
What's going on with the little white pit of mouth ulcers? Why doesn't it always get better? First, what are the causes of mouth ulcers? Second, how is the small white pit of mouth ulcers formed? Third, why do mouth ulcers always repeat themselves? How should mouth ulcers be treated and prevented? Fifth, pay attention to the difference between mouth ulcers and other oral problems

author:Dermatology Wang Yongqiang

When the weather is dry and on fire, eating too many peppers, or accidentally biting into the inner wall of their mouths, many people will see a small white wound in the mouth afterwards, which is a mouth ulcer. Most people have encountered it, and they are used to it, don't have to think about it, and in a few days they will be fine.

This is indeed not a serious disease, but it is very torturous, the pain of drilling the heart is memorable, drinking water, eating are restricted, talking can not be arbitrary, I believe many people have a deep understanding. There are also some people who are often "patronized" by mouth ulcers, which seriously affects the quality of life and is really miserable.

What's going on with the little white pit of mouth ulcers? Why doesn't it always get better? First, what are the causes of mouth ulcers? Second, how is the small white pit of mouth ulcers formed? Third, why do mouth ulcers always repeat themselves? How should mouth ulcers be treated and prevented? Fifth, pay attention to the difference between mouth ulcers and other oral problems

My aunt was one of them, and her mouth ulcer wounds were eroded, scabed, and so repeated that even talking and eating were affected. Seeking medical attention, taking vitamins, putting on ulcer patches, using ulcer cream and mouthwash, etc., the effect is not ideal. Others use it for a week or two, she uses it for nearly a month, waiting for the ulcer to heal slowly on its own.

My aunt's mouth ulcer can be said to be a true portrayal of the people who often suffer from mouth ulcers, and many people are deeply disturbed by it. Modern people attach great importance to their own health, supplement trace elements, nutrition is also balanced, so why do so many people suffer from mouth ulcers?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" >, what are the causes of mouth ulcers? </h1>

As a relatively common oral disease, the incidence and recurrence rate of mouth ulcers are extremely high, which affects not only our physical health, but also easily affects our mood. Just imagine, there is a wound in the mouth, from time to time with pain to remind its existence, can not be bad?

Therefore, it has become a top priority to understand the causes of mouth ulcers and overcome them.

What's going on with the little white pit of mouth ulcers? Why doesn't it always get better? First, what are the causes of mouth ulcers? Second, how is the small white pit of mouth ulcers formed? Third, why do mouth ulcers always repeat themselves? How should mouth ulcers be treated and prevented? Fifth, pay attention to the difference between mouth ulcers and other oral problems

First of all, modern social work, life and other aspects of the pressure, under this layer of pressure, people's spirit is easy to nervous, anxious, emotional fluctuations range, stay up late sleep quality decline, irregular diet, lack of exercise and exercise, etc., these are easy to lead to human endocrine system disorders, and these will induce the occurrence of mouth ulcers.

Secondly, the occurrence of mouth ulcers is related to the lack of a variety of nutrients, such as lack of vitamin B2, vitamin C, trace elements zinc, iron, niacin, etc., which will lead to a decrease in the body's immunity and increase the chance of developing mouth ulcers.

Third, mouth ulcers are also related to genetic factors. Studies have shown that mouth ulcers have a clear genetic predisposition, and patients with mouth ulcers have a higher chance of having mouth ulcers in their children than ordinary people.

Fourth, local stimulation. Eating too hot and scalding the oral skin mucosa, smoking, eating spicy, irritating, fried foods, or friction between teeth, caries, stumps and other oral problems, must pass through the mouth, stimulate the oral mucosa, make it injured, more likely to lead to the occurrence of mouth ulcers.

What's going on with the little white pit of mouth ulcers? Why doesn't it always get better? First, what are the causes of mouth ulcers? Second, how is the small white pit of mouth ulcers formed? Third, why do mouth ulcers always repeat themselves? How should mouth ulcers be treated and prevented? Fifth, pay attention to the difference between mouth ulcers and other oral problems

Fifth, digestive diseases can also lead to the occurrence of mouth ulcers. For example, peptic ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, etc., the occurrence of these diseases on the one hand will lead to indigestion, insufficient absorption of nutrients; on the other hand, the occurrence of ulcers is mostly related to bacterial infection, these bacteria can also breed in the mouth, taking the opportunity to cause ulcers.

Sixth, mouth ulcers are also closely related to the immune system. Some people's immune system defense is relatively poor, bacteria are easy to invade the human body to cause ulcers; and if the autoimmunity is too strong, there will be immune rejection, and the autohistocytes will be attacked by the immune system, resulting in tissue cells being destroyed, which is easy to cause ulcers.

In addition to the above reasons, the self-cycle changes guided by female endocrine, when the estrogen in the body declines, can also easily lead to ulcers.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="43" >2. How is the small white pit of mouth ulcers formed? </h1>

Due to the above reasons, the surface of the epithelial cells that stimulate the oral mucosa disintegrates and necrotically, forming wounds that cannot be healed. In the beginning, the site of occurrence is in the mucosal epidermis, that is, the beginning of the small white dot, which does not touch the nerve, so the feeling is not obvious, only a slight tingling is felt. The wound then gradually enlarges and deepens, involving dermal cells, and the pain sensation slowly deepens and becomes more pronounced, forming a noticeable pit.

What's going on with the little white pit of mouth ulcers? Why doesn't it always get better? First, what are the causes of mouth ulcers? Second, how is the small white pit of mouth ulcers formed? Third, why do mouth ulcers always repeat themselves? How should mouth ulcers be treated and prevented? Fifth, pay attention to the difference between mouth ulcers and other oral problems

In this process, in the groove, that is, on the surface of the ulcer, there will be inflammatory exudates together with the tissue fluid, and the white blood cells will also reach the "battlefield", plus there may be food residues in the mouth, which will form a white pseudoma. This layer of pseudomembrane isolates the ulcer from the external environment, protects the bright red wound inside, avoids external stimuli from aggravating pain, and promotes ulcer healing.

In the early stages, the wound is nearly oval in shape, that is, the small white pit on the surface of the mouth ulcer that we often see, and as the ulcer develops, the ulcer surface will gradually become larger, but the depth will become shallower (because the entire ulcer repair work begins from the bottommost tissue).

And there will be a circle of redness and swelling around the small white pit, which is caused by congestion of the tissue around the ulcer, as the mucous membrane slowly heals, the surrounding red halo will gradually disappear, and the white pseudo-membrane will be slowly absorbed, and the ulcer will heal.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="42" >3. Why do mouth ulcers always repeat? </h1>

The recurrence of mouth ulcers, in addition to the causes of mouth ulcers introduced earlier, has not been improved, in the process of healing ulcer wounds, we will always unconsciously destroy.

As we mentioned earlier, the small white pit on the surface of the mouth ulcer, that is, the false film, can play a role in protecting the wound. But this pseudofilm is not aligned with the inner wall of our mouth, and our tongue or teeth will always unconsciously touch, rub and even bite.

What's going on with the little white pit of mouth ulcers? Why doesn't it always get better? First, what are the causes of mouth ulcers? Second, how is the small white pit of mouth ulcers formed? Third, why do mouth ulcers always repeat themselves? How should mouth ulcers be treated and prevented? Fifth, pay attention to the difference between mouth ulcers and other oral problems

I have asked many people around me that during the mouth ulcer, they will always intentionally or unconsciously destroy this false membrane until the pseudofilm is completely torn off. So back and forth, our oral cells have to work overtime to repair this ulcer surface until the mouth ulcer is completely healed, which is also a reason why mouth ulcers are always repeated.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="26" >4. How should mouth ulcers be treated and prevented? </h1>

What's going on with the little white pit of mouth ulcers? Why doesn't it always get better? First, what are the causes of mouth ulcers? Second, how is the small white pit of mouth ulcers formed? Third, why do mouth ulcers always repeat themselves? How should mouth ulcers be treated and prevented? Fifth, pay attention to the difference between mouth ulcers and other oral problems

Under normal circumstances, most of the mouth ulcers are repeated, but this pain is tolerable, and we all know that basically within two weeks will heal itself, without too much treatment to stimulate the wound, so most of them will not see a doctor or take medicine.

However, if the ulcer surface is too large, the pain is unbearable, or the recurrence always does not heal, it is necessary to carry out drug treatment. Supplement a certain amount of multivitamin B or vitamin C, rinse the mouth with compound chlorhexidine mouthwash, apply hormone cream, mouth contains new solution for rehabilitation, watermelon cream, glacial boric acid, etc., if it continues for several weeks and still does not work, then it is recommended to seek medical treatment directly.

In normal times, people who are prone to mouth ulcers should pay attention to the following points to prevent the appearance of mouth ulcers.

1. Pay attention to a balanced diet and live a healthy life

Pay attention to the diversity of diet, not picky eaters, especially eat more foods rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in high-quality protein, such as seafood, eggs, meat, beans, dairy products, etc. Do not eat too much spicy, irritating, too hot, too hard food, and eliminate tobacco and alcohol.

What's going on with the little white pit of mouth ulcers? Why doesn't it always get better? First, what are the causes of mouth ulcers? Second, how is the small white pit of mouth ulcers formed? Third, why do mouth ulcers always repeat themselves? How should mouth ulcers be treated and prevented? Fifth, pay attention to the difference between mouth ulcers and other oral problems

Maintain a pleasant mood, do not be overly nervous, if necessary, carry out appropriate outdoor exercise every week, and be able to relax while exercising; arrange time reasonably, do not stay up late, and ensure adequate sleep.

2. Pay attention to oral hygiene

The oral cavity is an environment that is easy to breed bacteria, if you do not pay attention to personal oral hygiene problems, it will lead to the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth, it is easy to form ulcers, and ulcers are not easy to heal. Therefore, we should pay special attention to our personal oral hygiene, brush our teeth with a toothbrush with soft bristles in the morning and evening, avoid using toothpaste containing sodium lauryl sulfate, and regularly visit the hospital for oral examinations if necessary.

What's going on with the little white pit of mouth ulcers? Why doesn't it always get better? First, what are the causes of mouth ulcers? Second, how is the small white pit of mouth ulcers formed? Third, why do mouth ulcers always repeat themselves? How should mouth ulcers be treated and prevented? Fifth, pay attention to the difference between mouth ulcers and other oral problems

3. Drink plenty of water

70% of the composition of the human body is water, we say "water is the source of life" is reasonable, drink more water can promote metabolism, accelerate the human body to discharge more harmful substances.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" >5. Pay attention to the difference between mouth ulcers and other oral problems</h1>

What's going on with the little white pit of mouth ulcers? Why doesn't it always get better? First, what are the causes of mouth ulcers? Second, how is the small white pit of mouth ulcers formed? Third, why do mouth ulcers always repeat themselves? How should mouth ulcers be treated and prevented? Fifth, pay attention to the difference between mouth ulcers and other oral problems

Oral problems are not only mouth ulcers, clinically common oral problems, as well as oral lichen planus and sores, the same as oral ulcers, will cause open ulcers on the oral mucosa.

However, two kinds of oral problems will affect the whole body, and if the disease is delayed, it will be more serious. Therefore, if there are repeated ulcers in the mouth and cannot be cured for a long time, it is necessary to pay attention to it, it is best to go to the hospital for treatment, and the doctor will confirm the diagnosis through the relevant pathological diagnosis.

Summary: Mouth ulcers are not a serious disease, but will bring people a lot of inconvenience in life, it can be said that it is a "little goblin of the devil", but this goblin is not how terrible, daily life as long as you maintain a regular rhythm of life, do not stay up late, to ensure adequate sleep; eat a healthy diet, avoid spicy food; maintain oral health and hygiene, you will be far away from the problem of mouth ulcers.

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