
After the medium video passes, the first video has 500 views and there is a profit!

author:Cooking indiscriminately

I passed the Chinese video plan at 12 noon on April 4, you can see my previous article.

After passing the medium video plan that day, I posted the first video with a share on Watermelon Video at 4:30 p.m.

During the period of participating in the video, I have been posting videos on Douyin because I am used to the pages and operations of Douyin.

Before I passed the Chinese video plan, I was learning how to increase the number of views and video revenue, and I also saw many bloggers say that the revenue of watermelon videos is relatively high, and there are many subsidies. So I started thinking about going to the watermelon video interaction again.

Therefore, the first video with a split I chose to publish on the watermelon video, and associated some activities of watermelon.

My videos generally have good traffic on Douyin, and the number of views after the video is sent out will generally reach more than 500 within two or three hours. Unexpectedly, the video of that watermelon video synced to Douyin had 0 views three hours after it was issued on Douyin.

I was stunned, I thought there was something wrong with the video, so I immediately consulted customer service at half past seven, but the customer service told me that the video was normal and asked me to continue to wait.

After the medium video passes, the first video has 500 views and there is a profit!

After half an hour of consultation, the number of broadcasts began to change.

After the medium video passes, the first video has 500 views and there is a profit!

As you can see in the figure above, the number of plays reached a maximum value of 448 at nine o'clock, but this data is still not good.

So the next day, I still chose to post a video on Douyin, and I really couldn't stand the shock. In the video released on Douyin, the traffic is still normal, the same as before.

Now, take a look at the proceeds of my first video with a cut.

After the medium video passes, the first video has 500 views and there is a profit!

Isn't it not bad? I didn't expect that there would be income with such a low number of views, which shows that I still have room for improvement.

After the medium video passes, the first video has 500 views and there is a profit!

Although this 0.04 points is not enough to buy a candy, it encourages me to continue creating, to be original, and to keep updating!

Did you make money on your first video with a cut?