
The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

author:Feifei chat collocation

Zheng Xiuwen said: "A woman is stylish, more attractive than beautiful. She said so, and did so, looking at her Weibo over the years, either sports or dressing, each set is good to plant grass, her vision is so unique and tasteful, worthy of learning from women who like fashionable clothes.

The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

But you know what? The Zheng Xiuwen you see now is very thin, in fact, she was still a little baby fat when she was young, and she was not outstanding in the entertainment industry of beautiful women, but she became recognizable after she lost weight. Let's take a look at how she creates a sense of fashion and makes her recognizable.

1. Use black in a large area

When Feifei talked about the use of colors in the style of the eight major characters of women, he shared with the sisters that there are two style types of sisters who are very suitable for using black, white and gray, they are fashion type and drama type, and Zheng Xiuwen is just a combination of these two styles, so her large-scale use of black is very good-looking.

The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

But it does not mean that you are this type to wear black, white and gray will look good, but also need to match the corresponding makeup, specifically the eyebrow peak should have a clear amplitude, because only the obvious magnitude of the eyebrow peak will increase the three-dimensional degree of the face; It is also necessary to match dark lipstick, if it is a nude lipstick, it will look unspirited, while dark lipstick can look very spiritual.

The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

Then the whole black will look dull, and to wear black to look good, you need to increase the contrast of the clothing by exposing your skin, so as to look fashionable and good-looking.

The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

If there is no skin space to operate, or dare not wear it like that, then you can increase the highlights of the clothing by adding some silver or gold accessories, and the same effect can be achieved.

The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

Of course, in addition to the above three points, we can also use the same color and different quality matching techniques to break the dullness of a black body, such as matte black with bright black, the bright part can be a pair of bright leather shoes, or a bright bag.

The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

To sum up, there are four points to wear black well, which are to paint dark lipstick, expose a large area of skin, add gold and silver accessories and add bright leather decorations to be fashionable and good-looking.

2. I like T-shaped dressing

When Feifei was talking about what kind of silhouette clothes are suitable for the style of the eight major characters of women, he told everyone that fashion and drama are very suitable for T-shaped wearing, which may be a disaster for other style types, but it is just right for this type of sisters.

Zheng Xiuwen has also used T-shaped clothing on many items and occasions, from performances on stage to daily outfits, all of which have become part of her personal characteristics.

The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

In reality, some fashionable sisters are still troubled by their T-shaped body, in fact, T-shaped body + fashion type is just right, there is no need to take the so-called promotion of strengths and avoid short dressing, this is your best dressing silhouette, Zheng Xiuwen is not born with a T-shaped body, so she also has to cushion her shoulders to support, to create a T-shaped body effect, really beautiful and sassy.

The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

There are many ways to create a T-shaped effect, in addition to increasing shoulder pads, you can also choose the style of puff sleeves and balloon sleeves, and you can also create a T-shaped wearing effect, it should be noted that the material should be harder to be able to support it.

The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

In the summer, you can choose a T-shirt with flying sleeves, which can also effectively increase the shoulder width, so as to create a T-shaped wearing effect.

The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

And when you can't tell whether you are a teenager style or a fashionable style, you can also try whether you look good in a T shape or wear an H shape, if the T shape looks good, then you are more fashionable, if you wear an H shape looks good, it is more teenager.

In the picture below, the teenager-type Zhou Xun and the fashionable Zheng Xiuwen are both wearing clothes of the same material and style, the difference is that Zheng Xiuwen has added shoulder pads and become a T-shaped outfit.

The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

In short, the fashionable sisters are very suitable for wearing T-shaped styles, and the ways to add T-shape are: shoulder pads, puff sleeves, balloon sleeves and flying sleeves.

3. Love complicated patterns

Zheng Xiuwen's appearance is very dynamic, so she can control a lot of complicated patterns, her flower clothes, flower skirts can be said to be numerous, but in general, they have the following characteristics.

The first is that the pattern occupies a very large area, basically all with a whole body, such as the printed dress she wears in the summer is a whole body of colors, this kind of skirt is her type of people wear well.

The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

The second point is that most of the colors of the pattern are very bright, which is a combination of some pure colors, pure red, pure blue, pure green, and the contrast between colors is very large, giving people a super visual impact.

The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

The third feature is that most of the patterns used are more exaggerated, and they will definitely not be delicate, small, and neat, because Zheng Xiuwen's sense of volume itself is on the large side, which is suitable for controlling exaggerated patterns.

The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

The fourth feature is that the pattern is rarely arranged regularly, mostly disorderly, even if the pattern is regular, the style will be unconventional, which also implicitly matches Zheng Xiuwen's unusual character. Indeed, if a person like her dresses too well, she will not have any personal characteristics.

The older the more fashionable the typical, but also look at the 50-year-old Zheng Xiuwen, the style is changeable worthy of being a fashion diva

Well, about Zheng Xiuwen's older and more fashionable dressing scripture, I will share these three points with the sisters: (1) it is the use of black on a large scale; (2) It is the best silhouette T-shape of the clothing; (3) It is the use of clothing with exaggerated patterns.

If you have some opinions about Zheng Xiuwen's fashionable outfit, welcome to leave a message in the comments to discuss, more communication can enhance fashion taste.

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