
Another COVID-19 test is positive...

author:Pig Day drama subtitle group
Another COVID-19 test is positive...

▲The pear of the valley of the valley

Actress Kanjiya Shiho announced the news of the new crown infection through the firm on the 13th.

Because he began to feel unwell on the morning of Saturday, April 10, he underwent a PCR test. On the 11th, the medical institution confirmed that the result was positive.

According to the affiliated firm, "The person concerned is in a stable condition and will observe and cultivate in the future in accordance with the treatment of the health center. We apologize for causing trouble for the staff, the actors they work with, and the fans who have been supporting them. After that, according to the guidance of medical units, health centers and other parties, health management will be in place. ”

Another COVID-19 test is positive...

▲ The opening of "Moon and Cinema" postponed the cancellation of some performances

At this point, the start of the stage play "Moon and Cinema" (premiered on the 17th) starring Guan DiGu will be postponed. All performances before the 28th will also be cancelled.

Now, Guan di Gu is recuperating at home.