
The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection appointed Sun Hongtao, head of the First Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group, to teach a lesson on the clean political party for the municipal medical security system

author:Luwang Heze
The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection appointed Sun Hongtao, head of the First Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group, to teach a lesson on the clean political party for the municipal medical security system

Heze, 6 Aug (Reporter Hong Changliang) On 2 August, the Heze City Medical Security Bureau invited Sun Hongtao, head of the First Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group appointed by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, to give a lesson entitled "Recognizing the Fresh Situation, Clarifying New Tasks, and Comprehensively And Strictly Administering the Party Forever on the Road" to the relevant personnel of the municipal medical security system.

The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection appointed Sun Hongtao, head of the First Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group, to teach a lesson on the clean political party for the municipal medical security system

Sun Hongtao gave lectures in three aspects: accurately understanding the requirements of the current situation of comprehensively and strictly administering the party; comprehensively understanding the duties and tasks of the discipline inspection and supervision organs stationed there; conscientiously performing their duties and duties, and promoting the deepening and development of comprehensively and strictly administering the party. Profoundly expounded that since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, with a strong sense of historical responsibility and a deep sense of mission and distress, has incorporated the comprehensive and strict management of the party into the four comprehensive strategic layout, adhered to the anti-corruption no forbidden area, full coverage, and zero tolerance, unswervingly fighting tigers, shooting flies and hunting foxes, initially achieved the goal of not daring to be corrupt, the cage that cannot be corrupted is getting stronger and stronger, the that do not want to be corrupted are being built, and the anti-corruption struggle has won an overwhelming victory and consolidated development.

Everyone said one after another that Sun Hongtao's party lessons are profound in theory, rich in content, high in analyzing problems, in-depth in explaining policies, shocking in connection with reality, and having both theoretical heights and typical cases. It provides a very good follow-up for the personnel of the medical insurance system in the future to abide by the rules, strict discipline, positive atmosphere, and change of style in their work, and has a very great educational warning significance.

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