
Lianhui Technology was selected into the AIGC Industry Atlas of Jiazi Lightyear, a think tank in China's science and technology industry

author:Lianhui Technology

In April, Jiazi Lightyear, a think tank of China's science and technology industry, released the "AIGC Application and Practice Research Outlook Report" and AIGC Industry Atlas, showing the overall ecological environment and industry development of AIGC industry to AIGC technology innovators, industry participants, capital institutions and governments, and Lianhui Technology was selected into the AIGC Industry Atlas with its core technologies and market application advantages in the AIGC field.

Lianhui Technology was selected into the AIGC Industry Atlas of Jiazi Lightyear, a think tank in China's science and technology industry

AIGC drives the value of different industries to increase

With the rapid development and iteration of AIGC technology, the concept of AIGC technology is no longer limited to the production form of digital content (Synthetic Media), such as how to produce conventional content forms such as text, pictures, and videos through AI, but more is reflected in the broad concept, that is, generative AI (Generative AI) - how to solve the problems that are difficult to complete in the past through the technical ideas of generative AI, especially in data or content generation." a qualitative breakthrough". Generative AI can be extended to processes, strategies, codes, protein structures and other forms, which means that wherever digital content can be used, generative AI can cover, rather than be limited to, the content of the media environment in the traditional sense.

The development of AIGC industry comes from the comprehensive promotion of algorithms, data and computing power. It mainly includes: generating numbers from reality and using AI technology to build digital twins that simulate the real world; Generate numbers from numbers, AI learns and creates richer content; Generate reality from digital, obtain multi-dimensional information based on the Internet of Things and multi-modal technology, and realize more intelligent human-machine interaction.

Its ultimate value lies in reconstructing the distribution of labor (due to changes in production time) and material materials (energy consumption, technology, etc.) in the operation link in the process, so as to promote the emergence of new production relations, through text generation, audio generation, image generation, video generation, virtual generation, strategy generation, code generation and other forms, radiation covers marketing, media, medical, industrial and other different scenarios and industries.

Lianhui Technology was selected into the AIGC Industry Atlas of Jiazi Lightyear, a think tank in China's science and technology industry

Starting from content, AIGC has realized the upgrade and iteration of AI technology to various industries, and promoted the value of different industries by reducing content costs, improving interaction efficiency, and promoting industrial service model innovation.

Lianhui Technology was selected into the AIGC Industry Atlas of Jiazi Lightyear, a think tank in China's science and technology industry

Lianhui Technology was selected into the AIGC Industry Map

At present, the AIGC industry is in the initial stage of development, and the IT technology stack of AIGC includes multiple layers such as resource layer, framework layer, model layer, middle layer and application layer.

In the AIGC industry map released by Jiazi Lightyear, different types of enterprises are divided into vertical enterprises that provide products or services for the needs of subdivided fields and general enterprises that focus on NLP/CV/audio and video/multi-modal large model capabilities.

In the field of large model technology, Lianhui Technology launched the self-developed multimodal pre-training large model OmModel, which is the first project in China to obtain the large-scale pre-training model system inspection certificate of the Academy of Information and Communications Technology of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. OmModel is a multimodal AI algorithm based on large-scale self-supervised learning, which integrates language and visual modal understanding to realize the next generation of cognitive domain AI application scenarios. Large-scale pre-training of 100 million images, 10,000 videos, and 1 billion graphics and texts based on the industry has been completed, so as to achieve a smaller number of annotated samples, fuse more modal information, and obtain more accurate AI models.

At present, Lianhui Technology's big model technology and capabilities have been applied in many industries such as government affairs, operators, security, energy, military-civilian integration, digital media, etc., and build a vertical intelligent foundation through large model technology, reduce the cost of enterprise AI technology, accelerate the acceleration of intelligent upgrading of enterprises, and promote the reshaping of the innovation ecology of different industries.

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