
The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

author:Amateur movie fans

Hairstyles, like clothing, are the most direct identifiers for a person.

For example, in the recent hit Young You, Xiao Bei, a small played by Yi Qianxi, the initial hairstyle was to shave and thin the hair on both sides of the side, and tie a small braid on the top of the head, a kind of uninhibited, handsome and elegant image. Chen Nian, played by Zhou Dongyu, is a typical high school girl's head, with thin short hair falling on her shoulders.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play
The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

At the climax of the film, Chen Nian and Xiao Bei both shaved their hair, and the image of the two men became the most intuitive impact, with a clear anti-bone meaning.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

Also using her hairstyle to show "rebellion" is Ellen Peggy, who played a street girl with shorter and shorter hair in her first starring role in "Mouth to Mouth", and finally even bald.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

Hairstyles, in shaping people, are also shaping stories.

Zeng Guoxiang, the director of "Young You", once said in an interview: "The shaving scene we ourselves think is a very important scene in the story, and you will be particularly distressed about these two characters." ”

Especially for women, cutting long flowing hair into inches or even bald heads will have a stronger sense of contrast. And actresses who make real sacrifices for this often make a classic role.

In fact, there is another meaning of female shaving since ancient times, that is, a kind of humiliation and punishment. You know, shaving the head in ancient China was originally a punishment called "skull punishment", because "the parents of the body hair and skin" are also an unwritten additional punishment for punishing prisoners in many prisons abroad, or a kind of humiliation and punishment for women's morality in society.

There is a passage in "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily", the heroine Marlena played by Monica Bellucci is too beautiful, considered to have served the German army, after the war, she was dragged to the streets by the women of the town, shredded her clothes, and cut her hair.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

The same is true in the Chinese movie "Donkey Got Water", The female teacher Zhang Yiman, played by Ren Suxi, once she could perm one of her long hair into rolls, put on the Yuanna qipao, and dance with the phonograph music, but then she was insulted in public, forced to cut off a long hair, and finally the psychological defense line completely collapsed, and she chose to commit suicide in a mad way - her hair was destroyed, and her dominance and spirit were gone.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

Anne Hathaway played Fantine, a miserable worker in the 2012 film Les Misérables, who had to sell a long hair for money, and after shaving her head, Fantine fell further into despair.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

In "V-Kills", the heroine played by Natalie Portman was later thrown into prison, and the first thing she did was to shave her hair.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

Of course, if you cut off three thousand troublesome threads, you can also get a new life.

The vengeful goddess played by "The Great Devil" Kate Blanchett in "Rush to Heaven" also has a scene with the male protagonist to shave her head, which means liberation from this.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

Women with small heads or bald heads are not ordinary.

Some of them have the courage and fighting power not to lose to men, or even more than men.

One of the most stunning images of female in recent years is the character of charlize Theron in Mad Max 4: Fury Road, which has always been cool, and she once said that shaving her head was a sudden thought after receiving a role, and she felt that only shaving her head could interpret the role better. Sure enough, this look made her look even worse and became the biggest highlight of the movie.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

Strong female characters, often with a smart hairstyle. For example, In "Red Sea Action", Jiang Luxia can be paired with a group of male special forces and is not weak at all.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

The same is true of American female soldiers. In the 1997 film The Devil's Soldier, Demi Moore played the role of the first female officer on the SEAL task force in U.S. history, and she was also bald.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

In the thriller "Beasts of the Deep", which will be released early next year, the scientific researchers who starred Kristen Stewart and the team went to the underwater laboratory expedition are also inches.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

Even, some of the women with these hairstyles are not ordinary humans at all.

For example, the super cool negative sonic teenage warhead in "Deadpool", in fact, its actor Brianna Hildebrand is usually an inch head in life.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

And the beautiful karen Gillan played Nebula, in order to make the role more realistic, she really shaved off a long hair and played it bald.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

Also a mage in the Marvel movie, she seems to be wearing a hood or using special effects in the shot, but according to the actor Tilda Swinton, in order to make the character look more realistic, she also really shaved her hair, which also makes her character look more fairy.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

Back to the popular "Young You", a widely circulated story is that after the male and female lead actors shaved their heads, the entire crew shaved their hair with the two actors, so there was a flat head group photo sitting together.

The actresses on the big screen who cut their hair for the play

You see, whether it is the most tragic endurance or the most extreme resistance, the most fearless heroism or the warmest love, it can actually be reflected in the inches or bald heads of women on the big screen.

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