
Why does kindness hurt? How to grasp the strength so that the good intentions do not get out of control?

author:Chai herd cats

In 1935, Ruan Lingyu, a 25-year-old movie star, left a suicide note with the words "Fearsome words" at the peak of her career, ending her beautiful life like a flower. Mr. Lu Xun once said in the article "On the Fear of People's Words": "Ruan Lingyu's suicide is related to journalists. ”

The uncrowned kings who were supposed to punish evil and promote good and spread positive energy became the executioners who forced Ruan Lingyu to die, making people have to believe that kindness will not only hurt people, but also hurt people very badly!

Why does kindness hurt? How to grasp the strength so that the good intentions do not get out of control?

In the concept of reporters, Ruan Lingyu's seamless relationship is the ironclad evidence of her splitting legs, so the dog team always crouches at ruan lingyu's doorstep, paying close attention to Ruan Lingyu's every move, any little wind and grass can not escape their eyes, they will grasp all the details of Ruan Lingyu's private life at the first time, and then sell it to major newspapers at a high price, for all kinds of imaginative reporters to stand on the moral high ground to accuse Ruan Lingyu of her behavior, and finally put a beautiful, The agile and promising star is not dead.

Nearly a hundred years after the world span has passed, people still can't change their nosy nature, and in the modern society where the Internet is incomparably developed, stars who are driven crazy and killed by online violence abound.

Why does kindness hurt? How to grasp the strength so that the good intentions do not get out of control?

In April 2015, Taiwanese Internet model Yang Youying suddenly committed suicide at home, leaving a suicide note accusing the outside world of long-term groundless accusations and verbal oppression, which is undoubtedly the main reason for Yang Youying's suicide.

In September 2016, Qiao Renliang was found to have committed suicide with a plastic bag at home, allegedly suffering from depression and committing suicide due to distorted media reports and constant verbal abuse by netizens.

On November 24, 2019, South Korean actress Gu Ho-ra ended her life at the age of 28 at her home in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, because she could not stand unprovoked insults from all directions.


These shocking events are stifling and make us think:

Why are people so keen to blame others?

Does bashing others really bring pleasure?

Can we really empathize with and understand others?

Why are we in good spirits, but we hurt each other?

Why do you know that the other party is lying, but you are still willing to believe it?

Why does kindness hurt? How to grasp the strength so that the good intentions do not get out of control?

The book "Why Goodwill Hurts People", starting from the rupture and inheritance of social modernization, the relationship between trust and risk, two major topics, starting from the perspective of scientific research, through calm and objective exposition, let readers deeply reflect on violence in the name of goodwill, fairness in the name of empathy, let us more completely understand the society we live in, so that we have the ability of true goodness, so as to achieve the harmony and harmony of human-machine relations.

Good teacher seems to be human nature, from ancient times to the present, people are by blaming others to get happy, the object of blame, not only the star, the most ordinary public is not immune, when a person's inappropriate remarks are noticed, this person is likely to be immediately searched by human flesh, overnight, he became an Internet celebrity, his past mistakes were infinitely magnified, exposed, everything in his life may be exaggerated and posted on the Internet, so the trolls who do not know the truth are like sharks smelling blood type , began to frantically follow the trend on the Internet, all kinds of vicious words to each other, there is a great posture of putting people to death and then fast.

Why does kindness hurt? How to grasp the strength so that the good intentions do not get out of control?

There was once a middle school teacher who ended up being overwhelmed by an argument with a boy in a swimming pool, and then because of the one-sided criticism and insults of people on the Internet.

At first glance, attacking others is people in order to point out the "place of evil", in order to promote the so-called justice, but in fact, its offensive behavior is beyond the scope of good and evil, and the attack on others itself has become a source of pleasure, most of the Internet trolls, without understanding the situation, to strangers who have never met, insults, and even personal attacks. They think that they represent justice, that they try to correct the mistakes of others under the guise of justice, that they think that they are heroic "righteous warriors", but in fact, they are only trying to satisfy the desires of the tongue and to be quick for a while.

It is precisely these people in the name of good intentions who have done the greatest evil in the world, pushing one poor person after another to death.

In the face of one life after another exposed by the Internet, which troll dares to say that he is not a pusher?

When an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent,

And the man who was killed by the avalanche didn't know who he should hate.

Living in this era of "goodwill" that can be squandered and overdrawn, if we ignore the boundaries and dimensions of goodwill and blindly empathize, although it caters to the ideas of others, it will affect people's rational judgment and lead us to do bad things with good intentions.

So, how do you avoid this from happening, so that your good intentions no longer harm people?

The book "Why Kindness Hurts" provides us with a systematic solution from a professional point of view.

If you're also bothered by the questions above, read Why Kindness Hurts, try to look at things differently, and maybe you'll find other options.

I'm a chai cat, welcome to follow me.