
Jing'an District held a 2021 flood control work conference

author:Shangguan News
Jing'an District held a 2021 flood control work conference

In order to implement the spirit of the municipal flood prevention work and disaster prevention work conference, on the afternoon of June 3, Jing'an District held the 2021 flood prevention work conference and the plenary meeting of the natural disaster prevention and control committee.

Wang Hua, deputy secretary of the district party committee, district chief, and commander-in-chief of the district flood control headquarters, attended the meeting and stressed:

The first is to have a clear understanding of the situation, enhance understanding, and do a solid job in flood prevention and disaster prevention with a high sense of political responsibility.

This year's climate situation is not optimistic, we must have a sober understanding, do not take it lightly; hidden dangers cannot be ignored, we must have bottom-line thinking, and find hidden dangers more accurately; our thinking cannot be relaxed, and we must overcome blind optimism and war-weariness.

The second is to really do solid work, accurately respond, and grasp the flood prevention work more tightly and carefully.

It is necessary to strengthen the investigation of hidden dangers and pay attention to the safety above the heads of the masses; it is necessary to do a good job in responding in advance, improve the emergency plan, strengthen the maintenance of facilities, and do a good job in publicity and training; and we must efficiently deal with dangerous disasters.

The third is to strengthen leadership and form a joint force.

Strict responsibility, strict discipline, strict inspection, strict supervision, to ensure the smooth completion of various tasks and objectives.

The meeting was presided over by Mei Guangqing, executive deputy director of the District Disaster Prevention Commission and deputy district governor; Li Zhen, executive deputy commander-in-chief and deputy district governor of the district flood prevention command, conveyed the spirit of the municipal flood prevention work conference; Hong Haiming, director of the district flood prevention office and director of the Construction Management Commission, reviewed and deployed this year's flood prevention work; Li Qing, director of the office of the district disaster prevention committee and director of the emergency response bureau, deployed this year's disaster prevention work; and the district housing management bureau, Pengpu Town, and the North Group respectively made exchange speeches. More than 90 people attended the meeting, including responsible persons of various neighborhoods and towns, relevant departments and units, and flood prevention cadres.

Source: Jing'an District Flood Control Office


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