
Do you want to see a live broadcast about culture and the internal health of the Yellow Emperor that you want to see often? Content...

author:The Yellow Emperor served as the treasurer of the inner wine

The milk is cold and he needs to be melted with your spleen and stomach. And the spleen and stomach just said that their spleen and stomach are not good, your spleen and stomach are not good, your spleen and stomach is not enough, the spleen and stomach gas is insufficient, and the original milk can not melt, the milk is not pulled out, and the milk is not urinated.

Where did the milk go? The cold thing of milk, deposited in your internal organs has not been melted, light has this pus sores, the worst is radiotherapy and chemotherapy, which is a terrible thing.

Do you want to see a live broadcast about culture and the internal health of the Yellow Emperor that you want to see often? Content...

Then others say that Westerners drink milk when they are old, and you look at how high the incidence of tumors in the West is. Since the Japanese talked about a glass of milk, a healthy nation, is the whole people suffering from allergic rhinitis? The country with the most rhinitis in the world is Japanese, how come all the Japanese have allergic rhinitis? When the Japanese invaded China, they did not have allergic rhinitis. How did you get allergic rhinitis later? Because the Japanese people drink milk, the whole people drink it, what if the cold thing can't be melted, and the size is small and the ability is not enough? Reaction to nasopharyngitis, the snot that flows out is sticky and cold, then you have to drink to death, but also drink ice milk to die you know, this is death, raise can also be good can also be better. Why do you have to drink this milk?

Do you want to see a live broadcast about culture and the internal health of the Yellow Emperor that you want to see often? Content...

And now some people say that there is no nutrition if you don't drink, you can rest assured, no one in China is short of nutrition now, all of them are overnutrition. If you have to drink milk in the end, then the Mongols drink milk the same race? And the Mongols drink milk, take hot Hunan black hair tea, brick tea boiled and drank. Tea is hot, bring the milk and drink it to Tibetan friends, right? What is it called? Drink milk tea, where is pure milk? Isn't it that you can't be isolated and ignorant, and the Tibetan ethnic group has a good physique, and its physical fitness is much stronger than your Han nationality. Do you have to compare your body with yourself, then in the end you can only receive the effect you deserve, that is also what you want.

Do you want to see a live broadcast about culture and the internal health of the Yellow Emperor that you want to see often? Content...

Milk tea milk tea is not milk or tea, milk tea is a chemical that is washed out. Don't drink milk tea, this moves other people's interests cake, you say I'm fine, I tell you what to do, milk tea that thing is all calories, you talk to you about culture every day, talk to you every day about health, talk about some things in our Chinese traditional medicine, and Chinese traditional culture, give me a little attention to hang a light sign to teach you to stand on the pile, and share a lot of things about health preservation with you. And you see, when I'm telling you this, I'm not on the shopping cart. Because I don't live by this, I don't live on this.

Do you want to see a live broadcast about culture and the internal health of the Yellow Emperor that you want to see often? Content...

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