officials in high positions can also be sensitive to the sufferings of the people, can do practical things, and have a bottom line and principles, and there are also such people, such as Zhang Jian.

The emperor secretly burned a hole in the prime minister's clothes, and a year later found that the hole was still there, and ordered: open the treasury

The ups and downs of officialdom were not only among courtiers, but also suspicious with the king.

Zhang Jian, who is honest and selfless, is often maliciously slandered by corrupt officials.

But when Liao Shengzong heard these rumors, he just smiled indifferently and ignored them.

At this time, Zhang Jian had already sat in the position of prime minister with his own ability.

Over the years, how he served the country and the people, and how he worked hard, Liao Shengzong saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart.

He also remembers his first encounter with Zhang Jian, a man in shabby clothes who could face his questions and questions about national affairs, calm and calm, and answer like a stream.

Now that the official is the prime minister, he is still rough and light, just as he was back then.

The emperor secretly burned a hole in the prime minister's clothes, and a year later found that the hole was still there, and ordered: open the treasury

Zhang Jian is lucky, he has met people who appreciate him, and he also has the opportunity to show his strengths.

Even before his death, Liao Shengzong instructed him to properly assist his son, who later became the Liaoxing Sect Yelu Zongzhen.

This is the last wish of a dying person, and it is also the trust between the monarchs and courtiers, and the relationship between them has long ceased to be a monarch and a good friendship over the years.

It's just that Zhang Jian never imagined at this time that the emperor he would assist in the future was actually a "bastard" who secretly burned his clothes.

Third, the new emperor is "naughty", and the old minister is doting

Liaoxing Sect Yelu Zongzhen, as a child living in a complex environment, his life is quite smooth.

The emperor secretly burned a hole in the prime minister's clothes, and a year later found that the hole was still there, and ordered: open the treasury

Because he was deeply liked by his father Liao Shengzong, he was made King of Liang at the age of three.

"History of Liao" commented on him: "Young and intelligent, long and burly, long-faced, open-minded and generous." Good riding and shooting, good Confucianism, tongyin law. ”

A smart child is naturally loved by the people around him, and has lived in praise and attention from childhood to adulthood, and his personality is naturally cheerful and confident, but also open-minded and generous.

After he came to the throne, the action of reclaiming power was also very strong, but like other newly enthroned emperors, he was eager to do something as soon as possible.

Zhang Yanghao's "Tong Care Gu" writes: "Xing, the people suffer; Death, the people suffer. ”

Zhang Jian knew very well in his heart that as long as there was a war, it would be the ordinary people of Li who would suffer in the end, and he always had compassion and compassion for the people in his heart.

The emperor secretly burned a hole in the prime minister's clothes, and a year later found that the hole was still there, and ordered: open the treasury

Such a person who could balance the state and private interests, and use gentle means to reconcile between the people and the king, was also liked and used by Liao Xingzong.

However, Liao Xingzong, whose life is too smooth, is inevitably quite naughty.

He saw that Zhang Jian wore the same old robe every day, so he was ready to "tease" him.

Once summoned Zhang Jian, he ordered someone to quietly burn a hole in Zhang Jian's clothes, thinking that the Prime Minister should change this old clothes in the future, right?

I don't know if Lord Zhang was too focused to be aware of this evil deed.

One day a year later, while talking to Zhang Jian, Liao Xingzong suddenly glimpsed the hole in Zhang Jian's clothes, and realized that he had not changed the burned robe.

It's been a year! Liao Xingzong finally couldn't bear it, and asked Zhang Jian: "Why don't you change into a new robe?" ”

Zhang Jian only replied lightly: "It's okay, you can still wear it." ”

Liao Xingzong then couldn't sit still, Zhang Jianguan was the prime minister, he was by no means a person short of money, why did he always make himself so shabby?

Liao Xingzong felt that Zhang Jian was satirizing his extravagance and waste, and he was not only secretly angry.

So Liao Xingzong opened the treasury and ordered Zhang Jian to choose treasures and luxurious clothes, but Zhang Jian still only took some inconspicuous cloth.

The emperor secretly burned a hole in the prime minister's clothes, and a year later found that the hole was still there, and ordered: open the treasury

Liao Xingzong was completely impressed, and finally realized his shortcomings.

How can a person who cherishes even his belongings not cherish the people and human lives?

The kindness of the incompetent may be weakness, but for a capable person like Zhang Jian, kindness is a choice. And thrift is just the embodiment of this "goodness".

Whether Zhang Jian really didn't notice that the hole was the emperor's ghost, we have no way of knowing.

It's just that he may always remember the old emperor's last words, and always treat this new emperor as his own son.

Zhang Jian spent his life working hard for the country and being worthy of the people.

And to the friend who had the grace of knowing him and asked him to help his son well before he died, he also fulfilled his promise.


Most of the growth of a wise monarch is inseparable from the sage, and a sage also needs to grow.

Zhang Jian has become more mature and realistic in his life.

But the emperor did not have so much time to experience life, and his every move could upend the history of a dynasty.

At this time, a compound talent like Zhang Jian who can maneuver between bad people and good people and get things done well is very important.

These experienced courtiers used their half-life understanding and experience to achieve mutual achievements with the emperor.

There is an apt description in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms": "The wise lord who meets his confidant, the righteousness of the external king, and the love of flesh and blood inside,...... Blessings and misfortunes are shared, honor and disgrace are shared, and battle merits are common with one heart and one mind, this Zhou Yu is also called. ”

The emperor secretly burned a hole in the prime minister's clothes, and a year later found that the hole was still there, and ordered: open the treasury

If the process is a dusky king meets a traitor, it will be a disaster for a dynasty.

Ruo Mingjun met the wise minister, and he was a common brilliance of the two people.


History of Liao

History of Song

"Liao Hui"