
Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

author:Dark March said
Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world
Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

Text | Dark March said

EDIT | Dark March said

China's national history of 5,000 years, in each era has left a brilliant cultural technology, once upon a time, we were one of the few superpowers in the world, but there is such a country, from independence to the founding of the country less than 300 years, once jumped to the world's first superpower, this country is the United States, then, how did the United States become the world's first in just 300 years, don't worry, and listen to us slowly.

Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

First of all, a very important reason why the United States can become a superpower is its special international geographical location, God's unique love for her, the vast sea on its east and west coasts, the Atlantic Ocean has become a natural barrier for its development, which is especially critical to the localization of the United States.

During her 165 years of development and independence, the foreign fire of the invaders never bothered her; On her north and south sides, Canada and Mexico are still only colonies of Britain and France, and the industrialization process is also a big gap from the United States, so it is difficult to hinder the development of American industrialization, such a position, has to be said to be a proof of God's favor.

Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

If the special international geographical location provides positive external conditions for the development of the United States, then it has to be said that the inland fertile land resources have become the basis for its rapid development, the United States is located in the central region of North America, the land area is 9.37 million square kilometers, of which the plain below 500M altitude accounts for 55% of the national land area, and the soil is mostly grassland black soil and dark brown soil, high organic content, especially suitable for crop growth.

These vast and fertile lands not only provide the United States with inexhaustible high-quality food, but also provide enough space for industrialization and urban development, plus the Appalachian Mountains and Rocky Mountains, which are rich in mineral resources in the east and west, are rich in coal and iron ore, and a full range of non-ferrous metals, all of which provide a sufficient material foundation for the development of the United States.

Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

Of course, the matter is man-made, if the above summary is material resources, then the real United States on the road of rapid development, or inseparable from a huge number of immigrant population, many people know that the United States is a country of immigrants, and this is not a formal or official name, but a part of the advanced American people's progressive concept, if there are no immigrants, it is no exaggeration to say, there would be no United States today.

Most of these large immigrant populations share the same characteristics: young, willing to take risks, industrious in their quest for better living conditions, and most of the reason they emigrated to the United States to escape famine.

Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

Between 1845 and 1852, when the Great Irish Famine broke out, thousands of potatoes were harvested, and more than 1.5 million Irish people came to North America in search of new settlements. In the 60s of the 19th century, there was a famine in the eastern part of the German Confederation to present-day Lithuania, a large number of people emigrated to the United States, and Italians who moved to the United States in the seventies and eighties of the 19th century, all to escape the famine.

These early immigrants dared to fight hard and worked hard, laying a sufficient foundation for the industrialization of the United States; The subsequent immigrants were mostly skilled craftsmen or skilled elders, who were full of unlimited desire to create a better life with technical knowledge and the belief in embracing freedom.

Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

Of course, in addition to active immigration, colonists are also an important part of American history, as early as 1607, a colonizer composed of a town called James was quietly formed, which is also the first permanent colony established by Britain in North America, and then more and more British colonists came to North America, of course, including other countries, such as France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, etc., these colonists set up their base camps in coastal areas, brutally killing local Indians in order to plunder their wealth.

With the expansion of the colonial community, 13 huge British colonies have gradually taken shape, these colonies not only have their own economic forms, but also political systems and concepts are very different, and this, that is, the prototype of the subsequent 13 states of the United States, although colonial behavior hurt the economy at that time, but indeed brought a lot of talents and technological culture to the American continent.

Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

However, as the colonial power continued to expand, there was also a rift in their relationship with the British mainland, and in 1774, representatives from 13 states gathered in Philadelphia in the hope of peacefully resolving the conflict between the two sides through negotiation, but the former empire of the sun never set Britain would bow its head, the British king insisted on his supreme power, and accused the colonial leaders of excesses, demanding that they accept the punishment.

When the two sides did not give in to each other, the gunfire of Lexington became the fuse of the Revolutionary War, and the North American Revolutionary War officially broke out.

Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

Here is a very interesting thing, that is, when the American Revolutionary War broke out, the arrogant British king suddenly found that there were not enough troops in his hands to suppress the revolution from the colonies, and it was not feasible to recruit new soldiers in the United Kingdom for a short time, first of all, recruiting troops was a very time-consuming process, and at that time, many native British residents still had a certain sympathy for their compatriots in the American colonies, and the effect of large-scale conscription would not only not be very good, but also might cause local social problems, in this case, The only way for the British king was to borrow troops, that is, to seek mercenaries.

In the international situation at that time, the most likely person to lend troops to Britain should be Russia, but Tsar Catherine, who had just begun to enjoy the fruits of victory, did not want to do this, he felt that it was inopportune to give the command of a 20,000-strong force to the British king, so he refused the British king's request, in this case, the British king could only turn to the Netherlands for help, but undoubtedly, it failed.

Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

The little monarchs in the German states were clearly excited about this situation, and since the 60s of the 17th century, the small monarchs of the German states have almost always carried out a kind of activity called "soldier trading", which is to put it bluntly, borrowing troops. As early as when the British king did not show any willingness to borrow troops from the German states, four German princes offered the idea of lending troops to Britain.

The King's imminent borrowing of troops was indeed imminent this time, and Lord Suffolk, the Secretary of State whom he had arranged to deal with the borrowing of troops, said in a letter when he contacted the Germans: "Do your best to get as many soldiers as you can; Cost is not as an obstacle as usual in the current emergency, but if you can get the best terms of the agreement, you're in a big deal... His Majesty the King is in extreme anxiety; Send the messenger back as soon as you know the other person's attitude, without waiting for specific terms."

Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

However, we all know the ending, even if the British king succeeded in borrowing troops from the German states, the balance of victory in the War of Independence tilted in favor of the revolutionaries from the United States. It has to be said that the American Revolutionary War is one of the most important events in American history and has epoch-making significance, which not only enabled the American nation to successfully free itself from British colonial rule, but also played a role in promoting and leading the bourgeois revolution in France and other European countries.

And the reason why this great war can be won, a very important element can not be ignored, that is, diplomatic efforts and successes, of which the establishment of the Franco-American alliance can be described as the most important achievement in the American Revolutionary War.

Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

The process of establishing the alliance is actually very complicated, the pursuit and concessions of each other's interests on both sides can be described as classic, and the reason why France was chosen was because the country had a so-called fateful feud with Britain, and after winning France's secret support, other European attitudes towards the War of Independence changed, and Spain was one of the more obvious parties.

After the opening of the new shipping route, Spain's maritime supremacy was replaced by Britain, so Spain actually held a grudge against Britain, and has been watching from the sidelines, seeking the opportunity to retaliate against Britain, but after weighing the pros and cons, Spain's attitude between the two sides has always been very ambiguous, and finally he decided to declare war on Britain as a French alliance was also because Britain rejected its negotiation conditions, which shows that there are no real friends between countries, and what really determines the relationship between the two sides is the final distribution of benefits.

Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

It was during the War of Independence that diplomats from the United States made full use of the contradictions between countries and Britain in the world, calmly and objectively distributed interests, and effectively resolved their respective conflicts and confrontations, which formed an anti-British alliance that was very beneficial to themselves and quickly promoted the process of American independence.

From the foreign policy of the American Revolutionary War, we have also learned a lot of points worth learning, idealism should coexist with realism, only by settling international relations flexibly and realistically can we ensure the rights and interests of the people of the country to the greatest extent; Of course, in the final analysis, whether it was during the War of Independence or the current international situation, only by establishing a strong political and economic foundation and constantly enhancing the country's comprehensive national strength can diplomats strive for legitimate interests in the international arena.

Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

When it comes to American diplomats, it is absolutely impossible to ignore the great bourgeois revolutionary and scientist --- Benjamin Franklin, who is not only an excellent scientist in the field of electricity, but also a great pioneer of the American Enlightenment, and demonstrated his outstanding diplomatic skills during the Revolutionary War.

During the Revolutionary War, Franklin was nearly 70 years old, and his son was still an avid British follower, and it was difficult for father and son to reconcile this political issue, so he not only cut off contact with his son, but also lost contact with many relatives and friends, and when he was sent to France for help, the 70-year-old man did not hesitate at all, and what has always supported him is the strong hope of a great country.

Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

As the first minister in the history of the United States to visit France as a diplomatic envoy, Franklin successfully won strong armed support for the United States with his wisdom and uncorrupted tongue, and it is also a rich stroke in the history of American diplomacy.

At that time, the French may not be familiar with Washington's name, but for Franklin, the European continent is almost well known to others, and the reason is because of the "kite electricity" experiment when he was a child, Franklin is also very good at using his influence, he actively lobbied among different classes, widely publicized the justice of the American Revolutionary War, won positive public opinion to help the United States, and expressed in front of French officers the awakening of the American people to victory over Britain, which resonated with them as soldiers. It was Franklin's diplomatic skills that won their support for the victory of the North American colonies over Britain, which allowed the United States to receive a large amount of military and economic assistance from France.

Eliminate the natives and drive away with Britain, blood pit France pinches Tsarist Russia, how the United States got to the first place in the world

In honor of this great national hero, when he died at the age of 84, the entire people of Philadelphia poured into the streets to commemorate this great national hero, and famous French economists also wrote words of admiration: "He caught thunder and lightning from the sky and took back power from the autocratic ruler."

There is no doubt that it was many national heroes like Franklin that contributed to the success of the American Revolution, and this was only the beginning of this great country.


1. American scholar: Immigration is an important part of American history Wang Youran

2. A brief exploration of the reasons for the rapid development of American agriculture Li Xiaoli

3. Surviving in the Cracks: Diplomacy during the American Revolutionary War

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